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i found my old 95 windows pc hard disk and i decide to check it. Half of the files were corrupted but some of my old games were safe.
i found this one on the MAME emulator and now i can't stop thinking about how will be cool a warframe like the character of this game!


and not only for the aspect, for the powers too. I mean, he gains energy with blue orbs like warframes , and red orbs keep him full of energy or he ll be downgraded
What about a warframe that has only 2 powers, evolve ( it makes an upgrade of armor ,life and shields and change aspect of the warframe) and strike ( on the arcade game every evolution has a different attack. The warframe will change type and radius of attack every evolution that he gained)
Or maybe 4 powers :evolve , strike(unlockable at the first evolution) , ''3rd power here'' ( unlockable at the second evolution), ''4th power here'' (unlockable ath the 4th and last evolution)
would it be so bad?

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