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Update 13.8.0: Breeding Grounds


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at the beginning, people might say "this is f*cking awesome"

:D, and the after 15 matches, THE F*CKING OSPREY KILLED ME AGAIN *sobs in corner*, anyways, thanks for the effort DE, but please nerf the osprey, it's goddamn hard to kill it in the harder matches.

Edited by Audiblecoast8
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Can you please remove the infested osprey because when I'm trying to level melee weapons by doing infested I don't like having to bring a gun along. And finally I don't get how the flying infested fits into the lore of warframe because how does a robot get infected by a virus? (not the computer kind)


But the new infested tileset looks beautiful and the armor set is cool. Additionally the new hive gamemode is really fun the first 20-30 times but after that it starts to get old.

Edited by cocoapebbles10
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The event looked awesome... a bit to easy to do but awesome. 


Congrats for the sound and level design ppl, the infested ships are beautiful. (to the programmers and all involved a huge thanks 2)


Whats up it the Tire Iron DE!? 

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Ok one thing that is immediately apparent: Infested drones are breaking this. Definitely the worst-implemented and worst-balanced enemy to date. They are breaking the entire flow of the faction in the worst possible way. Hugely inflated, unavoidable poison trails with almost 100% proc chance (100% on me of course, I always got poisoned), small, randomly moving in the air, falling completely out of the close/melee range aspect of the faction. I used to think Disrupters and Toxic Ancients are worst, but this one beats even them. And again: they do not help the game's biggest problem of monotony in any way, since they die the exact same way everything else does: players just unload all their DPS on them midlessly.


They have no stuns/invulnerability/vulnerability states, no way to tactically explode them to damage enemies or just anything to make the player think before they press down the trigger or use an ability. Just like everything else in this game. Only the drones also are annoying as F*** and in the closed quarters of the hive mission break any enjoyment I might have had from the dynamic difficulty system, which is something I quite liked. But the drones completely break it. The missions are just a spam of health packs and searching for that little dark invisible and unavoidable piece of S#&$ in the ceiling in panic before it procs you. A real disappointment there.



Took Saryn so I could get rid of the drones and actually be able to see the rest. Even with her they are annoying, but not as much. As for the event: the tileset is by far the best thing about it IMO. A lot of branching paths, they could be more varied and branching IMO, but it's still a huge step forward from the linear and boring other tilesets where the best thing is to run through the rooms as quickly as possible without any reason to hold back.


Hazards, branching paths and lots of details make new tileset the best one you have done so far. I still prefer the big sandboxy open rooms and areas like hangars, but that's just me. This tileset is excellent.


Hive mission type is also excellent multi-stage mission with very good implementation of semi-rando node placement such that players can't rush past and have to search for nodes to pop them. Constant, but not too overwhelming enemy spawns keep a healthy pressure on and make missions really exciting, as long as no Infested drones spawn.


Viral clouds are nice, but I think they should be there constantly. Stop suddenly spawning one on top of hives when it's destroyed. I saw it kill a noob and then we couldn't raise them cuz the cloud killed us. The noob tried to crawl out, but couldn't since the cloud was too big. Then they rezzed and was immediately downed by the cloud again. Thats a real $&*^ move from the game.


So yeah very good event and excellent tileset. Shame about the drones.

Edited by Megakoresh
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Ok one thing that is immediately apparent: Infested drones are breaking this. Definitely the worst-implemented and worst-balanced enemy to date. They are breaking the entire flow of the faction in the worst possible way. Hugely inflated, unavoidable poison trails with almost 100% proc chance (100% on me of course, I always got poisoned), small, randomly moving in the air, falling completely out of the close/melee range aspect of the faction. I used to think Disrupters and Toxic Ancients are worst, but this one beats even them. And again: they do not help the game's biggest problem of monotony in any way, since they die the exact same way everything else does: players just unload all their DPS on them midlessly.


They have no stuns/invulnerability/vulnerability states, no way to tactically explode them to damage enemies or just anything to make the player think before they press down the trigger or use an ability. Just like everything else in this game. Only the drones also are annoying as F*** and in the closed quarters of the hive mission break any enjoyment I might have had from the dynamic difficulty system, which is something I quite liked. But the drones completely break it. The missions are just a spam of health packs and searching for that little dark invisible and unavoidable piece of S#&$ in the ceiling in panic before it procs you. A real disappointment there.



Took Saryn so I could get rid of the drones and actually be able to see the rest. Even with her they are annoying, but not as much. As for the event: the tileset is by far the best thing about it IMO. A lot of branching paths, they could be more varied and branching IMO, but it's still a huge step forward from the linear and boring other tilesets where the best thing is to run through the rooms as quickly as possible without any reason to hold back.


Hazards, branching paths and lots of details make new tileset the best one you have done so far. I still prefer the big sandboxy open rooms and areas like hangars, but that's just me. This tileset is excellent.


Hive mission type is also excellent multi-stage mission with very good implementation of semi-rando node placement such that players can't rush past and have to search for nodes to pop them. Constant, but not too overwhelming enemy spawns keep a healthy pressure on and make missions really exciting, as long as no Infested drones spawn.


Viral clouds are nice, but I think they should be there constantly. Stop suddenly spawning one on top of hives when it's destroyed. I saw it kill a noob and then we couldn't raise them cuz the cloud killed us. The noob tried to crawl out, but couldn't since the cloud was too big. Then they rezzed and was immediately downed by the cloud again. Thats a real $&*^ move from the game.


So yeah very good event and excellent tileset. Shame about the drones.

Why is everyone crying about this!? Omg I have to change my strategy? Comon, just because you now have to think about your frame loadout instead of using the same loadout for everyfaction? This is exactely why this wnemy was implemented in the first place. And with everyone Q_Qing about it im afraid DE will fall into it and nerf these awesome enemys.

Ps. There are three mod loadout tabs for your frame. Start thinking about how to fill them up.

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is this supposed to be even slightly ready to be launched? unoptimized as hell, random magnetic and toxic procs all over the maps, the worst point system i have ever seen in anything and since when did we decide that warframe's maps are clear enough and we dont need the minimap do navigate? me and my team spent like 5 minutes on one place because the tumors were like four rooms from the actual hive 

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random magnetic and toxic procs all over the maps, me and my team spent like 5 minutes on one place because the tumors were like four rooms from the actual hive 

The "random" procs are actually effects that broken hives give you, and a tactic for finding the tumors is to zoom in and out from a codex scanner, as it will highlight the tumors through walls.

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Why is everyone crying about this!? Omg I have to change my strategy? Comon, just because you now have to think about your frame loadout instead of using the same loadout for everyfaction? This is exactely why this wnemy was implemented in the first place. And with everyone Q_Qing about it im afraid DE will fall into it and nerf these awesome enemys.

Ps. There are three mod loadout tabs for your frame. Start thinking about how to fill them up.

That reply is not very convincing, just saying.

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Topic: Mutalist Ospreys

1. Helios makes scanning a breeze.

2. Poison resistance and a focus on health boosting mods makes them a joke.

3. Long range melee (such as Orthos with reach on), are capable of killing the Ospreys, no matter where they are, (as long as you're near them)

4. AoE powers do the same as the above


Never thought'd I see complaints about one of the most unnoticeable and not very dangerous enemies.


Here's the problem, I go into the event mission with a warframe that has a maxed Antitoxin mod on and I still go down incredibly fast, the osprey's move too quickly for my bow to hit them, they can be sucked into Vortex *but they can fly out of it* if they do they're charged attack, and most of the time I don't/can't see the poison cloud if I'm standing in it during a massive slaughter fest. But it's good to know at least one melee weapon can kill them.

Why is everyone crying about this!? Omg I have to change my strategy? Comon, just because you now have to think about your frame loadout instead of using the same loadout for everyfaction? This is exactely why this wnemy was implemented in the first place. And with everyone Q_Qing about it im afraid DE will fall into it and nerf these awesome enemys.


It would be nice if changing my warframe's shield, health, and resistances helped...but it really doesn't. I know because I have tried.



The main point I wish to make is that one new *common* enemy type should not change the game this drastically.

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It's an awesome mission and the music makes the mission sound like a survival horror game. The only problem is that the game crashes randomly when Alad V is about to speak, regarldess if he speaks at the begining or at the end of the mission. The same happened (or still hapening if I recall correctly) with the new Rescue 2.0 after saving the hostage. I hope you guys can do something to fix those crashes and keep up the good work.

Edited by JackMcRain
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