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simple buff for ult is let us shoot through them and not enemys and make it just the last enemys you killed and not use tham up. eg from 10kills you can continue to use the power and reusing the souls.


ABOUT DESECRATE. Reason why I hate using nek is because in survival is boring pressing 3 all the time, and you die a bit if not carefull. I suggest that desacrate could be a duration based power that (to compensate for energy effciency loss eg. fleeting cant be used) has 100% orb and 70%rerun loot tables on enemies death (when in range). 


This would solve so much I could run around and flippin use my other powers instead of 333333333333333. Also it would be a long duration power same as frosts globe so it can be used the same as the current very efficent version.


There a couple more treads about Dececrate being boring.

The best idea so far was that this is now a toggle aura which basically casts desecrate every 2-3 seconds.
Power strength affects chances (Allow you to build normally and not Desecrate only build)
Power durations affects how often it is casted
Range is Range (derp)
Power efficiency - Energy consumption rate.

As for the SoD

They are ok, not great but ok.
I guess they could use a damage buff.

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