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How Many People Here Have Actually Played The 'escape' Mission?

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You know, the one you get put in if you get captured by the Harvester.

I never really had the opportunity, since the Harvester is so underwhelming and just dies anyway, and dying to it intentionally just seems silly and would ruin the thrill for me. Watching a video doesn't count, either.

So, I wanna know if anyone here has played it and also what they thought of it! I never see anyone talk about it, so it must be quite infrequent (especially with the way assassin spawn-rates are).


I've done it, once...much to my shame, I wasn't even aware of it at the time (I was leveling up EVERYTHING from scratch)


It seemed pretty ok, a nice concept at least.


Had to play it a few times to get Alad V's quotes for the Wiki. Was indeed fun, and I found out that you can rank up your unarmed fist "weapon".


Since I will never support those piceces of youknowwhat, I will never be able to. But it sounds very interesting. I would try it out.


Never actually. I keep thinking I would like to. Then Harvester shows up. I see red and my Tenno rage for what Alad has done to my brethren erupts. Zanuka never has a chance. Then I remember...Dam I wanted to do the Escape mission.


Twice. The last time, my objective changed mid-escape mission, so instead of getting my powers and melee weapon back (I didn't have primary or secondary with me when Harvey visited), I had to do an exterminate mission and had to literally beat 60 enemies to death with my bare fists. It was a welcome challenge.


You brought a good point, that mission exists for a big wile now, months I think, yet I never played it.

At the beginning I didn't even knew what you were talking about, "escape", cause that kind of mission is rare and not very likely to append.


I think the better question is : has anyone ever failed the escape mission?


I had to do that too for science, not much really happens. You just get booted back to the starchart, and are prevented from doing any missions until you redo the Escape mission.

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