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Posted (edited)

Hes only used in defense missions... I understand he is a tactical Warframe and his abilities make most use when camping an area but...


At least use him in Mobile Defense!... I mean really.. What about Capture missions? Wouldn't Bastille be a great move to use on those running targets? Exterminate missions seem to be an exception so we can ignore that. So what about Survival? You can always camp with him there... But I see that you need to be very mobile when it comes to getting life support. So I can understand it there.


I also understand that Vauban is not easy to obtain because his bps are rare... He also isn't a durable as I found that building him for pure ability spam is much more efficient... So I also understand that he wasn't made for general purpose combat like fighting most bosses. We can also stack on the fact that many players already have a preferable (favorite) frame that we use just about all the time... But nobody really "favorites" Vauban. We just use him to be lazy.


I'v seen a Vauban used on Vay Hek! It made my day as my multiplayer experience became more dynamic. That was the one and only TRUE experience I'v ever had with a Vauban outside of a defense mission.


Vauban in my entire experience in Warframe is one of the most under used frame in the game.

Edited by Bayle_Fire

Well according to a guide he can be used for Tiered Survival too. The team I had however... wasn't good at working as a team and only really properly works with team players.

Posted (edited)

Maybe it just appears like he's underused because people rage quit waiting for his alerts to show up and never get him to actually use him............but....then again, I only have him and Hydroid so maybe...



Edited by BecomeLikeWater

Booben is master race and god tier.


He has Bounce, god tier.


He has bastille, god tier


He has the coolest helmet, master race.


He also has the hardest to obtain bp, making him the long time player frame or the, I got dolla's frame.


Vauban is love, Vauban is life


And if he received anymore love, he would be over powered.

Posted (edited)

Vauban doesn't need love. He already got the love he needed and slept with many. i mean he is already the king of crowd control. what else do you want from him. DE can't just give him more armor, health or shield because that would make him invincible even though he already kind of is.

Edited by (PS4)jenax002

I could say that Vauban is one of my favorites...

He is perfect for Interception missions!

Just throw two bounces on each console, and GG. I could solo almost any tier by using bounce and sniper.


Vauban doesn't need love. He already got the love he needed and slept with many. i mean he is already the king of crowd control. what else do you want from him. DE can't just give him more armor, health or shield because that would make him invincible even though he already kind of is.


This is exactly why I'm questioning as to why I don't see people use him more than just in defense mission.


This is exactly why I'm questioning as to why I don't see people use him more than just in defense mission.

Yes, most of us Vauban mains know of Vaubans potential in other modes. We just don't say anything so we don't bring attention to his Overpoweredness.


inb4 nerf


I love his abilities, but I do not love his appearance. He is the ugliest Warframe, in my opinion.


On the contrary, IMO Vauban is one of the best looking warframes.


I wish there were more frames designed like him, being more "egdy" n' stuff.


there is always a trade-off


Of course! I do feel like his abilities are worth it, but he looks so dorky... Just wow. Q_Q


I do hate that he is situational, but that's just the nature of his abilities. Some Warframes were meant for the run-and-gun playstyle, and others just weren't.


On the contrary, IMO Vauban is one of the best looking warframes.


I wish there were more frames designed like him, being more "egdy" n' stuff.


To each their own opinion. I also dislike Zephyr's appearance.


Nova is my favorite Warframe in terms of apperance (can't say much for her alternate helmets. Flux is downright hard to look at, and the onion helmet is just wow...), with Ember Prime being a close second, I think. Dat helmet. * o *


This is exactly why I'm questioning as to why I don't see people use him more than just in defense mission.


Simply because of play styles and game mechanics really. Vauban isn't designed for high amounts of direct damage CC all while being highly mobile at the same time. Engineer classes in most games are designed to stay in one place at a time, do their thing for a while, then relocate. In fast paced, movement driven game modes like Capture, Survival, Deception, Sabotage, or Rescue, Vauban isn't one's first choice when trying to tackle those missions. Sure, it's not like you can't use him effectively in any of those situations, but other frames are going to get those types of jobs done faster and more efficiently. He isn't the slowest Warframe by any measure, but he's not designed to barrel through crowds like Rhino or slip through them like Loki.


It's all a matter of circumstance. Most people who use Vauban on a regular basis like myself can use him in any situation we please, but it's in static modes like Defense where his abilities truly shine, so that's where you see him most often. 


On the contrary, IMO Vauban is one of the best looking warframes.


I wish there were more frames designed like him, being more "egdy" n' stuff.

I don't like his Vanilla look, but he probably has one of my favorite Immortal skins.



This is exactly why I'm questioning as to why I don't see people use him more than just in defense mission.


People are not always smart.


I don't exactly see how people can specifically call Vauban situational.  Sure, he's pegged as the strategist/technician type, but he's got CC for days.  Best of all, his entire kit is deployable at range.


Generally speaking, most of the powerful CCs of other frames are always radial and originating from the frame themselves.  Vauban laughs at such silly constraints while he pins down a cluster of foes far up ahead upon a bridge, the foes who were tailing his six, and foes he didn't know where over a hill where he threw a Vortex simply for the hek of it.


He excels in all mission types.  The only slight/potential exception is low level Exterminate, seeing as he's not a nuke frame... or is he?  For the low, low price of sticking 15 Teslas on your own sentinel you too can become Zeusban, flinger of lightningy death to all things low in level and high in soon to be dead.  He's good at melee combat, he's good at long range combat, he's good at surviving stupidly dangerous things, he's good at reviving allies, he's good at never needing to be revived, he's good versus Grineer, he's good versus Corpus, he's broken versus Infested, and I'll stop now before droning on endlessly.


Also, he's the only frame with 4 "one-handed" casting type skills.  Most frames don't even have one of those.

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