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Do You Ever Hold Back Your Dps?


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As soon as I get my bonus exp reward I back off and let other people do more just in case they wanted to get theirs.


Unless of course it's an endless gametype like survival, defense, or interception. In that case Idgaf, it's more beneficial to the team to be a tryhard. 5k experience is a joke when you can get 10 times that much from one mission.

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The only times I ever go full tryhard is when I'm aiming for 1hr> solo Survival and Defense missions since that is what's truly challenging for me. Other than that, I just relax and have fun. I'm the kind of guy who cares more about utility than damage.


But if I happen to run into a hallway hero during a mission, I'll go tryhard and do everything to piss them off and steal their glory, lol.

Edited by AxialBlue
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Yes sometimes since having fun to me is more important then going after certain levels/prime gear, but other days I just like to not waste time and get the job done so I can get my stuff built already.

Edited by Monybags33
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Usually I just team up for void missions, event missions, and missions with special rewards, so it's not much of an issue.  In those cases players are there for the prize at the end, and are more interested in speedy and successful runs than making sure that everyone gets an equitable number of kills.


Having said that, I generally don't spam '4' unless the team leader specifically asks me to play a nova or such, and I won't jump in on someone who is fighting 1-on-1.  If we're doing defense or survival, I'll eventually start using frame abilities more often; it's pretty easy to tell when you need to step it up.

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Always. Because I believe in team-effort, so I will take one side of a map for example in defense, and expect my "team" to handle the other side, for example. If they are getting overrun, I will of course run over and help, but I choose to take out a certain area of enemies out. I don't stand in the center and Rhino Stomp over and over, or run through doors trying to "get all the kills". I try to find a good tactical position, and I expect my teammates to do likewise.


Same when running in a normal mission, if I'm on the left side of a path, I mostly only attack enemies on the left, and let the person on the right handle those enemies. Sure, I could just spam abilities and spray bullets at everything, but I don't find that fun...I like tactics, even if 'tactics' are pretty light for much of warframe. I want everyone to feel like they contributed to the mission. I love it when we end a mission, and we all have nearly the same kill count - that makes me 10 times happier than if I end up with most of the kills. 


That said - if I'm with people who just want all the kills, I will sometimes start competing, and won't hold back on destroying everything. I intentionally only use my frame abilities when I need to (as in reserving Stomp for when I'm totally overrun, or to help me rez a mate). If we are in a really rough match where we all have to work hard to keep up on killing mobs, then I happily let loose.


(I guess I shouldn't have said "always" lol. I guess what I meant is "always" unless I'm needed to go all out)

Edited by nefrai
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All the time.


Doing alerts on the star chart or helping lower level friends, I always take the opportunity to use those mid-tier weapons that won't do well an hour into T3S but that I just like to use. I'll probably still be overpowered for the enemies we're fighting, but I have more fun playing with a person I know and hanging back or sticking mostly to melee than I would ruining their game experience by blowing everything away with a fully modded soma.


Not doing so is just me sabotaging my own enjoyment of the game. A person would have to be dumb to do that.

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Yes and no... unless I'm leveling a new frame I use Excalibro Prime equipped only with Radial Blind.  With me I usually bring a fully maxed and modded D. Nikana, with my primary and secondary weapons being whatever I'm leveling at the moment.  If I'm playing on lower level planets I use my primary or secondary, if #*$& hits the fan I pop Radial Blind, bust out the D. Nikana and the rest of the team gets treated to the Excalibro Prime Meat Grinder Show!

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Never. As in I never specifically lower my damage output. Sometimes I use less popular weapons though, among my most used are Tigris and Miter. Then again, Tigris literally 1-shots bosses causing host-client bug when Vor or Ruk dies for one player and stays alive for another, so I wouldn't say it's really gimping my DPS. Miter I mostly bring to nightmare mode... And it operates at around 6000-12000 dmg per shot, so again, hardly holding back. But really, I've shelved Despair (2 forma) for Brakk (4 forma) and keep it as my secondary at all times. With primary I normally rotate between Boltor Prime, Synapse and Ignis, melee dragon nikana, glaive prime and dakra prime. With that in mind I have almost all weapons in PS4 version, except hate, detron and single versions of pistols that are strictly inferior to dual pistols.

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Eh... basically? I'm almost always leveling some weapon or another, so I've got like 2 low level weapons and one rank 30 with a tater and a full mod set, for S#&$ like Stalker/G3/Harvy.


... except for the last three times I ran across the G3 and I had either my level 20 Ankyros Prime or my level 20 Fang Prime. Then I just went stealth and shivved/punched the S#&$ out of them.


Anywhoozles. I like using my Jaw Sword a lot, so I'll take that with me to low leveled content since it's perfectly capable of cutting through things up until like level 40. When I go to help out lowbies I generally just take a melee weapon and nothing else, sometimes a maxed one and sometimes one I need to level. I personally love using my Scoliac, Dual Ichors, Dakra Prime, Dark Dagger, and so on, and all of them do significant damage so I'm perfectly content with having only them.


Basically, taking -just- a melee weapon sort of gimps my DPS since I gotta run into mobs to do with the slicing, and yet once we get deeper into survivals and such the whole "Oh wait, I'm a Loki" thing kicks in and I actually start using my Invis, which returns the enemies to that whole "trivial" level.

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Not talked about much, but I suspect other players do this as well sometimes. So the real question is do you ever not, "give your all" so that you do not run all over other players who might not be as geared or might b!tch if you did?

I'm doing this for my friends who is new, because he gets angry when I steamroll everything on the map before he can do anything

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