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Getting Rid Of Nyx's V Polarity



I use Nyx a lot. I've leveled every frame in the game and now I'm starting to just do the things that I want to do. Like formaing the eff out of Nyx, Saryn, Loki and maybe Nekros. 


Anyway, Nyx's V polarity perplexes me. I feel like there is absolutley no need for it, but I'm tentative about formaing it out..... I would hate to waste a forma or an existing polarity mark.


I feel like it's there for a reason and I am just to stupid to figure it out. I pretty much run the cookie cutter chaos spam/absorb build and this V mark does nothing for it.


So....feedback please.....

Edited by da-link-went-1
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Poor feedback, but it's still feedback:


Wait till the primed version comes out. Primed versions of warframe will stop at Vauban, so basically, since you like to play Nyx, her primed version will eventually come out and she will possibly have different polarities, and then you can just forma her slots to your heart's content. But of course we all know the pains of RNG and farming....


Well.....It's all up to you. You can forma her now and just rerank it.It isn't so hard, but gets tedious with reranking it.

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Why not just use Fleeting and Continuity?  That gives you a 17.5s duration on Chaos which is close to perfect.  Long enough to give you time to deal with enemies but short enough to react to changes in enemy spawns.  A 10s duration is just too short as you will constantly be spamming Chaos to buy time.  As Darzk said, Rage is also a viable substitute since you can gain energy from damage, activate Absorb to regenerate shields, knockdown the group when you exit, and then cast Chaos during the recovery period.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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The thing that irks me so much about the V polarity is that so many Warframes have two of them, and there good mods for it are not easy to find.


Valkyr has two V polarities. Ash has two V polarities. What am I supposed to do with that when the only V mod I have is Provoked?


I'm trying to get Continuity, but I have no idea where it can drop because all info I've read was contradictory.

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17 sec is too long. You'll get dry-gulched by enemies if you can't kill them fast enough before a new wave shows up. It's especially obvious in things like T3D.


A lot of it is what you're comfortable working with, but a shorter duration chaos is a lot more flexible when the unexpected happens. Spamming it just isn't an issue with a high efficiency build; even less so with energy siphon.


If you're in a highly mobile mission (like the present event), then a short duration is even more important. Enemies are moving towards you as you close with the hives (and them). Flexibility is paramount. Absorb can help fill in the gaps, but the easier it is to react to the unexpected, the better your survivability--and her abilities are all that Nyx has to keep her alive.

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New spawns are only an issue if you are killing the enemies quickly, in which case Chaos is not helping much (otherwise there is a limit to the number of enemies that can spawn at a time).  Also, you can even reduce Continuity slightly to drop it to ~15 seconds.  10s is just too short as 2s of that is a stun animation.  If you are killing everything in 10s then you certainly don't need Chaos as the enemies take far longer to kill one another.  To each their own, but 10s is far too short to be effective and is basically an inferior version of Rhino Stomp.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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New spawns are only an issue if you are killing the enemies quickly, in which case Chaos is not helping much (otherwise there is a limit to the number of enemies that can spawn at a time).  Also, you can even reduce Continuity slightly to drop it to ~15 seconds.  10s is just to short as 2s of that is a stun animation.  If you are killing everything in 10s then you certainly don't need Chaos as the enemies take far longer to kill one another.  To each their own, but 10s is far too short to be effective and is basically an inferior version of Rhino Stomp.


I don't think most people use choas to get mobs to kill each other. I know I use it just for CC, to slow down mobs to make it easier for me to mow them down. I use it on t3 defense to keep the MOAs from running up to the pod. It's a debate that never seems to end.  I roll with no duration, spam chaos and nuke with absorb when the ish hits the fan.


EDIT: 10 seconds is plenty long for me to take down any enemies under level 40 with one shot with my latron. I think stomp is inferior actually, it's not spammable.

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There are lots of polarities in places they don't belong.


I'm looking at you D polarities on rifles.

Worse on pistols, you don't have hammershot on them. (I use hammershot on the boltor prime because dat status.)

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For the record, you cannot spam Chaos when an enemy is still under its effect (power lockout occurs).  As such, Rhino Stomp actually has a shorter duration (8s) making it able to be spammed more.  Also , Rhino Stomp will incapacitate every enemy in the radius while you can still be shot by enemies that are under the influence of Chaos.  I personally find Rhino Stomp a mediocre (but effective) form of CC, but given how most players are using Chaos it is still has more benefits.  As stated, a 10s Chaos is mostly pointless other than for the 2s stun and slight CC effect.  If you approach those enemies they will still attack, unlike those affected by Rhino Stomp.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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Well, if you do get too close, enemies will attack. That's why you build Nyx around overextended. Enemies shouldn't even know she's around until she rips the thoughts from their heads.


Like I said, the absolute duration you chose will be dictated by playstyle. I did the 10 sec thing and it was too short. Just not enough time to get things done. I did the 17 second thing, and it was waaayyy too long. Power in use, power in use, power in use. 13 seconds? Yes, please.


That's just enough time to allow you to crush a wave. It's enough time for really tough enemies to tear the bejeezus out of each other while you mop them up. It's just short enough that you won't be plagued with "power in use" shenanigans if something runs off and gets stuck under a stairway.


Lastly, if you do get forced into close range, that's what absorb is for. If you round a corner on full afterburners and slam into a wall of mobs, absorb will save you. Chaos...might not. If only one or two stray near and get froggy, they can be mind controlled and sent on their way to plague their former comrades (dance, puppet, dance!).


Anyway, you get the idea what to look for in a good late game Nyx build. It's going to be corrupted, high efficiency, low duration, and will primarily rely on range and flexibility to keep Nyx safe from her enemies.

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As I can't block quote you let me do it the old fashioned way:  "I think stomp is inferior actually, it's not spammable."


For reference, I was commenting how Rhino Stomp has an 8s lockout while Chaos has a 10s lockout.  This proves your statement 100% wrong as Stomp is more spammable than Chaos.

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