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As a frequent player with over 740 hours of game i would just like to say the quest idea is GREAT in my opinion. I actually stopped watching devstream 31 at thst discussion point just to voice my opinion. I have brought this dicussion,up months ago with friends. I enjoy the missions and towers but i feel as this alternatve segment or game mode offers great detail and is a great break out into a different venture or journey for the veteran players. Just wanted to let DE know great idea and im interested in seeing how far this road goes and yo my new friends joining Warframe i know they will enjoy this introduction thanks guys keep up the goodwork.


The quest system has been in the works for something like 4/5 months now... correct me if I'm wrong anyone, so it better hold true to what is claimed.

Also... 740 hours and only 1 forum post... hmm... ¬¬


Also... 740 hours and only 1 forum post... hmm... ¬¬

(I didn't post till about 400 hours in and it was a bug report)

I've got high hopes for the quest system, personally, looks pretty solid and serves as an excellent medium for tutorials and lore.

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