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Kubrow's Loyalty


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Hi DE's. I have a Sunika Kubrow and I was wondering... do they really have to have a loyalty bar? I mean all the work I put in for her she should stay loyal to me no matter what. I really don't like the loyalty bar, it shouldn't stop her from attacking people or using her abilities (which are really usefull) can you please take away the loyalty bar or at least make it build up faster by petting it or something like "the more you pet it the loyalty increases" or "giving it a DNA Stabilizer Replenishes the loyalty to 100%" otherwise PLEASE do something about it. I want to take my Kubrow on every mission, like my little Dead To Rights dog.


Please DE

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I somewhat agree. I think instead of just removing it entirely, just increase the amount of times you can restore the loyalty bar per day, that way it can still keep the sense of the Kubrow going "Hey, I like you and all, but I like not getting shot at more.". That or reduce the amount of loyalty removed per mission, instead of 10%-20% reduce it to 5% each mission and 10% when your Kubrow is sent back to the ship (Because I refuse to believe that my sweet and beautiful Kubrow dies and I just soullessly clone up another one... I refuse dammit q.q )).

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I agree. I don't like the loyalty at all. I feel like they put that there so people would still have to use sentinels. Right now, it seems I can only restore my kubrows loyalty once a day. This makes me angry because I want to level her up, but I cant because of this "loyalty". 

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I really would like the Loyalty removed as well.. I mean, it was a nice idea but, it seems to be more of a annoyance then an actual 'game mechanic'. I love the updates but, I think the loyalty was a waste.. And I Agree with Nexzalas. DE, I don't think you know how adorable and addicting you've made these Kubrows T^T

Edited by Reinhardt1990
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I agree with all of these lovely people here. I hope there is a DE rep here, because i want DE to read all of these complaints. I, and many many others, feel that it is a useless mechanic and that it should be removed, or fixed. If your kubrow happens to die often (and they do), it will lose all loyalty for you and be useless. then you cant replenish the loyalty for days because you can only increase it once or twice a day. it is a broken mechanic that needs to be fixed or removed. and some people say they don't have this problem because they have many kubrow, but they have to sit there for 3 hours waiting to switch out, or pay money which some of us don't have to throw around. Stasis, while it makes sense that it needs to recover, needs a shorter wait time as well. the WHOLE kubrow system needs a fix and it needs it soon. i really hope DE can read this.

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I somewhat agree. I think instead of just removing it entirely, just increase the amount of times you can restore the loyalty bar per day, that way it can still keep the sense of the Kubrow going "Hey, I like you and all, but I like not getting shot at more.". That or reduce the amount of loyalty removed per mission, instead of 10%-20% reduce it to 5% each mission and 10% when your Kubrow is sent back to the ship (Because I refuse to believe that my sweet and beautiful Kubrow dies and I just soullessly clone up another one... I refuse dammit q.q )).

I also hate the idea that they are "clone's" I went to earth and got the egg, my pinsent is still a puppy and he is no clone. Never been in the field of battle. Ah an idea! I don't like this clone biz, grineer like it I don't. If I recall you have to do a quest to get a collar? Well if this collar is so advance tech to give shields and put mods in it ect ( at lest that's what I think its for) then why at the last moment right when he/she is about to "die" the collar teleports he/she back to the ship to be healed? It's better then your pet being a clone and dieing because its DNA is braking down or something.


I mean sure the sentinels they blow up and no one cry's over them, But they are put back together and fine as kind. is that a "clone"? is that the same sentinel that you fought with last mission? Robots/sentinels can save there data on to the ship so yeah there body "die's" but they are never gone because there data is still there. But a pet dieing and being a clone...just feels sad, if my pinsent die's and the ship make's a clone of another pinsent is that really the same pinsent? or in better terms if your friend die's and a clone replaces him is that really your friend? Maybe i'm taking the game to far but it feel's odd. By all mean's I like the idea of taking care of them. If they die because you dd not take care of them that's your flat. Maybe there is a middle ground that can be reached but until then my pinsent may have to sleep.....a long time :(

Edited by firex21566
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