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Posted (edited)

heyho spaaccceeninjaaaas ~o.o~

i just looked at the ash in the update post and i noticed:





This skin looks awesome o.o there is no white on his warframe (thats my problem with the current skin for ash, those white things and you can not change their color >_>)


My question, dear tennos and DE:

Can we get this reworked skin for ash any time soon? :3

it just looks really awesome ^^




That's an alternate skin for Ash, go look for Immortal skins in the in-game Marketplace.



i dit, it is not the same^^ 

....sry took me some time. here 2 pictures where you should see the difference on the foot/legs and the never changing white parts ..... (you can try it too^^ )





Sorry, but this skin is already out. Just because there's no white doesn't mean it's a new skin. You can change all of Ash's colours, 


No, you can not change all. Yes, because there's no white it does mean its a better skin that the current alternate skin (i never said it was a completely new one >.> )     And you do not need to be sorry :3

Edited by Fabpsi

Sorry, but this skin is already out. Just because there's no white doesn't mean it's a new skin. You can change all of Ash's colours, I'm not sure what you're thinking of when you say you can't.

Posted (edited)

Yeah they need to fix that bug pronto, it is kinda funny no one has brought it up yet. And before anyone else says, "hurr-durr, that's the immortal skin for Ash", there are 4 pieces of the armor on Ash that cannot be colored no matter what, they appear white

Edited by NightSniper

Sorry, but this skin is already out. Just because there's no white doesn't mean it's a new skin. You can change all of Ash's colours, I'm not sure what you're thinking of when you say you can't.


We know it's the immortal skin, but there are several spots on Ash's current immortal skin that cannot be coloured and are a default white. Specifically on the hips, toes, and spine. The Ash in this picture appears to have a fully customizable Immortal skin. 

Posted (edited)

it is not the immortal skin we have, i looked >_> Its like i said, an updated better version.....

(notice the legs and feet and the NOT white part)

- some of you people should really look closer on the picture :3 ... or i should take more time explaining myself....or both...... :s


in the current skin we still have the "white color " bug  and we can not color it the way we want...




here you go, some bad colors, no white in my list, but still... i have white parts on the warframe.






(yea the colors are stupid, i just took some random colors so you can see the difference :s)



if they can show a working/better skin on an update picture, they may should include a fix for the current skin in this patch^^

Edited by Fabpsi

I recall a developer stating that they were going to look into touching Ash up, specifically in those areas. I imagine someone just forgot to ship it with the update. 


I got really excited there for a second as I have been hoping Ash's immortal skin got fixed ever since it was added into the game :( Here's hoping they still plan to fix it :c










The integrations correcting the white patches on several Warframes must've been missed. I'll track them down and ask them to be added to the next hot fix.

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