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Currently building Trinity (have to use the 500 gazillion well of life mods somehow), but I am not sure how to best use her. Any tips from Trinity users on which mods to use, and how to best maximize her abilities would be appreciated (well, any tip besides "don't use her"). Thanks

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I play her weird. I didn't like the perma invencibility build almost everyone always went with her.

I use this:


You can see I added a — polarity in a ability slot.

Always have the option to see your allies health and shields on and keep and eye on them.


Since her recent change, I've been focusing on utilizing Link as much as possible. If you have Rage, it can make retaining energy a lot easier than Energy Vampire in dire situations.

The damage reduction is essential when shields run out due to her fragility and an unranked blessing reduces the time between uses and makes it more condoned to emergency spamming, since the damage reduction doesn't always come in handy, I find.

Over all, just be aware that when your shields are gone, you're going to drop like a stone. That's the biggest tip I can give as someone who plays the heck out of Trinity.

I've taken to copypasting these in every new trinity thread that pops up. I would suggest trying a search first but oh well...

Darzk, on 16 Jun 2014 - 5:30 PM, said:snapback.png

2 ways to play her now, imo. Short duration with Rank 0 Blessing, and spam Blessing whenever you or a teammate need a heal. Alternate Energy Vampire's every 3-4 Blessings and cast a short duration Link when you need the knockdown prevention. Or ditch Link and get even more effective health with QT and Flow.


The other way to play is bring QT/Flow, no health or shield mods, and build long duration as before. Nuke yourself with an AoE weapon until QT is activated, and press 4 for ~30 seconds of 99% damage reduction for your whole team. You can then hit Link, bringing you to 100% reduction, and build with Stretch, maybe even OE, and self nuke as before.


Darzk, on 17 Jun 2014 - 11:32 AM, said:snapback.png

I guess it depends if you're willing to add some forma. 


Energy Siphon aura is mostly wasted, because you can get 88 energy restored at the push of a button. So I would forma to - and use Corrosive Projection, or Enemy Sense. While keeping the D polarity, you might consider Physique. It'll give your teammates a bit more health, thus giving you another split second in which to cast Blessing to save them.


Well of Life will be mostly useless, I doubt you will use it often. It's fun to combo with Energy Vampire to do some awesome ability damage, but it won't instantly kill armored units anymore :(.


I would replace it with Intensify, to make EV restore an extra 30 energy and thus allow for another Blessing between EV's. You could also replace it with Quick Thinking with some forma, once you get it, for a huge chunk of extra health. The final option I would lean towards is the use of Stretch, making EV restore energy in a larger radius (good for helping teammates) and making Link reach farther, good for increasing the usefulness of that ability.


I would keep Natural Talent; EV spam is much more fluid and given you may end up casting Link every 6 seconds it'll give you a nice chunk of effective playtime back.




You can't really mess her up. She's got lots of wiggle room.


The two types of builds kinda go as follows:


Shortest possible duration build with high power efficiency (You'll be able to use Blessing more often, but Link won't last long)


Or the opposite which gives you longer link durations, but you won't be able to bless your team as often.


I personally go well rounded - All 4 abilities (yes, even well of life) Health, Shields, Streamline, Sprint speed, Vigor, Maglev (yes, Maglev, try it)


800+ Health and shields, spammable abilities, decent duration on link, and I can keep up with all the Lokis.

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