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What Is A "prime" Really?


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What if the Orokin were not native to the Origin system and instead began imposing THEIR will on humanity, sort of... forcing their way into control of human lives with superior technology under the guise of being as friendly as possible? Oh god... What if the Orokin were running from the Sentients, and ended up dragging their war with them here, and found a disposable force of mostly loyal soldiers in human civilization?


I'm not really sure if that theory holds any weight, but it's an interesting thought that I had. I'll work on it some more and post a more in-depth discussion topic on it...

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'kay, bear with me, this is probably gonna get a little weird in spots...


Using the event of the Tenno going into cryo-stasis as a basis, I came up with a sort of time-line.


- At some undefined point before the start of the Orokin Era, Hayden Tenno defeats Mezner, but by the time he does so, a Vector of the Technocyte plague has managed to escape (During the epilogue, the narration states that at some point in the future all of Earth had been infected)


- During these undefined years (Possibly centuries, or even millennia) the Orokin, in their own system, go to war with the sentients, and quickly find themselves in a losing battle as "[The Sentients] Turned [The Orokin's] Best technology against [Them]". Fearing for their civilization and way of life, the Orokin high-tail it out of their home system, making an unguided jump, or fold, I think is the word used in the Codex, and arrive here, in the Origin system.


- Eventually the Orokin find a ruined and over-run Earth, and take over, clearing the infested and launching them into the deep void. during this scourge, the Orokin find evidence of original human life; at the very least a sort of "Genetic Profile" of Hayden Tenno, or at best, surviving members of his family or even children, if he ever managed to get his rocks off. (Bow-chicka-bow-wow)


- Another period begins, during which the Orokin use their near sorcerous super-tech to "rebuild" humanity, with the express purpose of making humans their vassals. Thus marks the start of the Orokin Era.


- From the Orokin Era we move into the Void Era, where the Orokin start mucking around with the idea of an un-guided jump, or fold, into the Void with no set exit point, thus entering into a space where other laws prevail, perhaps an entirely new dimension compared to our primitive third, and what little we know of the fourth.


- The Orokin start experimenting with various things in the Void when they happen upon a derelict ship, the very ship that they launched into the Void that had all of the technocyte infested aboard. It is my theory that in the time between Dark Sector and Warframe, the Technocyte Plague evolved, and changed into what we have now, adapting to a new ecology, and a new dimension.


- The first "Built" Tenno is born.


- An unspecified amount of time passes when the Orokin find a signal coming in from the outer terminus of Pluto. The Sentients coming to finish them off.


- Panic descends among the Orokin, secrecy and caution are thrown to the wind as the Orokin scramble to get what they have scrounged together to see if it can stop the Sentients. Based on their previous combat encounters, the Orokin know that a straight arms-race would mean their extinction, and, in their desperation, they launch the infested at the Sentients, hoping to slow them down.


- Tests on the "Built" Tenno reveal that Technocyte Infection + Human (With specific genetic flags) + Void Energy = Crazy bad-@$$ powers. Which don't rely on technology.


-The Orokin begin "Mass-Producing" Tenno, Culturing, Creating, and Kidnapping children with the specific genetic profile that they need and then launching them into the Void. None of them are found, however...


- The Sentients draw ever closer, causing the Orokin to panic even further. A formal declaration of war is made by the Orokin, and, having lost what they thought was their trump card, begin creating zero-tech weapons and armour to fight the Sentients.


- The Zariman is rediscovered near Saturn. The events described in Ember's Lore Entry take place.


- The Orokin, now with a sure-fire way to build more Tenno, go into war-time production mode, they build the Warframes using modified, or "Purified" Technocyte material.


- A propaganda campaign starts, to raise public awareness about the Tenno.


- The Tenno begin turning the tide during the war, but the Sentients are still pushing hard. The Orokin decide to end the fight once and for all and send their trump straight into the head at the top of the chain, to take out the commanders of the Sentients in a desparate suicide mission. The Orokin hopin to kill two birds with one stone; Eradicate the Sentients, and get rid of the Tenno, a weapon that will have no purpose once the Orokin can enforce their total dominance over the Origin system... The events of Mag's Lore Entry, and Excalibur's Lore Entry occur. By which I mean that Excalibur's Lore Entry would have been written into the "Orokin Warframe Archives".


... I'll get back to this later, I need to grab something to eat. And maybe a fifth of Scotch... I'm not an Alcoholic, I swear. I'm just Irish... Anyway...


- Two pivotal things occur after the defeat of the Sentients. The first being that the Tenno survive, and the second being that they find out that the Orokin planned to do away with them now that they had no need for the Tenno. This is the Fall. This is where what little we have to go on can be based from.


That's my theoretical time-line. I still don't know how much sense it makes, but hey, we know a lot about the Warframes, but we have next to nothing on the Orokin, aside that they liked gold, and fancied themselves as gods...

Edited by Teqnologyque
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ElHefe, on 10 Jul 2014 - 06:09 AM, said:snapback.png


Assertion 2:  If the corrupted are indoctrinated, so the Prime Warframe can be too

Answer:  Valid point but consider the following analogy:  I have a PC.  It runs DOS 6.2.  You have a PC.  It runs Win7.  Same "hardware", different "software", absolutely NOTHING in common.  So the Prime Warframe need not be "enabled" to communicate with the "Corrupted" Orokin ship AI/Neural Sentry





 Remember, in Mass effect, almost any race could be indoctrinated, Turians, Humans, Asaris, so should be the same here, Grineer, corpus, infested, human AND Tennos/Warframes.


(I refer humans as the Orokin)



ElHefe, on 10 Jul 2014 - 06:09 AM, said:snapback.png



Assertion 5:  Would explain why the Prime Warframes gain full energy when are close to the void traps

Now here is something I don't know a thing about ... Are you saying that the Void makes a Prime stronger?







Not literally stronger, pick a prime warframe, and go closest to a traps, you will see your energy filling up from 0 to maximum.

And not only your energy, but the energy of your friends too.



EDIT: In someplace is wrote "The remaining Orokin left the system and destroyed the Solar Rail of Pluto, letting the Tennos, Grinner, corpus and Infested behind."

(something like that, this last part is not a 100%)


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@ Victor2308 ... nice post!


Let me again thank you for pointing out to me the Prime-Void energy link ... so much going on in game I probably would have never noticed by myself


Second, regarding "indoctrination" ...

I agree that ANY type of computational hardware, be it organic (human brain) or inorganic (machine CPU), could have its code - wetware for organic and software for inorganic - be overwritten, brainwashing for an organic and hacked for an inorganic


BUT, that does not mean that the systems are mutually compatible or equivalent


Additionally, now that I think about it, I would submit that the "PrimeFrame" would have to be "unhackable" by an Orokin Neural Sentry or else the Sentients - who could adaptively master all of the Orokin's technology - could also control the Tenno


Now, if the Neural Sentry was a post Orokin-Sentient war invention, then that last argument is nonbinding


@ Teqnologyque ... Gracious what a cool post!  Excuse my inability to think of something intelligent to say for now but  rest assured I will


@ zergla ... your point about the Janus key has got me really thinking (see new thread:  What is the "Void" Really?)

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New thought, because my mind literally just made this connection.


The Summus Prime Sentinel mask (Yeah, I know, I'm a pay-to-win scrub...) looks an awful lot like the same crowns the Corrupted have grafted to their faces. I posit that Prime Sentinels act as a sort of secondary relay, reinforcing the indoctrination on the Tenno, and "Acting as the last line of defense for Orokin Commanders" by executing the Tenno that the sentinel is bound to if said Tenno can break the indoctrination.


I'll see if I can get some comparison shots later.

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