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So I was farming on Xini, a very popular place to grind for the new Venka Stance mod, the Malicious Raptor, when me and my group came up upon this little issue.



I cant see why DE has left this in the game for this long now, another person in my group said that "it was the 17th mod he had seen stuck down there", so this is obviously not just a one time thing. Personally, I would just like this to be a reminder to DE that there are still some problems overlooked that really shouldn't be.

TL:DR. Please fix the Pit of Despair, that mod is most likely the Malicious Raptor, Irony right? 


The pit of despair has existed for as long as I can remember, so that's atleast 7-10 days.


But yeah, that can be quite annoying. I have often found myself instinctively leaping into the abyss in order to chase a mod that would otherwise be lost forever.


just another "Contaigon" drop, dont worry :)


but yeah its annoying, would make valk actually useful if her troll-line could yank stuff out of the pit.


My advice is simple, find a solid group to play with instead of trigger happy pub's that shoot the first thing they see or just constantly spam abilities. Two manning the first five waves over and over again with me on a Loki and a buddy on Nekros netted us 3 mods in about 4 hours of farming. All we did was disarm the crowds, let them pile up on the pod and dismember and desecrate them. The added desecrate rolls from non-channeled slashing weapon kills pay off, this is something you wouldn't be able to attain with random players.

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