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When using a weapon and holding right mousebutton to aim, my Warframe is taking up too much screen realestate


I prefer to use rhino (huge) and a lot of armor addons (Not helping i know :P ) and I can't see almost half of the screen




In this image you can't even tell i have a bolto equipped


I would love the ability to adjust the position of the camera offset. more to the side and above would be a gigantic improvement.


It'd also be nice to adjust in non aiming mode as well




Thanks to all the attachments and the sentinels it's getting a bit cluttered. the ability to pull the camera back a bit would be appreciated.




Or just increase the Field of VIew in the settings. 



Those were taken with the field of view set to maximum already.


Oddly enough, i checked my FOV settings (just in case i had forgotten or the settings meant the opposite... didn't want to be an idiot :P ) and found that the lowest field of view settings improved the aiming situation. (made the normal play worse though). A smaller Field of view actually puts the camera closer when zoomed in, moving my frame to about where i want it.


P.S. i found that you can change these setting in the middle of a mission and they update without need to restart! I'm sure i'm the only one who had no idea you could do that... but still, neat!

Posted (edited)

you can get rid of your frame completely from the shot if you use the codex scanner(or any scope) and remove the ui from it. 


That is what i do for screenshots normally, but i'm talking about just normal running around and shooting things. I'm just hoping for a way to adjust the position of my warframe when fighting.


-Edited for redundant redundancy...

Edited by Nothus

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