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Option To Tone Down/turn Off Lotus Messages?

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First off, I have nothing against Lotus/Rebecca, but after the 100th time of hearing "It's the Grineer" or "We've got robots incoming!" or "No one has detected you, you're in the clear", etc it gets really,really old. 


Can we add an option to turn off non-mission related chatter?  Obviously "change of plans" or the Grustag 3 type messages would still come through, but all the 'flavor' messages should be able to be turned off.

Posted (edited)

I think there's one. Check the options.


There's a transmission volume, not a transmission frequency.. Either way, I still get the popup on the left... am I missing something else?

Edited by AZAG0TH

There's a transmission volume, not a transmission frequency.. I still get the popup on the left... am I missing something?

Yeah that's what I mean. Is that not enough? I barely notice the Lotus now, with the transmission volume at zero.

Posted (edited)

It helps, don't get me wrong, but the constant "We have a heavy unit incoming"-type pop-up messages on the center-left of the screen still bother me. 


I'd love it if there was an option to turn off JUST those "flavor" messages/popups completely & only get mission messages.


Also would love it if they moved the popup to the bottom left so it's a little more out of the way.

Edited by AZAG0TH

Yeah I am fine with important mission related messages n stuff. I want to hear those.

Hearing a heavy unit is approaching, or walkers incoming etc gets real old.


Pls DE give us an option to turn off those type of messages/transmission popups.

I think it would be as easy as setting up ident/priority codes for them and letting us turn it on or off.


I don't think they would bother us very much, if it had actual LORE or something in them.  Something to add actual flavor, not just sprinkle ramen noodle mix over the top of gameplay.  I'm thinking a powerful lore flavor, something like smokey barbeque cheddar, not a dollip of useless sour cream on top of Warframe.


Sorry about the metaphorical description, I'm a little hungry.

Posted (edited)

I'd be up for more, deeper, lore as well, but those messages would also get old as well in all honesty.  Once we hear it a few times it's like "Ok, yeah we heard that already".


I don't like turning her audio off completely, since the actual mission transmissions are sometimes helpful ("We're done here", "Change of Plans" etc).  


It's just there are so many useless transmissions that come along with it (really, the Grineer are coming?!).  Other times it gets to the point that it almost becomes nagging (hurry ups on hostage rescue missions, etc).  I'm often reminded of Lilly (for those who've played State of Decay) and that is NOT a good thing.


Like I said in the OP, I have nothing against Rebecca/Lotus, it just stops being interesting after you've heard it 100 times & I'd just rather not hear it.

Edited by AZAG0TH

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