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What Are The Best Dps Weapons In The Game!


Posted (edited)

I like to know each best dps weapons in the game! For instants put out the best dps weapons of (Shotguns) (Rifles) (Melee) (Sniper rifles) (Explosives) (Side arms) and (Sentinel attack weapons) In the comments which that they are also good around all factions!.




EDIT: I have now found the best dps weapons in the game, thanks for your help guys!

Edited by Monsterwithin

15 answers to this question

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The Boar Prime is the top DPS "single target" weapon but the Boltor Prime is the top DPS single shot not like the shotgun. Synapse and Soma follow closely behind. 


primaries: Boltor Prime, Amprex/Synapse(needs a few forma at least), Soma, Penta/Ogris, Dread/Paris Prime.


secondaries: Brakk, Detron, Marelok, Angstrum, Stug, Wraith Twin Vipers(incredibly inefficient), Despair.


sentinel weapons: Sweeper for close range, Stinger for long range.


Boltor is better for damage per bullet soma is the best for dps, boar prime for shotguns, paris prime for bows and snipers all just suck, for AOE probably penta, brakk for pistols











(Joke ends here)


Boltor Prime if you have the time to farm or enough plat. Godly DPS, countered by non hitscan projectile and low accuracy in med-long range.

Soma if you value your time and money (MR is not a problem). High enough DPS with accurate shots, countered by brief spool time.


Boltor Prime, Brakk, Dual Ichor, Phage, Vectis, Sweeper, Penta, Paris Prime.avi


(Rifle, pistol, melee, shotgun, sniper rifle, sentinel weapon, explosive, bow, respectively.)


soma is the easiest to get that gives you great DPS. the best DPS primary i think is the boltor prime.


but comparing primaries and secondaries, secondaries outshine the primaries just because of the lethal torrent. namely marelock and brakk for raw elemental damage and akmagnus for awesome crit damage...


Alright, Seems boltor prime has won the top of dps of all time weapons, the side arm seems to be brakk so it wins it as well! now the only thing is the sentinel and melee.


D nikana is obviously the strongest melee, when used with Tranquil cleave * hits faster and more crits help build berserker) but ichor and zoren are close. However D Nikana is slower, therefore uses less energy and is better for channel builds. As a result, its the strongest reliable melee. But it need mastery rank 8, cant copter and the jump attack that is useless anyways on any melee has no effect. Dethcube is strongest sentinel, pair with overheat + deth machine rifle or sweeper for highest dps ( no overheat for sweeper).


Primary: Boltor Prime, Paris Prime, Soma, Penta, Ogris

Secondary: Brakk, Marelok, Despair, Angstrum

Melee: Dragon Nikana, Dual Ichors, Bo Prime (imo)


Can't say anything for the rest since I haven't tried them.

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