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I loved Excalibur for a time, and I still like him, but then I went over to Rhino for a while...a LONG while, and now just recently Loki has taken center stage for me. It takes a bit more to choose my favorite Warframe than my least favorite. (I'm looking at you Valkyr/Banshee/Saryn <.<)


I mean I still have Excalibur at rank 5 mastery because I cant chose the frame I want to build

Try Valkyr, Loki, Zephyr, Nyx, Hydros or Banshee. They are great frames with powers that can make this game fun.


I enjoy Valkyr the most from a thematic standpoint. A violated, traumatized, killer is a basis for a great design. She adds a dark, sadistic tone to the game, which is refreshing as it is largely bland and tasteless in general. Unfortunately, her only two interesting moves (rip line and hysteria) are horribly clunky and awkward. Excited that hysteria's finally getting a re-work, hope rip line will become smoother later too, it's got such potential.


Loki is my favourite from a gameplay standpoint. I think his moves are the most well-designed, since they are all relevant, versus the one-trick ponies that some other frames are. Since they don't do damage, Loki still has to rely on guns to fight with, which I enjoy, since nobody likes pressing 4 to clear a room. His moves have great synergy with others (vauban + radial disarm) and with himself (decoy + switch teleport) adding depth to his gameplay.


So I'd list those two as my favourites for different reasons.


it varies from time to time. banshee was the first frame I crafted, and so she was my favorite for a while. then when I got saryn I fell in love instantly. then after that trinity was my mainstay for a while, until mag prime came out. there was a mag prime phase. then back to trinity


but now, my favorite is hydroid. idle animations are just awesome, I love the area denial abilities. and the dude is a goddamn pirate. what's not to like?


It's a hard pick, but Ember's the only frame I've gone back to after getting bored with the others.


Even though she's slow n' squishy drowning everything in incessant tides of blue fire never gets old for me.

Posted (edited)

I actually prefer my RB build Excal over my iron skin/stomp build Rhino. Rhino may be stronger than Excal in many ways but he's just plain boring and he has no utility for later levels.

Edited by reptillicus

I actually prefer my RB build Excal over my iron skin/stomp build Rhino. Rhino may be stronger than Excal in may ways but he's just boring and he has no utility for later levels.

Agree. RB is one of the best cc skills overall.


I have them all.  I seem to play Rhino to be able to take a lot of hits, Nyx to extend survival time, and Ember for when I want to see the world burn.


I knew Zephyr was my favourite Warframe ever since I saw her in the loading screen (started playing by U12).

Now - 300h, 18 'frames and 600 Oxium after - I confirmed it. Her mobility never ceases to entertain me.


It is pretty hard for me to choose only 1 to be my favorite frame. Valkyr, Loki, Zephyr, Sayrn, and Banshee are my top 5 but I coulnt pu them in any particular order.


Yeah it got so bad one time I went over to Nyx and told her I was going back to Loki. I thought she could absorb the shock but the psychic bolts coming out of her head said otherwise. I tried to explain to her that Loki let me be myself and completely disarmed me but she wasn't hearing it. I explained that being with Loki would teleport me to places I could not get to on my own. That our relationship made me feel invisible to the world in our own private spot. Nyx threatened to throw my life into chaos. I didn't care. As I was walking out the door I felt a strong pain like some one was in my head. Now I understand that Loki was just a decoy trying to Lure me away from Nyx. Yep just a decoy......


I play basically every Warframe. Try to rotate through them every few games. Only bring out the hard-hitters when I need to, but nonetheless, I try to rotate my selection of Warframes. Unless it is for leveling.

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