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Mastery rank mission where the lotus glitches screwing up tests , giving you strange enemies and conditions. 

Master the unexpected !


Lotus : 

"T-Tenno Defeat the incoming waves of infested within the time limit , using only your sidearm"


Grineer appear an spread out trying to shoot you . Time limit start ast 2:00 and sunddenly is halved to 1:00 minute. 



Lotus : well dont T-Tenno ! 

" Now you must defend against 2 waves of corpus, Eliminate them all. " 


Infested start running in your direction with high speed. Ancients are with them as well [30]

3 waves spawn.


Real Lotus 

"Tenno seems there is problem with the simulation , we are trying to fix it "


Real Lotus 

"Someone has rewritten the algorithm for the mastery rank test. Our efforts to stop it have failed.

It will end when you pass the test , Be careful tenno!"



"I have been found out .

Very well Tenno , Finish ... if you can !  "


A group comprised of 2 grineer bombards , and 2 Napalms appear and 2 Heavy Gunners [35]



Come tenno , face your reckoning ! 


Real Lotus : 

"Tenno , the situation is dire . Dieing in the simulation will not fail the test but kill you for real as well. There are no safeties But i made a breakthrough , i can restore you to full health and energy 1 time in case your vitals fall to low, After that i cannot helep you , dont let it get to 0 . "


After defeating the enemies a group of enemy coprus crewman appear . Behind them a holographic Stalker. 



"Its time Tenno"


Notes : 

- Due to the tinkering of the Lotus , some crewman dont damage you at all , while others do . 

- Its recomended you ignore those that dont.



Help is here Tenno , I have recoverd the cotroll of the AI , The crewmen will now aide you. "


Having support from Crewmen you are now free to give the stalker all your attention. 


Rewards : 

- Mastery rank 

- EXP 

- Unlocks a color pack 

- Stalker helmet for Excalibur (extremely rare)




Posted (edited)

was reffering to passing the mastery rank . 

About exp yeah, should have written mastery points . Idea was to help you get started for the next mastery . 

Wrote it in a hurry

Edited by Elestor

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