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People Abusing Of The Report System?


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So, quite a weird and unpleasant match today.


I joined a Dark Sector defense mission, right after reading the last hotfix notes; I may have read them paying not enough attention, but I understood that Kubrow waypoint was not displayed as an enemy anymore, yay!


Then I went to that mission and a few seconds after the intro another user waypointed the Kubrow: the waypoint was now a blue one, like an ally one: I made a mistake for sure, but I REALLY thought that was the new method of waypointing our Kubrows on the battlefield(I thought, why even give us the option or painting it blue otherwise??).


So I waypointed mine and went to the elevator up to the mission; we did a couple of waves and I found the waypointing quite irritating, but still.....


Then one of the teammates wrote in chat something like "your f**king kubrows"(note that he wrote nothing until that message during the mission regarding the kubrows), then I suddenly waited for my Kubrow to reach me and I removed the waypoint, thinking like "well, he's right, if it dies it dies, but this way of waypointing is pretty annoying".


I opened the chat to discuss about it and......"REPORTED". I thought he was joking at first, since I didn't even know you could get reported for waypointing Kubrows and, funny thing, I never did before the new system was introduced(Kubrow as enemy, why waypointing??), but reading his chat I realized he really reported me, without even asking me first why the hell I was waypointing my Kubrow and if I could please remove that damn thing!


I tried to explaiin myself a bit, but it really seemed to be speaking with an angry child, like if he gets paid for reporting players.

The other waypointer apparently didn't give a s**t about it and kept waypointing the Kubrow, without discussing in the chat, but since I was quite sorry and I was not sure about what was going on I kept writing for a bit.


Of course the policeman didn't believe me, so I just ended the chat suggesting to ask before reporting, since sometimes things are not really how they seem.


Below the chat we had in game:




Now, I don't even know if the ban is automatic or if there's a way to discuss the report, I'll probably find out later, but what do you think about it?

I made the mistake to follow the other waypointer for sure, but since the waypoint was now changed I thought it was due to the last hotfix and intended to work like this.

Also, I try to be polite in game, so if the policeman would have asked me first to remove the waypoint I would have done it immediately(as I did, actually)


I always thought a reputation system would have been needed in Warframe, but now I think that it cannot be in players hands...

Edited by siralextraffo
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no naming and shaming, remove player names


Also, dont worry about getting reported, if you didn't do anything wrong (exploit, hack, being abusive, harrasment, etc) you have nothing to worry about ;)

Edited by Adaptor-Face
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Frankly, it sounds like the other player was just being a raging little child over something that's relatively trivial.


If it was bugging him that badly he could have very easily just...asked you to remove it.


Don't worry. I don't think DE will ban you for "1-6 months" for putting a waypoint on your Kubrow. The kid was just mad at the world for no reason.


Also I like how he screams at his team to revive him, and then calls everyone retards. Sounds like HE's the one that needs to be looked at for punishment, not you.

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Not reading your messages now, will remove names immediately, sorry, then I'll read your posts!



Lol, today I'm really trying all ways to get banned.


Nah you're good. Don't let a kid like that scare you. I doubt he even "reported" you.


And the absolute most you'd get for posting names is a locked thread and a "Hey, don't do that" PM from the CMs. You're fixing that error now, so you'll be fine.




Have to admit I laughed at him raging to be revived xD On topic you don't have to worry about getting banned I would think. On a side note I wasn't really even aware you could report people in this game...color me surprised.


I wasn't aware either - at least not directly ingame. You can take pictures and report through the site. Hence why I doubt the kid even reported him.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Oh my god that's HILARIOUS!!! Screw that guy & Dont black out names. This isn't "naming and shaming" as your asking a q & sharing the convo... Not your fault the kid is a douchebag. Not like your all "Siq6Six is a jerk and cussed me out durin a match!" :)

Best part was the end "REVIVE ME!" LAWL!!! This jerkoff claims to report you and cusses you out over a stupid waypoint.... Then he expects your help? lololol!!

I'd be surprised if anything came of the frivolous report. If anything DE should mark down that he's wasting their time with this crap & if he's doing it all the time suspend him.

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I wouldn't worry. DE is good about these things, and it was the other player who was using abusive language.


Once a friend of mine got banned because apparently we had been running a game with a forum moderator and that moderator got pissy at him and banned him from the forums (which he never visited), but that linked back to his game account.


The ban was overturned and I don't think that moderator is a moderate no more.

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So, quite a weird and unpleasant match today.


I joined a Dark Sector defense mission, right after reading the last hotfix notes; I may have read them paying not enough attention, but I understood that Kubrow waypoint was not displayed as an enemy anymore, yay!


Then I went to that mission and a few seconds after the intro another user waypointed the Kubrow: the waypoint was now a blue one, like an ally one: I made a mistake for sure, but I REALLY thought that was the new method of waypointing our Kubrows on the battlefield(I thought, why even give us the option or painting it blue otherwise??).


So I waypointed mine and went to the elevator up to the mission; we did a couple of waves and I found the waypointing quite irritating, but still.....


Then one of the teammates wrote in chat something like "your f**king kubrows"(note that he wrote nothing until that message during the mission regarding the kubrows), then I suddenly waited for my Kubrow to reach me and I removed the waypoint, thinking like "well, he's right, if it dies it dies, but this way of waypointing is pretty annoying".


I opened the chat to discuss about it and......"REPORTED". I thought he was joking at first, since I didn't even know you could get reported for waypointing Kubrows and, funny thing, I never did before the new system was introduced(Kubrow as enemy, why waypointing??), but reading his chat I realized he really reported me, without even asking me first why the hell I was waypointing my Kubrow and if I could please remove that damn thing!


I tried to explaiin myself a bit, but it really seemed to be speaking with an angry child, like if he gets paid for reporting players.

The other waypointer apparently didn't give a s**t about it and kept waypointing the Kubrow, without discussing in the chat, but since I was quite sorry and I was not sure about what was going on I kept writing for a bit.


Of course the policeman didn't believe me, so I just ended the chat suggesting to ask before reporting, since sometimes things are not really how they seem.


Below the chat we had in game:




Now, I don't even know if the ban is automatic or if there's a way to discuss the report, I'll probably find out later, but what do you think about it?

I made the mistake to follow the other waypointer for sure, but since the waypoint was now changed I thought it was due to the last hotfix and intended to work like this.

Also, I try to be polite in game, so if the policeman would have asked me first to remove the waypoint I would have done it immediately(as I did, actually)


I always thought a reputation system would have been needed in Warframe, but now I think that it cannot be in players hands...

Its fine. Just because you're reported doesn't mean the incident isn't checked out.

Depending on what he reported you for support will probably just laugh at him.


No need to panic friend. You wont get a ban slapped on you out of no where.

Besides, I doubt bans are handed out for one "offense" depending on what it is of course.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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Ah, advent of the ignorant children. Don't worry about it, the report will be looked at, Support will see what happened, and the OTHER guy will be banned for harassment and report abuse.

This.  People that repeatedly make frivolous reports will probably get a ban :|

Edited by Aggh
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it is fine,he want do it that his problem,u play the game,u not cheating,u just want to save your doggy from dead,he just don't understand,let him be~
if he talk to me like that,i don't like,i send a ticket with picture to Support,i do nothing wrg,but why he keep like insult me?

Edited by Kage2015
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I tried to explaiin myself a bit, but it really seemed to be speaking with an angry child, like if he gets paid for reporting players.


I always thought a reputation system would have been needed in Warframe, but now I think that it cannot be in players hands...

Yes you actually were talking to an angry child.  I'd try not to let his empty threats bother you.


Yep, pretty much the main reason vote kicks and reputation systems are not in place.  It is really hard to balance out these types of people who are in a constant state of rage.

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The funny thing is that, really, just asking me to remove the waypoint would have saved him from a lot of rage, apparently.


My Kubrow was also level 0 so I thought I really had a reason to try the new system now that finally was introduced, I thought it was the perfect time to test it. So the guy has been unlucky as well, since I would never waypoint a Kubrow after he's leveled enought to have link-shield mod on or the one for bleeding!

Actually I never waypointed them anyway, lol!

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