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Please Remove Warframe Mods From The Droptable Or Change Where You Get Them

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Can you please remove Warframe mods from the droptable?


They have no reason to be there because you seem  to just get the mods once you start building the frame or when it finishes, having no point to them but to clog up your inventory with more mods of the same Warframe ability YOU ALREADY HAVE!


Or...you could just make it where you don't get them instantly and have them be farmed off of enemies that use the ability or the place where you get there blueprints.


Volt, Valkyr, and Banshee will automatically get theirs since they are built in the labs and not found outside of them.


Makes it really annoying when you think you got a cool rare mod only to found out you got duped and received yet another "rare" Warframe ability mod.


Thank you.


They said they're looking at putting them on DS specters. I'm guessing they're having a harder time of sorting out some engine mechanic on that than they realized--they were all very enthusiastic about the concept, but it's taken a few months, so I'm suspecting there's a unique issue with drop tables that messes with it.


This is one of those "careful what you wish for" things. Abilities weren't in the droptable before but when mod 2.0 first came out people complained that they couldn't get ability mods after they sold theirs and they were added. Not saying it's a good thing of course but it is one of the times where DE listening to the public created a huge mess. People have been asking for their removal from the drop table for ages so your topic isn't anything new but yes it's a much needed change.


This is one of those "careful what you wish for" things. Abilities weren't in the droptable before but when mod 2.0 first came out people complained that they couldn't get ability mods after they sold theirs and they were added. Not saying it's a good thing of course but it is one of the times where DE listening to the public created a huge mess. People have been asking for their removal from the drop table for ages so your topic isn't anything new but yes it's a much needed change.


all they needed was a "Replicate" button in the ui/arsenal screen to buy the mods back for credits, they should never have been part of the drop tables just to make it appear they were more varied than they actually are, took them long enough to remove those ability mods fro the plat bought mod packs, how galling would that be to spend plat on the few poxy mods thats in the packs and get "Decoy", "Well of Life" and the likes.

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