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[Kubrow Fanfic] An Excerpt Of A Mag's Journal


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I'm tinkering with this journal on and off since months now, and it still looks like a jigsaw puzzle. It is a mix of written paragraphs and jotted down notes that I slowly turn into paragraphs, and then expand them, writing through different parts of the timeline, to keep from exhausting a section. I want to deliver it not when it's fully done, but when I have enough of the early chapters available. You know, updating regularly and stuff.




Update 14 and that cute little fluffy WarPup made me blaze over my keyboard to write this, which I thought it was appropriate to deliver now, considering U14 and lumbering puppies are fresh on the mind of everyone.


This was written in one sit, no edits, no corrections, no regrets. Sorry for Kubrow Canon breaking and sorry for reading through my non-native english way to make words.

It just happened, okay? ^^°


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Not many thoughts have been wasted to the outcome of this. She was not a scientist, only a clumsy tinkerer at best, who mixed everything that matched a pattern. She believed this would be the same here.

During the process that took two days, she thought there would be a way to use the result to create a biomechanical weapon like the ones provided by genetic strands of infested Mutagen Mass.

She imagined there could be a way to fuse it with existing weaponry, like the amalgam of Corpus technology and the Technocyte virus that was the Mutalist Quanta.

Maybe there was even a chance that the finished product could be used to improve her Exosuit.


As the opaque canopy opened, she did not expect a furred quadruped that expectantly looked up to her, open mouthed, waggling it's stump of a tail.

The orange swirls under the glassy surface of this Mag's helmet stuttered and broke up their concentric pattern in a clear display of shocked bewilderment as she stared on the batch of fawn colour that was contrasting the metallic blue it stood upon.

The life form in front of her looked around and took some unsteady steps around, exploring not only it's own range of motion but also the environment all around.

She had seen similar creatures with colonists. Similar being also four-legged and furry. As if there was much difference to her. Some have been abused, some have been petted and kept as companion, some have been herded, fatted and slaughtered for food. The female Tenno had neither time or desire for any of this. Squaring her shoulders, she turned on her heel, moving to the weapon rack to prepare for the next assignment. She would figure it out when she got back. With a bit of luck, the creature was dead by some happenstance upon her return, so she would not have to deal with it, and just space the corpse before it started to rot.


Deciding over her armament, she cared little about the noises the animal made behind her. Grabbing a Kama from the rack, and hefting it on her back, then reaching out to...

Suddenly, this Mag's senses got overwhelmed by a nauseating colour that crept into her spine. A sickly yellow and brown made it's way to sting her mind, staining the wonderful blue shapes that kept all around her and abruptly she turned around to see what the source of all this was...

... and saw the animal dragging it's backside in circles while staining the beautifully soothing blue metal with it's filthy secretions.


The Mag snatched forward, grabbed the creature at the neck with her left and pulled it up, bringing the blade of the Kama to the throat of it, ready to yank her arms open in a swift motion to sever the head of it's stinking body...

...and ceased all movement as the puppy playfully bit into the Kama's hilt and clumsily raked it's young, blunt claws over it.

She dropped the creature and the Kama, taking a step back. Weapon and puppy hit the ground, one clanked and one yelped shortly, but the sound the animal made was not of pain but more of surprise. This surprise was instantly forgotten as it tried to bite the hilt of the Kamas again, but the clumsy paws constantly kicked the object of desire away, making the attempt to pick it from the ground and exercise in futility.


The Mag focused to the ground where the quadruped pushed the Kama around, which was completely ignorant of any intent the only humanoid inhabitant of the ship might have had. Abruptly, she twisted her torso around to rip the other Kama from the weapon rack and throw it down on the animal. This annoying piece of uncoordinated, organic matter would hold still enough after being shocked by an impact. Ideally, it would be the tip of the blade that hit.


The sound of the Kama ripped from the stand perked the creature's interest, and it's head flung back to the origin of the noise. Then, the Warframe witnessed another unexpected behaviour. The lump of fur jumped, trying to snatch the Kama out of the air but couldn't decide if it should use paws or jaws until it was too late. Metal and flesh collided, as the hilt of the melee weapon hit the underside of the airborne puppy with it's full length, propelling both into a corner for another cacophony of clanks and yelps.


As the female Tenno knelt to pick up the first Kama she dropped, her irritated mind tried to cope with these events happening. She could not get it into her head that this stinky newborn life simply denied the possibility that someone wanted to kill it. Kneeling, feeling the weapons's weight in her right hand, she witnessed the animal lying on it's side, scratching the hilt with all fours while trying to wrap it's limbs around it, making squeaking sounds between the attempts of getting the metal grip into a firm hold between it's fangs.

The Mag stood slowly up, still undecided, and eventually the creature managed after rolling around a little to take a good bite at the hilt, clenching it between it's tiny teeth, and... trotting with it to the female Tenno.


Her ability to deal with all this faded into oblivion. Exploiting the animal's eagerness to catch things, she dropped the Kama a second time. As anticipated, the furry one let go of it's current loot to fetch a new one - because why not?

The Mag didn't think about that at all, however. The only tangible thought in her mind was, that this filthy trespasser needed to be disposed of and she would decide later what to do with the research. Her hand wrapped around the handle of the heavy Axe that was the Scindo, and her ability to control magnetic fields and adhesion allowed her to pull the weapon with more force than she reasonably should, using her arm as a lever to bring the accelerated movement down in a semi circle on the puppy with bone-splitting might.


The bladed edge of the Scindo would drive a deep gash into the floor of the ship, easily dismembering the young life.

But to the Mag's very surprise, the animal reflexively jumped back on all fours fast enough to avoid the hit, and immediately dashing forward again after the weapon met the ground. She could not help but remain motionless, perplexed, as the puppy pounced at the angled up handle of the weapon and again playfully gnawing on the handle while trying to not fall back on the floor with flailing limbs that tried to wrap around the staff of the Scindo.


Slowly, the female Tenno began to ponder, if this newborn would actually be useful in combat once fully grown, having such high reflexes and agility at this early stage of development.

Promptly, the animal let it's legs go limp, hanging down weakly, while managing still keep from falling down by still having it's jaws wrapped around the handle, blinking, as if uncertain how to get down. Then it's eyes rolled around to try and capture the view of the humanoid in exosuit, and the tail started to waggle uncontrolled again.


Seeing the clumsy animal slightly swinging back and forth from the remaining momentum of jarred movements, unwilling or unable to let go, she started to reconsider if it would be that good an idea of letting it mature. She grabbed the hilt at the very end on her side and pushed down with all her weight, so the axis of the Scindo's staff lowered to a more horizontal line, allowing the animal to touch the ground with it's hind legs. Immediately, it let go, flopped to the side, heavily breathing and pawed playfully at the female Tenno's foot.


The Mag decided, the next assignment would need to wait for a while longer.

Edited by Khunvyel
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