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So you grab an iron skin, you grab six thousand rubedo, you make rubedo skin. Less durability, bonus health regen, looks so much better than that awful gold prime ironskin. Wanna do it with oxium? Sure! Ironskin with a slowfall bonus. 



Want cheap magnetic damage? Grab those cryo-rounds, add a lightning mod and throw a grey potato in there. Presto! magnetic in one mod.


you've got heavy impact, you've got  retribution, now combine them into one! Fall like thunder, land with lightning!  


Vitality is a top quality mods. here today we're letting you combine it with ironskin for a mod that gives you both armour and health! 



Now yeah, some of those examples are stupid (or not) but it's an idea. I'l let the forums argue cases on how it could/wouldn't work. 



I don't know how it'd actually turn out and work in-game, but I've always been a huge fan of stuff like this.


Even if it's just a new consumable used to fuse them and/or if they end up like Nightmare Mods with a lower bonus to both, I think it'd be pretty great. It might end up breaking the game even more, though lol

+1 like all the other ideas like this

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