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Mastery Experience Addition With Optional Objectives In Missions And Codex Scans


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Hello all, 


This thread was a suggestion from this thread, but I felt that it is more suitable in the Missions Feedback. The content is below:


Mastery Ranks, as of U14.0.4, are used to lock equipment so that players will have to continue to play and use different equipment to gain Mastery. Now, it is not known what would Mastery Ranks do in the future, but it is known that Mastery Ranks will stop at 30. However, this means that DE(L) will need to create a lot of equipment to reach that mark, meaning sooner or later, everything is going to be a re-skin of each other. Thus, to prevent this, I have the following suggestion:


If players have played Vor's Prize, they would have encountered a mission where the Lotus gave them two options when they have completed the initial objective: Destroy the core of the ship so that the targeted colony will be saved, or get to extraction. My suggestion is that we introduce this mechanism to all missions, with a 10%-15% of it happening once the player completes the main objective, and the Lotus announcing it with something along the lines of 'restoring balance', 'saving X', or 'preventing colony Y from being razed'. If the Lotus does announce an additional objective, then all subsequent enemies that spawn will have the node's normal level range increased by 2. If the player completes the additional objective, then all subsequent enemies that spawn will have the node's normal level range increased by 5.


If the player does decide to do the additional objective and succeeds, then he/she will be rewarded with Mastery Experience, dependent on the planet (for instance, finishing the additional objective on a node in Pluto will give out 10,000 Mastery Experience to the player) (justification for gaining Mastery Experience is being able to adapt to the situation + upholding balance). Also, to make this more lucrative, the player can also be rewarded with a few things, from the thankful targets/prisoners/colonies, such as (the below are examples):


Credit caches (maybe between 45,000 to 65,000 credits?).

Rare resources (in packs of three?)

A small piece of intel that would give the player an advantage when running more missions on the planet that the player completed the additional objective in (can use the advantage mechanism written in my Spy 2.0/Deception 2.0 event concept seen in this thread).

A discontinued weapon blueprint.


Another suggestion made by Xandis would be to also add Mastery Experience when using the Codex to scan enemies. Filling a Codex page of a certain enemy will reward the player Mastery Experience based on the number of scans, with filling the Eximus page rewarding double the Mastery Experience compared to filling the normal counterpart's page, and bosses having a high Mastery Experience reward overall.


With these additions, I hope to make DE(L) be less stressed about making enough equipment to make players go to Mastery Rank 30 from equipment alone, allowing them to focus on other things, to make missions a bit more in depth and immersive, and to make the Codex have some use.


Please take the time to read this suggestion, and give constructive feedback and criticism so that it can be improved. 




To see my other threads, please go to my profile.

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I have always hated that sh!t with taking "pictures" for codex.

I am not playing Pokemon Snap or some other kid game. In this game we kill and sometimes butcher enemy with 2h-swords ... that should count as some kind of codex entry. You can observe that the enemy bleeds green/red and hence gain codex entry ;-) 

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