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[Dojo] "infinite Ragdoll" In Dueling Hall.

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So my clan 1v1s in the dueling hall a lot. Every so often, someone will get "infinite ragdolled" as in, they will be hit by a Nekros Soul Punch or a Rhino's Charge, and simply never recover from the ragdoll effect. Even when the next round starts, they remain a hunkered clump of limbs on the floor. They're even able to use frame abilities, but not walk, use weapons or what have you.


Happens with different hosts and different peers. There doesn't seem to be a SPECIFIC person's latency causing the issue. I of course do not wish to tell you or explain to how to do your job, but all I can suggest is something that at least re-checks for ragdoll and nulls it when another round begins.



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