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How Do You Feel About De Making Sweeping Changes To The Game?


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Something I've been thinking about.


When DE proposed their intention with removing stats from helmets, they wrestled for some time with the proper course of action to dispose of them. The resulting solution, as many have expressed, did little to solve the problem (if you view it as one) that they presented in the first place and just placed a handicap on newer players. Many players were disappointed with how it was resolved.


Myself, and many other players that I have seen post, felt that it would have been far more fair and clean to simply remove stats from ALL helmets, regardless of when you obtained them. Perhaps this change would slightly impede the way that you play, but I feel as if that is part of what you agree to when you play a game in beta. Despite the slight setback you might experience from the change, the point to focus on is that it would be in the best interest of the long term health of the game.


A future example might be Serration. I think very few people are satisfied with how this mod exists in the game now, for reasons that have been expressed countless times. However, if it were removed, and replaced with some other way of upgrading your weapon damage, DE would be faced with innumerable players upset over the loss of a mod they spent time and money ranking.


I am of the opinion that this dissatisfaction is a small price to pay for a change that can be agreed upon is in the best interest in the long term health of the game. If DE comes up with an adequate replacement for Serration, I feel that they should not let player's mewling limit their decisions and - by extension - the overall quality of the game.


Important notes to be considered are that I would only endorse such a radical change if it was properly communicated to the community previously and generally accepted as a proper alternative. Although I feel it's unnecessary, some kind of compensation could also be given to players for their lost mod.


This thread is not specifically about Serration, however. It is about sweeping changes *such as this* that might upset many players for the sake of a greater game overall. I feel as if currently DE is very scared of angering its players, and that this fear limits their creative decisions.


Please give me your thoughts on this.

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There's no better time to make sweeping changes than during the beta testing phase of a game, where folks signed a EULA saying they have no right to complain.


So, I'm completely indifferent.  If it has to happen, it has to happen.

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It's specifically stated in the agreement signed when joining the game that they may have to make sweeping changings to anything within the game, so, despite what would bother me, I'm good with it if they made more drastic changes.

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The helmet stat removal made me sad cause i couldn't buy all of them in time before the changes so half my frames i don't have the stat version for and people seem to want first borns if you want to buy one off someone.

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DE seems to have softened up when it comes to major or sweeping changes ever since Open Beta started it seems. I can understand wanting to ease players into it, but considering the in-development nature of the game I feel they should be a little more aggressive all around. Don't be afraid to make that major change.

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Why are you under the impression they have plans to remove or change Serration? They stated in today's livestream that they are adding easy to acquire, weaker versions. The existing version will still be there, and will still be attainable.

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What I consider a "sweeping" change is something like Damage 2.0, Melee 2.0...


But the sweepiest of them all? The transition of mod-trees to mod-cards.


I'm really fine with all of the changes they've made. 

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If the game improves, I'm good with it.



Before they make sweeping (or mopping) changes, we need them to wrap up Update 14 and then change gears to things like Tile Sets, Mission Types/Modes, that Quest System, the Lens thingy, and more Lore and Narrative.


That should be the hit list before anything that approaches the magnitude of "sweeping" becomes a flicker on the creative radar.

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Rather than removing serration, I'd prefer they take the idea of mod qualities to the extreme.  Add rng qualities, let us build our own mods.  Instead of trying to confine damage options to a skill tree, let us go to even more ridiculous levels.  That's what most dungeon crawlers are all about.  Trying to compress modding options is always going to run into problems with scaling enemies.  It's easier and more fun to just let everything be OP.


The best short term solution though is to make every weapon special with something other than pure damage.  The mutalist quanta is a good example,but there are are plenty of simpler ways that weapons can be made special with something other than just damage differences.  Ex let one of the bows have an ability to pin an enemy to the floor even if it doesn't kill them.  Another could have stronger knockback on impact procs etc. etc.

Edited by Aggh
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What I consider a "sweeping" change is something like Damage 2.0, Melee 2.0...


But the sweepiest of them all? The transition of mod-trees to mod-cards.


I'm really fine with all of the changes they've made. 


I'd have to agree with the switch from the tree to the cards. That was pretty intense to go through and gain all of your modifications back.

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Go home Red, you had too much to drink tonight.

Nu.,  I want the ground slam to work like crash :|


It really irks my how every weapon has the same exact ground slam with more or less range and maybe an element.

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i do miss a thing from dmg 1.0, i can no longer burn stuff with every shot, but i do love my Stug and it's big blobs of death.

And i really think my Transistor needs Breach() to blow some people apart.

Edited by Kraosdada
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I used Serration as an example, but let's expand it.


I was looking over The Great Zamboni's thread again. Honestly, I agree with him that the current mod system has problems. Let's say, hypothetically, Steve came up with a totally new system that was perfect in every way. I worry that we are so deeply rooted in the current one that they could never implement it. 


Not just the mod system, there are other areas that I feel have problems. There was a thread recently that described how bad Forma are for the game. After giving it some thought, I do believe that Forma are largely harmful to the game. But I, and many other players, have spent a lot of platinum on forma. Additionally, there were many future design choices made contingent on their existence. Is it therefore impossible for them to ever be removed?


I've seen these threads...


"Galatine is weak with melee 2.0, DE needs to refund my 2 forma I used on it"

"Loki Prime is better than Loki, so DE needs to refund the potato I used on vanilla Loki"

"DE stated Cicero mods were exclusive, so they can't re-release them or I'll sue them"


I can't believe my eyes when I see them, but I do. You have too. I feel that Warframe cannot receive the treatment that it needs because of players like this, and that makes me fear for its future. 


(btw DE has not expressed any intention to change mods or forma, it's just an example)

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