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Is Rage enough to cover Valkyr's energy cost in a non maximized efficiency build? I am asking player who have her forma'd and play her often. I want to know do you constantly find yourself out of energy and having to drop energy restore or does Rage take care of it? Thank you in advance.

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With enough armor and right amount of damage taken, you shouldn't need to drop a restore. I don't really find myself out of energy, only in the cases where everyone is dead and I could use just a little more to let loose a WarCry.


Rage should be able to take care of you during your missions, basically.


When you run low on energy, you can't keep Warcry active, which reduces your armor, so you take more damage, and get more energy from Rage.


There's some awesome synergy there.


So yeah, without a lot of modding to keep Warcry active, you will run low/out of energy and it'll drop off, but not for long.


So long as you aren't using a perma-hysteria build in which you will almost never take any health damage.


If you are trying for a constant hysteria build, then don't expect to get any energy.

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