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What Does A Tenno Really Think?


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I find that getting into character is a valuable mental exercise before launching a mission ...


So if I am using Loki loaded with only Invisibility, death comes real personal, up close and sooo very quiet

He is a serpentine and mute Terminator ... wending around enemies in a slow tango armed with just a dagger


If I field Rhino, then death is indiscriminant but methodical - like mowing the front lawn on a Saturday afternoon

There is only one direction - forward, only one reason - snuffling the piteous cries of the doomed


For Valkyr its all about punishment delivered with abandon ... death is her only release, the cries of her victims her only solace, the silence afterwards her only home


With Frost encircled by his howling blue globe its all about calm reflection ... the slow ballet of chaos, the gently studied face of death and the bewilderment afterwards of how time flies 

Edited by ElHefe
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@ Renegade343 ... but of course!  They are the magical fruiti!   AND if properly bioprocessed they make the most effective void energy as well! 

Or a lot of gas. 


But look on the bright side, at least Valkyr would go fast with gas-powered boosts. 

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They don't think of anything. They are emotionless killers that only stops when actually shot down. They follow mission protocols to the letter because if they fail to get somewhere in time they will just give up.


They show no sign of pain from being hit. The few noises they make are just roars.


They will side with Grineer if the pay is good. They will actually side with anyone if the pay is good.


So in conclusion they are brainwashed murdering machines.

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My initial take, and still be far my favorite perspective, was a sort of "silent warrior monk" mentality. Especially with certain frames (Excal, Banshee, Volt, Rhino, Nyx...), I felt a sense of solemn duty. In these cases, I just took it for granted that they Tenno within had full command of their physical and mental faculties (i.e. fighting, strategizing, training, planning, etc.), and even their emotional or spiritual sides (seeking silence and meditation, holding firm beliefs and convictions that led them to fight, etc.). I never got the feeling that they were fighting to survive- there always seemed to be some sort of deeper meaning and conviction to it.


Then, some frames added on to that base a level of personality- Ember loves to watch things burn, Vaub and Loki have a mischievous side, Ash enjoys bamfing around and slicing badguys, Nekros has a collection of pet bugs, etc. These more niche warframes have a more specific personality to add some color to the "warrior-monk" basics.


As far as memory, I would assume that they remember their old lives with the Orokin, before cryosleep, and simply don't know what's happened since they went into cryo. I only assume this because we don't have any quests or lore about wondering what the heck is happening and who we are and trying to find out what the heck is going on. If we really can't remember anything before Vor popped us out of the cryopod, then we are some super chill beings! "Who am I? How'd I get here? What's going on? ... I'll just run some missions until the answers drop out of the sky."

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Straight out of the cyropod, a Tenno is lost and confused, helpless, even. They hear Lotus, a stern yet guiding voice that seems to know what's best. As time progresses, a Tenno's personality forms from two things: memory slowly coming back, and from the "job" or position they're appointed (such as High Council Member, Researcher, etc.)

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Well they must be psychologically robust to be able to function in a war-zone after waking up a functional amnesiac. However I'd posit that the Tenno most likely have perticular tools to mitigate this.


Warning: close-to-whole-cloth-made-upness approaching...




* Assuming that the Warframes are a line of mass-production suits based on a single progenitor suit that was custom made for each of the most promising void-tainted individuals. Individuals so powerful that the power inside of them could manifest physical effects without any augmentation.

* Assuming that the Warframes part-made of refined technocyte materials and these carry part of the biological imprint of the progenitor Tenno.

* Assuming that the material carries the Shape imprint, the Void power imprint...


Might it also carry a fragmentary personality imprint, or even a memory imprint?


IMHO the Tenno have a Zen-Buddhist-like aesthetic, one in which the sense of self is let go of while retaining the motive force to function (The way a Bodhisattva achieves enlightenment and yet can remain behind to pursue a goal while having let go their sense of self) I would suggest that this fits well with the idea of Tenno themselves being akin to Warrior monks, however when wearing a specific Warframe the are "riding" the conflicting personality traits within the suit and may act in subtly different manners depending on the Warframe. I also posit that this is why we use the "affinity" mechanic rather than "experience". We-as-Tenno already have access to enough experience to use all of these weapons, however what we need is the affinity to draw those experiences out.


Now, why do I think this is good for the game from a story perspective.


1. It still allows DE to suggest that a given Warframe has something akin to a "personality" to allow players to understand the mentality that DE are going for in the design of a given 'frame.

2. However it enforces nothing on the player's _own_ Tenno (Something DE have said they didn't want to do) it allows the player to decide how much of an effect these personality fragments have on _their_ Tenno.

3. It allows the player to act in different ways with different Warframes without feeling like they are going OOC

4. It retains a constant perspective form a story and gameplay perspective.

5. It remains grounded in a single beings experience, which is easier for a player to connect with (Something DE said they wanted)

6. It suggests a degree of psychological and spiritual strength in the Tenno that helps the player rationalize difficult IC actions.


Which is why I feel it is more likely than the only other possibility which is some kind of Tenno hive-mind which, in turn, pushes the Tenno away from the players ability to connect and relate, and would make then little more than the Infestation, which I doubt DE would do.

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The Tenno are the Tenno.


The one thing we can be sure of is that they are loyal to the Lotus without question. It's not sure as to why, but I have a theory that it's like the whole thing of when a baby bird hatches the first thing it sees will be it's mother for the rest of its life. Just like with the Tenno, when they first awoke from Cryo sleep, the Lotus was the first one there.


I know this doesn't count for every Tenno there is, which is why I said it's just a theory.


But the way I see it, the Tenno must have some form of free will. At the end of the day, they are something alive within their suits of skin, and they were also once human as DE has stated this. Even stating that they do have concept art for what they look like beneath the Warframes.


For how it sits with me, the Tenno are free to do as they please until the Lotus needs them. Once she calls for them, they drop what they are doing and follow the instructions.


This idea is further strengthened by the fact that DE has stated they intend to bring in something along the lines of an Honour system at some point in one of the future updates. While this Honour system will really only apply to the players choices, if you look at it being that the player choices are the Tenno's choices, it makes sense. The Honour system will help others see who is a respectable player and who isn't. In other words, who is a respectable Tenno and who isn't. There for, with that in mind, it means there can be good Tenno and bad Tenno. In other words they have free will, at least some form of it.


But this is my opinion. Just wanted to share it.

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