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Just cause the guy said he was surprised you didn't know this, don't mean he was talking down to somebody.


 Its really just cause its such an old bug that he was surprised someone with Grandmaster and almost 3k posts hasn't seen nor heard of it.  Not everyone on the internet is a condescending prick D:


I've never seen it before.


How is that a surprise to you? :u

Because you're like... a forum veteran man. And this bug used to be pretty big news (it created quite a big speculation thread in GD some months ago).



No need to talk down, we don't all see bugs like this. First time for me too.

Wasn't talking down. Was genuinely surprised because of how I thought about Zachles as a forum veteran (I sort of assume that the majority of forum veterans are familiar with all sorts of nuances and speculations and things). Like, the "Ancient Retribution" bug. But this probably isn't as common as that. Or the "Reputation" UI bug.

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