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Proposal: Trading Mods And Resources


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To start, I say any form of trading mods/credits/mats to another player a HUGE problem, from credits for cash, to spamming ads, to broken game play and economy. This game is based on the progression of grinding. So we need a trading system that rewards grinding missions.

Now on with my idea!

NPC traders


As the Corpus control all traded goods, they make the most logical choice as an NPC
These war profiteering corpus are out to make a quick buck, any one is welcome.

What types of traders are there?

-   Shotgun Trader, Sells Shotgun Mods

-   Sniper Trader, Sells Sniper Mods

-   Rifle Trader , Sells Rifle Mods

-   Pistol Trader, Sells Pistol Mods

-   Melee Trader, Sells Melee Mods

-   Sentinel Trader, Sells Sentinel Mods

-   Warframe Trader, Sells Warframe Mods

-   Resources Trader, Sells Resources

-   Station Trader, Buys Only One Type of Resources

-   World Trader, Buys Only Regional Resources

-   System Trader, Buys all Resources

-   Mods Trader, Buys all Mods


Where can they be found?

-   There hiding on station, on ships, in mines, always moving

-   Find clues to their current location

-   Focus on mission that are not played for rewards[Not defense, alert, exterminate]

-   Successful Rescue Mission, Rescued person may reveal location % chance

-   Successful Capture mission, Interrogation may reveal location % chance

-   Successful Spy mission, Data-Mass may reveal location % chance

-   If a mission gains a new objects as above, % chance to reveal location

-   Location are similar to alerts, they have a timer until trader moves on


What will they offer


Mod Trader (Seller)

-   1 random rare

-   2 random uncommon

-   3 random common

- Each mod will have its own cost


Resource Trader (Seller)

-   1 random Rare at 1 quantity

-   2 random Uncommon at 5-10 quantity

-   3 random Common at 15-30 quantity

-   Each resource will have its own cost



-   Have a Limited Amount of Corpus Credits

-   They will buy resources/mods depending on their merchant type


How do I pay?

-   Corpus Credits

-   Each resource will have its own cost


What are the limitations?

-   You can’t trade fusion mods

-   You can only do one trade transaction per trader

-   If you leave the trade screen the trader leaves

Edited by Hawkfellow
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Nice... trade with the system, assuming you do those specific missions.

Avoiding tradespam abuse will depend on the costs (obviously), quality of mods and their odds of appearing, and quantity range of the resources per bundle. But that's all tinkerable to make balanced.

You get a +1 for tying in specific mission types with NPC trade opportunities.

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I never went that far into detail since that would all be about balance.

Im not the one to determin that.

My main purpose was to give a way to get mods and resources.

Using a money sink method seamed plausable.

So basicly you get what you want but the traders gets the better payout.

Do I give to the trader or use in fusion.

Do I give up X Resources to gain Y even if its at a 10 to 1 ratio.

The Player wins yet looses, Detrimining a bidding point that gives an confliction of choice would be the best.

Edited by Hawkfellow
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Of all the other proposed trade methods, the more I think about it the more this setup seems in-line with what DE is trying to do.

It encourages people to play more missions , which in turn can also give them the loot they want while trying to locate these traders.

Edited by Cakes
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Avoiding tradespam abuse will depend on the costs (obviously), quality of mods and their odds of appearing, and quantity range of the resources per bundle.

Im not sure what you mean by tradespam

Well thoes are just sugestions it could be added to a to most missions

- a capture mission could interogate him for a trade location

- a raid mission could get info about a trade location

- a defese mission could have a prize

- it could be a login prize

and so on it all based on the percent chances they could be better or worse based on mission type.

quality of the trader could also be based on mission diffculty

Edited by Hawkfellow
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"Hey. . . "



". . . Tenno. . . come here"

*Guy opens up trench coat full of Rubedo*


While I think the game needs a way to offload unwanted items I'm not sure if random NPC traders is what it needs

I think I would be far more happier with an interaction back at base similiar to what Starcraft II has done with the first two campaigns

When you bring back something valuable it can go towards researching new guns / mods / skins / warframes / etc. . .

Fusion Cores could pull double duty by being the new Research Currency

This would also allow more chances to advance the plot and give unique offerings that are currently unavailable

*An early mission could be to kill a Grineer Heavy Machine Gunner to bring back it's weapon*

"The weapon is badly damaged. . . it will take some time to study it"

"If you can't wait there is a Grineer manufactering facility nearby where you could gather more information on it"

"The facility is heavily guarded; however, and a raid could prove costly as they will likely be expecting us"

Now you have an option to do a very hard early mission that you aren't prepared for or you can let the research timer tick away at it

Once it's one it's now added to the manefest of guns that you can outright purchase without having to wait for them to build like we have now

Edited by MaximumSquid
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I have never played Starcraft so im not sure on that.
But i don't believe getting weapons or blue prints by trading wouldn't be viable or in DE's intrest.
Now that idea about harder mission. Sounds cool.
You don't get the trader automatically, you just get a location to where he is.
Sorta like an alert mission.
If the trader mission succeed and you can trade, fail and he runs.
this would only apply to you not to thoes who come with you.
This is to prevent people just jumping in trader missions to get the reward.
Other player just get standard mission rewards.


I updated my idea with that sugestion.

Edited by Hawkfellow
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Also, like suggested above, instead of Recuse Mission for the Trader, you can easly defend him, instead of the cryopod.

Defend the Trader so he thanks you by trading with you :D

There is unlimited options, let's just hope one is decent enough to get pumped by the big guys

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Sorry the bbcode of this forum doesn't support much style options. I just don't like having huge pages of text. If someones interested they will read. I thank you for your insightful comment.

Edited by Hawkfellow
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Masterloot is bad. It takes longer and doesn't add anything meaningful to the game (it seems like a solution with no problem). It seems needlessly complicated when the current looting system seems sufficient.

I'm really torn on trading. I'm of the opinion that players should never have the option of buying resources with credits (because it encourages farming the single most valuable mission only), but I do wish I could unload some of my spare ferrite.

Edited by Kyrkitao
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Masterloot is bad. It takes longer and doesn't add anything meaningful to the game (it seems like a solution with no problem). It seems needlessly complicated when the current looting system seems sufficient. I'm really torn on trading. I'm of the opinion that players should never have the option of buying resources with credits (because it encourages farming the single most valuable mission only), but I do wish I could unload some of my spare ferrite.

The more i look at it. the more I believe your right.

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I don't think the right response to potential trouble from gold sellers and password buyers/guessers* is to just shut down everything and not even try. The best thing is to learn from all the games that have come before and not make the same mistakes that they did, and to be responsive to new and innovative methods of compromising accounts.




(* Let's not call them hackers. Hackers steal password files, hashed or not, then sell them. Dip---ts who use the same password for everything then get "hacked" and wonder what happened to them.)

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