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it would be nice if each frame had their own falldown animation for when we hit door lasers


its already silly lookin 


i can see loki fallin on his face or nova stumbling a few steps before  a belly flop 


mqybe some qnkle sprains and failed sommersaults


Maybe Rhino could fall through the planet.

maybe Valkyr could start crying.

Maybe Saryn could get an infection.

Maybe Oberon could break a horn.

Maybe Loki could lose his guns.

Maybe Nova could show a little ankle.

Maybe Nekros could die.

Maybe Ember could, well, you know.

Maybe Mag could get stuck to the floor.

Maybe Excalibur could Super-Fall.

Maybe Vauban could get a makeover.

Maybe Ash could stand up strai- nvm.

Honestly I got nothing for Banshee. Maybe a ping or something.


Maybe Rhino could fall through the planet.

maybe Valkyr could start crying.

Maybe Saryn could get an infection.

Maybe Oberon could break a horn.

Maybe Loki could lose his guns.

Maybe Nova could show a little ankle.

Maybe Nekros could die.

Maybe Ember could, well, you know.

Maybe Mag could get stuck to the floor.

Maybe Excalibur could Super-Fall.

Maybe Vauban could get a makeover.

Maybe Ash could stand up strai- nvm.

Honestly I got nothing for Banshee. Maybe a ping or something.

What about Hydroid?


What about Hydroid?



I might get a warning if I pitched that.


It's because of tentacles, right? IT'S BECAUSE OF TENTACLES, RIGHT?!


I just want to make sure I get the joke!





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