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Carrier Sentinels Killed Too Quickly By Kubrows And Volatile Runners


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This is just an IMO and my perception of the matter:


Sentinels have negative armor values currently. I'm noticing that their shields are just fine, but the second anything instigates a Bleed proc or damages their HP even once, they're done for immediately.

Y'all know how you don't actually get a Bleed Out chance if you take EXTREME damage on the hit that kills you? Well, I'm fairly certain a similar thing has to be going on here. Your sentinel isn't getting revived because it's taking an insane amount of damage even with Regen.


It's hard to pinpoint that this is the case, because there is nothing actually killing it. It's just one moment it's there... and then it is not. All I have to go on is what planets I"ve been on, what I've been fighting, and what status procs could attribute to this. Bleed seems like the big problem here, as it is damaging HP--whereas I'm sure we've all noticed their shields work just fine and dandy.

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mine is dying due to my weapons getting crit hits on enemies. i did some experimenting and found out that i was right. every time you get a critical hit on anything, your sentinal will take damage at the same time.

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Having the same problem.  Only seems to happen to my Carrier, too.  For whatever reason they're ignoring/not hitting my Helios.


I just want an egg, man.  :(


EDIT:  I think I may have figured out what the problem is.  In the post-game screen it shows my Carrier (and Sweeper) leveling up again, even though it's maxed.  It might be that the Carrier is somehow bugged to be level 0 again even though it's maxed.  I'm not sure though.


EDIT +1:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5d7Jk7qCu-bY2Y5SkxyeFNZenM/edit?usp=sharing  Took a screenshot.  It keeps pretending like it's level 0 in the post-game when I'm on the ship, and it wasn't doing that with my Helios.  I'll try going back to Helios and seeing what happens.


(I stopped using Helios because it keeps scanning Kubrow Dens even though I stopped getting codex scans from them and it's stuck at 2/12 lol)


EDIT +2:  Yep, my Helios doesn't pop like the Carrier does, and doesn't keep showing my stuff as level 0 and gaining xp aftrer every run.  I can only assume that is part of what's going wrong here.

Edited by ArcusVeles
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I had this problem while playing Ember, so I brought Saryn with Molt so they can chew on something else.  The kubrow once charged my molt and through sheer spite my Carrier, 20 ft away from the pack attack, would inexplicably explode over my shoulder.  This only happened once and I would like to test further also with Loki's Decoy, but my main account's been wrongfully banned from another bug trying to help a friend get their egg.

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  Okay guys I've already read some thread about your sentinel keep dying randomly without any obvious reason. I think I may have the answer : It's a bug 

  After the big U14, you know DE put the annoying toxic osprey back in ODD right ? ( Put it in then put it out, now put it back again, really I don't know what is your real purpose DE, make it harder to grind even tho this game is like 80% about grinding ? Hmm... ) Back to our topic, I guess most of you notice that your sentinel dies quite fast in ODD these days right ? At first, I think it's because of the stupid osprey too. So I climb on one of four high platforms in ODD, you probably know the spot I think. In this spot, no osprey bother to attack me anymore, so no toxic, no dead sentinel yay ! But wait, my sentinel's shield is losing, then its health losing too. So I turn to observe those infected hitting the cryopod. And yeah I got my answer. It's the Volatile Runner who did this. Everytime they explode the sentinel takes damage. But the most funny thing is I stay like at least 10 meters from them, when they explode my warframe takes no damage. So why the hell my sentinel do ? Could you guys go to ODD and see if it's true, then give me your confirm please ? I don't know if I am the only one experience this.

  This is either a bug or DE's crazy logic. Anyway DE please fix this and stop changing things unconsiderately. It's not professional, at all !

P/S: Sorry for my bad English

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I think this problem could be related to the Carrier's hitbox - apparently, it's now the size of it's Vacuum range, if not bigger. 

I ran a Derelict defense mission - only to find that Carrier now dies to Volatile Runners exploding 10+ meters away. 

Almost as if it's sucking in the shrapnel (or whatever it is in Infested's case) from every blast in the vicinity.

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Changed to my dethcube this morning and he isn't taking any damage at all, even though I am being knocked on my &#! by the charging Kubrow.


Also I am seeing the same thing as ArcusVeles after mission has completed. Carrier and Sweeper gaining ranks with XP points. Good thing it isn't adding to my Mastery Level LOL otherwise everyone would be on Earth

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Now, I don't remember if this has been mentioned before, seeing as it's 4 am and I'm somewhat strung out on caffeine and nicotine, but I'm now rather scared to take my Sentinel with me anywhere.


Especially Earth. Allow me to explain.


My Carrier (Herein referred to as Bob) is a tanky little beast. 400 health, 275 shields, shotgun with 60% increased fire rate. He's withstood the onslaught of countless enemies, stood strong in the face of 30 minutes of Arc Traps and Bombard rocket fire, all while dishing out the pain and bringing me ammo, health, and energy. Bob has been my best friend since I built him.


Now, he's being eaten by Feral Kubrow. Feral Kubrow that are hitting him once for 675+ points of damage. And apparently, breaking his Regen mod in the process (unless Regen has been broken for a while, and I just haven't known about it)


I'm curious, is this a known bug that has yet to be addressed?

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Seems like Feral Kubrows hit all sentinels pretty hard. Especially if provoked with the attack mods.

Not sure if a bug or not but definitely happening. But it only seems to happen with said enemies. Sentinels haven't been made weaker.

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im not sure its a bug relating to kubrows and sentinels, if you stand there and let the kubrow charge attack you, it can some times do over 1k damage, it oneshotted my rhino prime with over 1.4k between shields and hp, they just seem to always hit a sent even though the charge attack is on the ground and the sent stays over your head.

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Seems like Feral Kubrows hit all sentinels pretty hard. Especially if provoked with the attack mods.

Not sure if a bug or not but definitely happening. But it only seems to happen with said enemies. Sentinels haven't been made weaker.


Man, there was a time in the past (in U8 if I'm not wrong) when enemies, before shot at you, usually took down you sentinel. ALL of them were always firing at it. 


I don't need to say that a Sentinel life was something like 30 seconds per mission.

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Alright. I was mostly curious if anyone else was noticing the same. I've had Feral's kill my 30 Ash (620 shields, 930 health, total of 1550 Hp) in two charge hits.


I'll keep an eye on it for a bit longer before filing a bug report on it. I certainly hope it is a bug, and not some odd stealth coding that was put in.

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