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"high End" Loki Builds To Set



Looking for one or two possible "high-end" content builds. I guess one for invis missions that it'd help, and others for defense and such? (radial disarm based) Will most likely remove the switch teleport polarity on my frame since I find it useless. But any advice would be much appreciated!

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This is the bare minimum build (no forma even needed, so can add whatever powers you want since it's strictly invisibility for this) that I used recently for a ~2 hour Tower 4 survival 



Any other input? Most likely I want to min/max hard as possible one for missions, one defense oriented. I can forma whatever times necessary so a non issue.


Check this:



Super high mobility, that's the key to this build.


Great reach on Radial Disarm so you negate all ranged damage, the speed by Rush makes you a hard (near to not) hittable target once everything is disarmed, hence no need for survavility mods. Continuity so you can take out the heaviest mobs with your melee with a ~15 seconds invisibility. Streamline so you can spam RDisarm.


You could change Shield Flux for Flow, as that's a personal preference.

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