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Posted (edited)

It could be anything


Defense Buff Casts

Duration Increase On Casts

Health or Sheild or Armor Buff


I tried using ember on t4 survival. I love ember prime and I enjoy using her, but as I play more of these harder missions with her I start to realize how useless she can be.


First of all her casts, her ultimate has such a short duration. Now that would be fine if the damage that came out of it would be extremely high but it isn't. Not many enemies are weak to fire, only the infested. Not only that, the only place where there are infested are in the voids 1/4 (of the enemy roster) / darksectors / infestations invasions which are the smaller parts of the game at least compared to the entire star chart.


People say that "well use accelerant it debuffs enemies" But that not he point, why is Ember the only frame where i have to do a debuff in order to reach the full potential of my casts whereas all the other frames have abilities that easily scale up to higher levels regardless of the faction, MP, Absorb, Invis/SmokeScreen, Sonar, Rhino Stomp, etc...


Look at other frames with low armor. We have nova, who is the weakest frame in the game but at least her ultimate is amazing. We have zephyr who also can die fast but has good mobility, nice health and shield rating and can cast turbulence, loki can die in two seconds but he has invisibility so he can never get hit as long as it is in effect.


Ember has nothing to defend herself and her casts are to weak to compensate for that. Idc about the accelerant, I shouldn't have to debuff 9/10 times in order to make my casts competent.


Im not saying to return overheat, but at least put something that can make her resilient, or increase the duration of her ultimate or even make her casts stronger to other factions.

Edited by NudistBeach

Nope. A squishy caster who has every ability requiring her to be in the thick of things is exactly how Scott wants her. Common sense and player input doesn't seem to matter.

Posted (edited)

I got the impression that Accelerant was useful not so much for the debuff as the stun. If that's not long enough, perhaps increase the stun duration? 

Edit: Perhaps Fire Blast could provide some defensive bonuses against ranged fire as well, considering it's useless against pretty much everything except Infested after the initial cast. 

Edited by DiabolusUrsus

Agreed. Her defenses need to be bolstered to compensate for the loss of Overheat. Better shields would not be amiss, but enhancing her abilities also needs to happen.


I think it'd be cool if Accellerant stunned enemies for longer, maybe a second or two to buy her some breathing space. It could also enhance damage from the Burning status effect on enemies.


Potentially, standing inside Fireblast could give some kind of damage mitigation like Overheat used to, and might create an interesting contrast to World on Fire. I dunno.

Posted (edited)

+1 but it doesn't matter since a certain group of people think its perfectly alright to Nerf a frame from being capable of highest tier down to being barely capable of middle tier.

Edit: the usual idea is either merge fireblast and her fireball or get rid of one for the return of overheat or something similiar. The something similiar option has plenty of options. Damage reduction based on fire damage being done. Reduction based on fire on the map. Fire actually blocking damage. Stuff like that.

Edited by quietcanary

Nope. A squishy caster who has every ability requiring her to be in the thick of things is exactly how Scott wants her. Common sense and player input doesn't seem to matter.

I find this style of play to be fun and rewarding.  The problem is WoF being crippled by duration dependency (make it a toggle!) and Fire Blast being pointless.  Adding a mobility component to Fire Blast could make it worth slotting. 

Posted (edited)

ember needs 1.1 sprint speed like most of the other caster frames since she gets no mobility abilities and is pretty squishy, as for her abilities 


Fireball: has a 50% status chance for the heat effect on the AOE portion, i'd really like to see it be 100% like when it hits the main target.


Accelerant: Fine


Fireblast: I want to scream at steve i believe it is, for not doing anything about this turd of an ability still to this day. left a year ago it was crap, shocking it still is now, unless you are going to give her the tools to support it STOP PUTTING EMBER IN MELEE.


heres an ability that's actually worth 75 energy; ember creates an explosion at her target's location blasting enemies back (look some utility) and setting them a ablaze, enemies already affected by the heat status effect take like 50% (just example) extra damage from this ability. this would be a high damage nuke type move for her.


oh look an ability that would actually synergize well with the rest of her kit, the new 100% status chance fireball would create a 1-2 punch with this and accelerant already has synergy with all her moves, this would pretty much be a group nuke.


World on Fire: give it the toggle treatment , increase range to 20 maybe 25 (iffy), not sure about raising damage would need testing.

Edited by MarcusGraves

World on Fire: give it the toggle treatment , increase range to 20 maybe 25 (iffy), not sure about raising damage would need testing.

WoF's range is fine at 15m, since Stretch exists and upping the range too much would make the ability potentially too safe (use it from the next room) while also making it less predictable by greatly increasing its range of targets at any given time (making it less reliable.)




WOF does too little damage for the cost


The range and duration are terrible and doesnt suit a squishy frame at all


That being said


An increase in range or moreso an increase in duration for world on fire would greatly increase embers potential


Also making her fire ring act as a small fire debuff or making WOF a toggle would seal her position


Though making it toggle is a bit of a scary thought in terms of how efficient shell become...


Though making it toggle is a bit of a scary thought in terms of how efficient shell become...

If Nyx and Banshee are any indication then the energy cost will be too low.  Toggle energy use needs to be looked at.  It should be the same cost per second that it would have been based on the old duration-based cast of the ability.  Following that design, duration mods should be an option to make toggle abilities more efficient.  That way you could achieve efficiency similar to current levels but would have to sacrifice mod space for it. 


I might change my opinion on this soon


Went farther off the deep end by making a Rejuvination/Rage build ember and it seems to be viable


As soon as i cap her and add one forma ill report on findings


ember needs some sort of buff yes she is meant to be an offensive frame yet she still does less damage than nova and thats fine but her skills are kinda odd in my opinion


fireball:very gd first ability it procs fire status hits multiple targets does decent damage


acclerant: is a gd skill yes for its stun and damage buff for fire weapons how ever i do not belive a frame should relie on another skill to boost the damage of another skill


fireblast: unuseable in most situation enemys will either just run around it or just stand inside and take no damage. needs a new skill or somekind of tweaking


world on fire: duration is to short for the cost damage falls off prety quick as its resistant to most armour and shields. this were i say the cost is to high as you do a small duration then have to relie on accelernt to boost the damage something i dont agree on


she is meant to be an offensive frame and i can see that however her skills dont allow damage to compesate for the damage she will be taking she needs at least some form of defensive be it a skill or increase of stats nova can realie on the slow up to 75 percent i believe but ember can not i maybe wrong but doesnt world on fire only work on 1 or 3 targets at a time which could take the whole duration to kill one enemy


IMHO fire blast is the real outlier here


it basically does what WoF does, but worse


Fire Blast could be improved, and helping Ember's woe in the process, by either giving frames inside the ring scaling dmg resistance (ie 20/40/60/80% or something to that effect, maybe 10/20/30/40 but enhanceable with mods) AND/OR having Fire Blast apply a debuff to enemy defenses while inside the ring (same % numbers, ie reduce enemy defenses by 20/40/60/80 or 10/20/30/40% but enhanceable with mods)


yes it would make Fire Blast a sort of jackofalltrades/masterofnone abomination of terrify/snowglobe, but at least it would serve some purpose on ember's kit, atm fire blast is THE power that no ember needs to slot, becuz it does nothing that her other powers dont do better =[


heck, maybe on cast, fire blast could trigger a 360 radial knockback aoe, but then we're just stealing from sonic boom, bottom line is that ember needs some more utility/cc to compensate for her squish, but atm she is a very one-trick pony, and she does that trick well, its just that she doesnt scale well into the higher tier content and that's sad


Napalms' effectiveness vs players is their excessively high damage and wide aoe, not the damage type.  If they did Toxin damage instead they would be upwards of 3x more effective.


and if I had 4 wheels, I'd be a wagon.


If Ember's abilities did Corrosive or Toxic damage, she'd be more effective too.


and if I had 4 wheels, I'd be a wagon.


If Ember's abilities did Corrosive or Toxic damage, she'd be more effective too.

Fire does bonus damage vs Grineer and Infested and is neutral vs everything else except Proto Shield (Corpus are weenies, though.)  Ember can also multiply Fire damage by almost 4x while maintaining 75% efficiency.  I don't see the problem on that front.  Are you suggesting that they revamp fire damage as a whole because the fire mage somehow sucks?  (She doesn't.)


Rather than a "buff" in the abstract, Ember needs her 3 and 4 skills to be functional (a sprint speed increase would also be welcome.)  This will result in a buff but more importantly it will smooth out the wrinkles in her gameplay and realize her potential as a design.


As for her current power level, it's competitive without being overpowered.  Buffs might make her too strong but DE can take steps to reign in Accelerant (perhaps with a small boost to base damages) to keep things reasonable.


Rather than a "buff" in the abstract, Ember needs her 3 and 4 skills to be functional (a sprint speed increase would also be welcome.)  This will result in a buff but more importantly it will smooth out the wrinkles in her gameplay and realize her potential as a design.


As for her current power level, it's competitive without being overpowered.  Buffs might make her too strong but DE can take steps to reign in Accelerant (perhaps with a small boost to base damages) to keep things reasonable.

My big issues are the short range and duration on top of eating energy because of the short range and duration


Surprisingly enough a rage build fixes the energy efficiency problem well enough that Ember has becomes something im willing to throw forma at like monkeys in a foodfight


I feel like ive said this before but my short memory...


If you want to use Ember's fire damage abilities to kill targets in high level grineer/void maps, you better bring corrosive projection and try to get others in your squad to use it too.

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