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I´ve recently tryied out the Fang and it made me want more Puncture weps. I know this has been brought up before but with not that much attention brought to them. So i´m bringing it up to try and get more attention to it as well as some ideas brought up before that might fit into this concept.






Scorpion like whip with a charge attack that deals Puncture and brings the enemy close.



Stance Mods that change the damage type to fit the animation.



I would absolutely ditch every other melee I have for an elegant, Orokin-designed rapier.


Seriously, this needs to happen. And it's not like fencing animations are hard...


We also need a weapon focused on a slash/puncture combination, as it is now rending strike is inferior to both sundering strike and jagged edge on every melee weapon ever.


The Manitcore and Brokk skins should alter physical stats to make the dominant damage type puncture. Assuming we aren't going to remove those skin stats


Then we can add in Spears, Rapiers, Katars and so on, though I feel the Katars are going to just get Gauntlet animations.


I want a Horseman's Pick and Lucerne Hammer. That's all I ask for.

Why do you want formation weapons?  We work best in groups less than 20 strong...


We just need more melee weapons that aren't focused on Slash only, they're only useful against infested. We also need more impact weapons too. Something more Corpus friendly.



Tonfa ( not that bladed tonfa from the submission contest ).

Kusarigama ( counter weight could have impact value )


Tonfa and Nunchuks would make for very good impact based weapons.


Why do you want formation weapons?  We work best in groups less than 20 strong...

Formation weapons? horseman's picks were commonly used in Poland as a cane for nobles, especially useful during eventual brawls during sejmiks. It was a sarmatian counterpart of brassknuckles. You don't need a formation to swing a hammer.

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