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Concerning Vet. Players And New Ships


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Where are any of you people even getting this "we have to craft the ship modules/time-wall" garbage from? 


If you don't even start with a foundry how are you going to 'craft' ship modules? Ship modules they already said you do quests for and they're auto-installed after you obtain them? Modules that are meant to be used as a progression system for newer players in order to teach them how the game is played? Did any of you actually WATCH the stream? 


Seriously, what is wrong with you people?

Spot on. What I've been saying all along. THANK YOU FOR REITERATING THIS FOR ME.


People come up here and speculate the S#&$ out of every little hint, then complain when people tell them the facts. For DE to make ship modules locked behind a grindwall would be complete and utter bullS#&$, so idek why the OP would think that. Also, why would veterans want their ships pre-built and complete? I want to build mine up just like the new players will.

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tl;dr - People getting riled up based on unfounded assumptions.


Ya'll are acting like the new new player experience will take a week to get full feature functionality on your ship. That would be even worse than it is now. 


The new NPE will be simple. You start, you get your ship, you do a few quests, you get modules that act as the features of the game, you end up fighting Vor, then you're released into the game proper. 


The new NPE probably won't take more than an hour to get up to full functionality of the game.

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I'm fairly sure you won't be able to get excalibur prime or even his avatar on PS4, prick.

yeah apologies you saw it before it got erased the post was never meant to be published. Got irritated over something not related and wrote angry things came to senses then pressed the wrong button on a phone. 

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So, is anyone else worried about the more likely scenario of "Have to run a specific mission to get a random part of a key that will let you do a quest to get a random part to build a ship module"? Because, with DE's track record, that is what I expect from this whole "get ship modules from 'quests' to turn your ship from old and busted to the new hotness."

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To answer a user above, i consider a veteran to be a pre-open beta player. That's my own personal opinion.

The OP wasn't me asking questions that were already answered in the devstreams.

I watched the same streams most of you all did, so I know we have the same answers if we want to go back and review the video.

The point of my questions were not to have them answered in different ways or to get people's dander up, but rather to have other users post their concerns about the large chunk of Warframe that is changing so that DE could see what we were thinking. And the people did just that.

I understand it would be silly to remove the foundry and what nots, but these are the types of things that people are wondering.

I am sure DE will give us a tutorial showing us how to do everything over again. But I (and apparently many others) would love to have the chance to see our junker upgrade into something nice, because we took the time to learn about it's inner workings and did whatever it took to get it ship-shaped.

To the more feisty users here, the OP was intended to be the start of a safe place where people could share their concerns. If anyone mistook it to be anything more than that, I apologize.

To everyone else, thanks for the posts! It's been fun seeing everyone's thoughts about these exciting changes. Keep it up! :)

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I'm playing Warframe for over a year now and going to reach MR 16 this week unless something goes terribly wrong XD. I don't know if i am a vet player ( i can manage any mission type easy), but i really want to build the ship from scratch. I can hold of building if need be, but give me some fun when it comes to building up the ship ^^.

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I'd prefer to get my fully fitted ship from the get go. Kinda goes against having a veteran presence if I gotta redo stuff in a mandatory fashion.

I hear you guys who want something different to do, maybe make it optional. I'm not really interested, not in the process and not in the kubrow for that matter. I hope after U14 DE spends some quality time addressing some lingering issues.

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