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U14 Feedback - Now With 100% More Pants.


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So after U14 I've noticed some things...


Suggestions and requests for change:

mods - since when did anyone ever want to take a leisurely stroll through their mod list, and not actually do something with them? In other words I simply can't understand why fusing mods and selling mods has been split up in separate sub menus, og why we need an overview option, that doesn't let us do anything but look at the mods.

star chart - why the need to select the mission, accept it in the pop-up box, and then accept it again in the top left corner?
star chart - we used to be able to click on the alerts directly from the old star chart, without having to navigate to the planet and node. This was very clever and a nice feature.

Howl of the Kubrow - considering that you are still relatively new to the game when you get this quest, it's a horrible grind wall to throw at new players. I can sort of understand why Loki Prime (or other primes) are hidden behind the grotesque mistake that is horrible grind walls, but for something that came with what you call "new player experience 2.0", this seems like a bit of a fluke. I have more than 600 hours under my belt, do I have come to terms with the grind, but it still took me two days of grinding before an egg dropped.

Kubrow in combat - we need to be able to command our furry friends to return to us, and stay by our side. Right now they are all over the place, and just seem to foe on the heat of battle. We also need a message telling us that our Kubrow is down, similar to when a player goes down.

more feedback will come when I get out of bed and put some pants on.
All right. I'm up, got my pants on and my coffe ready.


Kubrows - More clarifying information would be nice. I decided to play through the new intro, just to get a feel for it. I refused to use the forums or wiki as a source of information, just to see how easy/difficult everything was to figure out. I had no clue how long it would take my Kubrow to mature, once it hat hatched. This also goes for how the heck genetic imprints work. This kind of information needs to be available in the game.

Mods - When selling and fusing mods you can see 2½ lines of mods (atleast I can on my 1680x1050 resolution). The top line of mods is cut off just so you can still read the name of the mod, and the bottom visible row, that's only half, if useless.

It does look like, with a bit of clever wiggling, that it'd be possible to fit in 3 rows.


Mods - Warframes take up unnecessary space on the left hand side of the screen, blocking the view of craftable items.


Dark sector conflicts - This is really fun! I'm not usually into the whole TPS PVP thing, but this had me smirking all morning. Maybe a permanent conflict node would be a good idea? Sort of like how we have conclaves here and there, or the dojo, OD and Void? A node, sector, planet, whatever, where you can just go and spazz out in a never ending conflict?


Dark sector conflict, Tenno powers - Valkyr hysteria invulnerability is complete and utter BS.


Kubrow colors: I know this had been said a million times, but I'll say it again. Why not let us change the colors of our kubrows? I got a white one, and I named it Popcorn. Now it's more grey, but I don't want a Kubrow called concrete...

Just have it cost something like 100.000 credits to change the color of your hyena/dog/cat/llama hybrid pet.


Interface - When ever you press escape, or enter a menu on the liset, the camera kind of swivels around a bit.
I understood from the last UI devstream, that this is done in order to remove the warframe from the picture, and make room for the menu itself. Which is all well and good.

It is, however, not so good when playing solo, and you have to pause the game (for whatever reason). When you resume, the first thing that happens is the camera sliding back in to position, and this always makes me disoriented.
While I'm convinced, that the swiveling is done, so that it looks like the warframe is actually looking at the menu, I will humbly request a rework/secondary option for this, that simples slides the camera sideways, but without changing the direction it faces.




Work just called... This section will contain stuff... Eventually.

Work done - Resuming vacation!


The overall feel and look of the new interface is very nice and sleek (although there are some tweaks left to be done).

I love my Kubrow, despite it looks like it's got pubes sticking out through the regular fur (I'm being told that hair is hard to make).
The quests are a great, and much needed, addition to the game. This is just begging for more content.

Edited by BenzinNinJa
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Agreed with just about everything.

The new mods menu is particularly vexing at times. Would be nice if it worked exactly like the old one, but in the new style. The old system allowed you to scroll through your mods, select, sell, transmute, and fuse all without having to back out and enter a new menu. It's a bit cumbersome as it is now.


Also, am I just missing something or is there no inventory screen anymore? If there isn't, then there's no way to quickly check which/how many blueprints I have, or prime parts and such. I know there is a components section in the foundry but it isn't as comprehensive as the old "inventory."

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I like being able to fuse mods, use the foundry etc. aboard my fancy little ship, but the whole thing is a bit annoying and complicated to use when playing Rhino, because he's so massive, he simply covers the left-hand side of most onscreen-menus, meaning I can't always read what I'm about to craft or what a mod actually does, because Rhino's fat @$$ is right in front of it. Sure, I can change to a less bulky warframe, but I shouldn't have to. :P



I'm not ruling out the possibility that I'm just being stupid and doing something wrong, but that's with the camera moved as far to the left as possible in the menu and the mod description is still fully covered up. Happens in the foundry, as well.

Edited by Berserkerkitten
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I like being able to fuse mods, use the foundry etc. aboard my fancy little ship, but the whole thing is a bit annoying and complicated to use when playing Rhino, because he's so massive, he simply covers the left-hand side of most onscreen-menus, meaning I can't always read what I'm about to craft or what a mod actually does, because Rhino's fat @$$ is right in front of it. Sure, I can change to a less bulky warframe, but I shouldn't have to. :P


This goes for less bulky frames as well. I'm currently leveling Banshee (oh god the horror), and she's taking up a lot of screen-space as well.

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I think about the only complaint I have so far about U14 is the mod screens. They feel bulky and hard to navigate now. I hate having my frame in the screen while hunting for mods. As pointed out above it is really annoying not to be able to see all your mods.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The ESC menu can be our savior!

Remember when Steve was first showing us around the Liset, and said that we didn't need to do all this console interaction, we could just hit ESC for the old style interface?


ESC shouldn't port us (ever) to the part of the ship and start the new animation. It should just be a flat interface with a  black background and nothing more.

I remember when i actually looked at mods. I'd hover over them, check their stats and think about experimenting...

Now i just go from memory and screw the rest.

U14 killed science!

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