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Multiple Builds In The Dojo Of The Same Item, Regen Gear In Particular

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i know its been mentioned before but the recent event has brought this back to my attention, painfully, only being able to build 1 item at a time and not queue multiple energy regens for replenishing the energy used on the event runs is monsterously tedious, having to sit at the foundry click, wait 1 min, click again, click again, click again to restart build


seriously DE we dont need a must click window after every action, it makes a painful to repeat action excruciating, im hoping your going to allow us to build multiple items of certain types, detonite injectors, fieldrons, stackable gear etc in the new liset UI


ill mention it again, because its important for me, cut down on the slowing must click thank you(for purchases) and added to inventory windows, having a text line in chat so that you know a transaction has succeeded is more than ample, even a system tab on chat where everything like that can be routed, we dont even need to look at the tab unless we do something that warrants a response from the system like confirming a buy went through, i can understand you want to for plat purchases so that everything is transparent to the user but credit purchases and building in foundry does not need it


IIRC, the new UI rework is bringing new functionality to the Foundry, which should include a way to manage multiple processes of the same item.

lets hope so, and the removal of the annoying click windows at least in the foundry


The queue for the foundry won't come in update 14. It is something we want to do, but there's just a ton of stuff to get the Liset ready to fly. 


But I haven't forgotten.

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