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We seem to be regularly reminded that the genetic reserves for Grineer cloning are degrading fast. If this is indeed the case I can't help but wonder why they still insist on sending so many clones to fight the enemies of the Empire. They already have a foothold on Earth and several other systems, so why don't they grab some ordinary people, stick a Grakata in their hands and send them our way? I am of course speaking of... Grineer Conscripts. New players could be playing for ages before they even meet their first Lancer, a towering beast in his bulky green armour, aiming his rifle he growls 'TENNO. GET CLEM.' with tangible fanaticism.


By this point the new player has been killing Conscripts by the dozens, but now they're faced with true Grineer, sworn to serve the Queens until their last breath, they know they're in for a rough battle. Over time as the new player unlocks more nodes, the Grineer we love to hate begin to appear more often among the conscripts, using the petty slaves as cannon fodder, barking commands in their foul and guttural language. The poor souls crash and disperse against your Warframe like waves on a rocky shore, but the Lotus is left cold to their cries for mercy, they serve the Grineer, and so they must die.


Thoughts on this idea?


"Protecting the balance", indeed. They should be galaxy outlaws, outside the jurisdiction of the playing-judge, jury and executioner Tennos.


...but the Lotus is left cold to their cries for mercy, they serve the Grineer, and so they must die.

Some justice-upholding Tenno Rangers we are. Should they be innocent people forced to. 


Why send in a normal guy when we can clone him for 10 foolish guys and give them pyrotechnic Torids (napalm gunz)?


In addition, DE is probably busy designing previously suggested enemies, so it'll be really long before they consider adding any new ones


Godspeed though :D


The Grineer don't take prisoners. They kill civvies.


Why use civs at all when you have an unlimited supply of clones? It's not like the Queens recognize that genetic deterioration is a problem.


The Grineer don't take prisoners. They kill civvies.


Why use civs at all when you have an unlimited supply of clones? It's not like the Queens recognize that genetic deterioration is a problem.

Yeah... good point, and one I feel a little stupid for not noticing. Otherwise Tyl Regor wouldn't be quite so important.

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