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De, Please Please Do Not Do Business With Perfect World (Mega/hyper/ultrathread)


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So basically you're trying to be the hipster who "left before it was cool."


There's no real reason to leave before anything happens other then trying to be the cool kid.


No, I am saying goodbye to anyone that cares, to anyone I have played with, to anyone I know.

You're a novice after a year, nobody knows you. You're doing this for attention.

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Just to air out some of the confusion, this isn't apart of the 'oh please no' discussion.  This is definite information from Twitter...  Here is the source link: https://twitter.com/BerkeryMandA/status/483715852039356416

Check the user name and all the other Tweets.



I really hope someone can either wake me from this nightmare or prove this all wrong.  Still waiting on the "Suprise! ...We set up this whole elaborate thing just to mess with ya and so you can all get hyped on Update 14 even more after being so sad!"


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This doesn't mean it's happened. If you check the link, that's the same info that started this thread, all it's saying is that Sumpo and PWE have agreed to join together to offer to buy DE. Which is what we already knew.

does this mean, there is hope?

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Dark Souls 2 DLC comes out in three weeks, 

So I think I'll be good without Warframe.

I'm going to miss you guys though. 

Can we get a group hug going on? 

Sure thing. *offers hug*

Just bought the Season Pass. :| And here I was looking forward to some Warframe in the coming weeks after needing to play Dark Souls 2 offline for the past week due to lack of an internet connection on my game-dedicated computer.

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 we should stay because i see people  leaving already.


 but if its confirmed its time to go. PWE  destroyed my RUsty hearts among other games. made no apology or compensation like Nexon did. 

I cant believe Digital Extremes would even consider PWE as a  buyer without research first if this is the case.

DEs you #*($%%@ UP >.>


Did this really need a new topic?

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