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Similar to this topic here I have experienced this energy glitch several times on ps4.



Recently, sometimes I get an unexplained energy drain.  It seems most common playing Vauban on Pluto infested defense.  My energy will get drained to zero and beyond for no apparent reason.  Energy just slowly ticks down to zero Perhaps this is related to something broken with the melee channeling mechanic? However it happens when standing on a ledge with no melee happening during the session


It has happened during Pluto infested defense during waves 1-4 when there are no energy draining enemies spawning yet.  My energy starts draining and hits zero while not casting, including during the "wave complete" message.  Picking up energy orbs does not add energy for the first few orbs.  " negitave" energy pool??  Energy siphon is equipped but not generating energy.








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