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[Suggestion To The Devs] What I Would Love To See In: Operation Breeding Grounds

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Posted (edited)

Personally I like the idea of the  https://warframe.com/news/operation-breeding-grounds its fun but its missing something. At the end. soon as  you destroy the hives you the ship is loosing oxygen and you have extract. I think this is a rather premature ending to a really nice operation. Here is my scenario in which I would love to see.

After you destroy the hives, there should be a really nasty boss that you have to fight and kill.

Now,once that is completed, the link to the giant beast's brain and the ship is destroyed. That link being melded by a psychic link from an embedded cerebral implant in the bosses brain curtsey of  Alad V. So,once the beast  A.K.A " the BOSS" is defeated then you start to run out of oxygen and have to run for the extraction point. The end to a great and well written plot by yours truly.



Let me know what you think by commenting below this post. Hopefully this plot of story will be implemented some time in the future.

Edited by Vincent_Vao

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