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Posted (edited)

Prosecutors can only be damaged with the same element (all other damage shows up as blue 0's).


This extends to the auras provided to other grineer as well.


Edit: I know how prosecutors work, but I remember them taking at least some damage form non-elemental damage types

Edited by Argosah

you require each element fire, ice,poison, and electricity to damage it at all


meaninig that a fire prosecutor is immune to everything except fire and same goes for the rest poison type is only damaged by poison.

Posted (edited)

I remember going against a fire element prosecutor with a electricity modded Brakk and killed him. After reading the wiki I realize that it must have been the slash damage that did it.


Edit: they took no damage from a non-elemental Dragon Nikana as well

Edited by Argosah

before the update they were taking damage from slash....now they seem to be completely invulnerable to it.

ran a few test runs on weapons with just slash, and with multi elements

i know they were supposed to lower their damage reduction....but making them invul to slash damage was not a stated change.

i ran beacon runs plenty of times prior to the update and they still took damage from slash...and were known to be vulnerable to slash....not the case anymore

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