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Am I The Only One Around Here That Spams E For Almost Every Melee Weapon?


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Somewhere  on the weapon feedback subforum there's a thread where people tested and found that combos (other than default [melee button] spam) don't deal full damage and for some reason aren't scaling with all mods


So the [melee button] spam is the only effective "combo" while most of the others are usually style over substance

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I think the rushing fire combo from brutal tide would be an exception. You throw yourself forwards knocking down anything in your way, but the really beautiful thing is when you go to the top of a ledge and use it then send yourself flying across the map if you're outdoors. Zoren coptering? That's so melee 1.0.

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The only long combo worth using is Winding Claw of Swirling Tiger when fitted with Berzerker, Fury, Organ shatter and True Steel.

Because there is no need to pause.


Ichors, Zorens and Cleavers will be going on a spam fest the moment Berzerker kicks in. Then it goes on a rampage.

Edited by fatpig84
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No. I don't use E anymore either actually... When I switch to my melee I've set it to the LMB. Pressing E for too long really does my fingers in. :|

That said. I don't actually just go without a stance either. I like equipping cleaving whirlwind on my Gram. It's fun. Even more so with either Volt or valkyr for maximum speed. I only wish it didn't seem like the only card that does that god awful stun at the end... :|

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I find myself pulling the 'combos' off randomly by spamming E. It's kinda sad and silly at the same time.


Mashing one button (E) is not a combo I'm sorry. They could have done a cool light attack-heavy attack system with the channeling or kept charge attacks for when your melee isn't pulled out or something, but no. Now instead of holding E, we're just mashing the E key and I'm afraid it's gonna break on me at some point.


Melee 2.0 is a snorefest and all the weapons in a category behave the same now thanks to 'stances.' Preferred the old system greatly, especially that old Jat Kittag charge animation. Old melee wasn't exactly great but I certainly preferred it.



as much as i think SOME of the new animations are nifty, i am incredibly disappointed with melee 2.0


the 'combo' system is a joke, hold/pause was an awful idea, light/hvy would have been MUCH better


some of the combos that use a directional button press are not too bad


we were told we were getting an unlockable tree of different attacks that we could then pick/choose to create our own custom combo strings with various effects (bleed, kd, etc), we did NOT get that, instead we got what we currently have


AND we lost charge attacks during quick melee mode, which is ridiculous, because there was no reason to remove it =[


AND we still have no ability to aim melee up or down or anything other than purely flat horizontal =[


our only vertical melee option is the stupid jump slam attack which many melee weapons have almost zero AOE on =[, still no mid-air slashing =[, and its dumb to have to jump and hit the ground under a camera or turret to dmg it

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I actually put effort into trying the various comboes that exist.


On the one hand, it's cool. On the other, it's awkward, difficult, often fruitless, and occasionally the unwitting victim of the game's random weapon swap feature.("I TIMED THAT PERFECTLY! WTF?... oh, I'm mysteriously wielding my primary for some reason. Oh joy.")

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Somewhere  on the weapon feedback subforum there's a thread where people tested and found that combos (other than default [melee button] spam) don't deal full damage and for some reason aren't scaling with all mods


So the [melee button] spam is the only effective "combo" while most of the others are usually style over substance

This was fixed, so far as I'm aware.

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Most combos just arent worth trying to pull off VS E spam


The only ones i like are that low tier whip stance that has wide AoE and noticeably higher dmg and tranquil cleaves stabbing thing because thats actually a noticeable damage dealer




yup, melee spam is all i do as well, with the melee weapon equipped or not, the so called "combos" are just so pathetic in their makeup that its nigh impossible to pull any off when your knee deep in badguys, making the whole stance/combo thing a waste of time, at best there should be 2 actual buttons for combos, so you can at least do something tekken like, A A B, B A B, etc etc, thats a more tactile feeling than whacking melee then wondering about "pauses" or "holds" which probably wont work or get timed properly.


just make what we have now as light melee, and a diff button as heavy melee, so you can still do what we do now only have the option to remember diff button combos to do different things, some of which could all be quick in nature or slow or a mix.


you could also use the "new" heavy melee button become the instant throw button on glaive/kestrel weapons, leaving them with using light melee to attack with, no major light/heavy combo mixes as a tradeoff for being able to lob the weapon afar.

Edited by Methanoid
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I don't bother trying to pull off specific combos. peer to peer server latency makes it impossible for me to judge pause times and if it will actually take the command, so EEEEEEEEEEE run jump E.

If the combos used more directional modifiers in relation to where your looking or facing depending on preference might be more interesting. Then I might actually think about my placement more. Right mouse+E 90º sweeping cut, Crouch+Right mouse+E 180º sweeping leg trip. double tap forward+E distance lunge etc etc.

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as much as i think SOME of the new animations are nifty, i am incredibly disappointed with melee 2.0


the 'combo' system is a joke, hold/pause was an awful idea, light/hvy would have been MUCH better


some of the combos that use a directional button press are not too bad


we were told we were getting an unlockable tree of different attacks that we could then pick/choose to create our own custom combo strings with various effects (bleed, kd, etc), we did NOT get that, instead we got what we currently have


AND we lost charge attacks during quick melee mode, which is ridiculous, because there was no reason to remove it =[


AND we still have no ability to aim melee up or down or anything other than purely flat horizontal =[


our only vertical melee option is the stupid jump slam attack which many melee weapons have almost zero AOE on =[, still no mid-air slashing =[, and its dumb to have to jump and hit the ground under a camera or turret to dmg it


Hold and pause is terrible and the directional pass ones aren't too great either.  The main thing is if you're trying to run up to an enemy but the combo requires you to press or hold the back key, then you many times you will miss the combo because you have to back up in order to pull it off.  

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I'm not sure when I'm going to flip my lid. I know it's coming soon... Melee 2.0 was to get rid of generic E spam.

Now it's still E spam.. just flashier.

I don't get it, I really don't get it. The flashy animations don't even feel right (to me, not enough impact)

Hope it changes soon! *fingers crossed for Melee 2.5*

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I dont swap to melle as main because the quick melee is like 2-3x faster attack then when I swap to the same melee and start pushing my attack. The animation is slow, and unable to interrupt the special moves, so I stuck looking at the animation many times. A simple slash attack animation with melee stance is just painfully slower than me whacking my quick melee...


melee 2.0 useless as it is.

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Hardly anyone spams E, you're a special little snowflake just like all these other special little snowflakes. You're all incredibly unique and I'm so glad we have this thread so all of you could find each other.


I'm bookmarking this thread just so I could look back on it and be reminded how many special and amazing people there are out there.

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