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I don't know if anyone else has experienced this problem, but frequently when I activate Hysteria the only thing that happens is appearance of the claws. The melee attack during the skill is a regular, non-buffed melee instead of the faster and more powerful claw attack (I'm leveling a Galatine right now so the difference was very noticeable.)

I'd say that it only activates properly about one in five times.


Noticed this with my Dragon Nikana, too. Although, I will admit that the swings of my invisible sword were much more deadly than Valkyr's punches. This usually happens when my melee is already equipped when I activate Hysteria. And when it does happen, my normal melee weapon is used for about 30% (rough estimate) of my melee attacks during Hysteria.


old bug of the silent nerf with u13


--> Hysteria not uses the melee weapon into the dmg calclulation if primary/secundary weapon was active on activation

workaround: switch your weapon during hysteria to meleeweapon


Hysteria is altogether broken at the moment, the speed is random, the dmg is S#&$. Hopefully the revamp will make it good. U14 should be around 2 weeks away imo.


Yeah... Really can't wait for U14 and the fixes that should be coming...


Past week or 2 I've been getting the bug where you swing your weapon but still use the claws (Meaning the range is terrible)


Today, I've been getting actually using the weapon while being invincible and having the lifesteal on hit (Which for my fully modded Ichors is actually a huge buff due to how broken Hysteria's scaling has been since U13. But unfortunately leveling up weapons means it's pretty awful...)


Though, this only occurs when using Hysteria without swapping to melee weapon either before or during the cast.


The attack speed of  hysteria is dependent on your melee weapon. You'll definitely see a difference in speed when you're using let's say dual zoren versus a galatine. In essence, hysteria reflects your melee weapons.

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