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Too Spoon Fed?


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My point is that he FIRST AVAILABLE(The very beginning of it all) AS A STARTER FRAME WITH EXCALIBUR AND MAG. He was THEN MOVED TO OTHER PLACES. They just put him back as a starter frame again recently. Volt came full circle. Its not exactly the most super useful frame out there. Why is it so hard to grasp the concept of them wanting him to be a starter frame again?

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My point is that he FIRST AVAILABLE(The very beginning of it all) AS A STARTER FRAME WITH EXCALIBUR AND MAG. He was THEN MOVED TO OTHER PLACES. They just put him back as a starter frame again recently. Volt came full circle. Its not exactly the most super useful frame out there. Why is it so hard to grasp the concept of them wanting him to be a starter frame again?


Volt's not useful? Have you ever played him? All the starter frames will carry you well through even endgame content, which makes sense. 

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Do you seriously think that Volt is harder to get than Excalibur or Mag? You need to fork over 45000 credits for all of his parts. That's 2 missions on Ceres. 


Meanwhile, you could run a boss all day and not get that last part. I know a guy who took 20 boss runs to get the last part of Nyx. And you're telling me that's easier than just walking over and buying it outright? I would rather pay the credits. 


You could make the (very poor) argument that you need a generous soul to take you to their clan so you can buy it. Okay. Now explain how that's any simpler than crossing the ENTIRE STAR CHART so you can reach Excalibur on the very last, most difficult planet? You're going to get help or you're going to take so much time that you could've formed your own clan and researched Volt by then. 


Please don't try to pretend that 45000 credits is a lot. It's not even a lot to newbies. 

Edited by Blastcut
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And he originally dropped from a boss (J3 Golem on Jupiter, was it?).  Your point?

And even before that he was a starter in the place of Mag. Your point?


And I dont see the point of this thread.....

Edited by Kao-Snake
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Volt's not useful? Have you ever played him? All the starter frames will carry you well through even endgame content, which makes sense. 


He WAS my starter frame back in closed beta and my main frame for a very long time. And no hes not entirely useful for doing harder game content such as long defense missions. You can use any frame to get you through all of the missions but for using him for doing survival or long defense missions its less than optimal.

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He WAS my starter frame back in closed beta and my main frame for a very long time. And no hes not entirely useful for doing harder game content such as long defense missions. You can use any frame to get you through all of the missions but for using him for doing survival or long defense missions its less than optimal.


How? I have a duration build volt that lets me cover a pod better than a frost. He's not specialized into any one thing, but he can do pretty much anything well. 

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I don't see what's so unfair about. It is DE's response to players crying over the lack of a proper tutorial. You know what's unfair? Preventing new players from having it easier due to our "get off my lawn, you darn young whippersnapper" mentality.



P.S. I would like to see how your Volt would possibly outperform my Frost's snowglobe.

Edited by PeripheralVisionary
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How? I have a duration build volt that lets me cover a pod better than a frost. He's not specialized into any one thing, but he can do pretty much anything well. 

Mag can ragdoll everything in front of her and get rid of Shields, wich is usefull in ANY Void/Corpus mission


Excal can blind the whole map.


Volt can make a Shield that no enemy can shoot throught, and empowers you shots.


Those 3 are good enough. The end.

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Mag can ragdoll everything in front of her and get rid of Shields, wich is usefull in ANY Void/Corpus mission


Excal can blind the whole map.


Volt can make a Shield that no enemy can shoot throught, and empowers you shots.


Those 3 are good enough. The end.


Exactly. All the starter frames scale with the player, you could conceivably never make another frame and not be inconvenienced. I'm sure this was intentional.

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Volt being back as one of the 3 starter frames is a good call In my opinion, he was their in the begging too start he should be their now. He can also still be obtained by people not picking him via dojo so glad he's not been moved. Moving on however too your "spoon fed" comment I really don't think spoon fed would be the proper term too use in this situation. Remember Warframes a "beta" no matter what anyone says meaning it needs a tutorial and it needs a way for people to learn things without having to head off to your nearest wiki site.


I honestly think the codex should be more useful for new players in this sort of aspect, it could teach people many things so much better then it currently dose without the need of going through this whole "spoon feeding" as you put it. Its a choice then just like looking up the wiki, just more creative and less needing a wiki to learn things.

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Yes, he was a starter frame, however then he was removed, and made a boss reward, then he got removed from boss drop tables, then he was put into a random drop table similar to Oberon, but as a mission reward, then he was put into the clan dojo, which makes him significantly harder to get if you're in a new/young clan.


Excal and Mag are boss drops, which makes them significantly easier to get than Volt. Its not on par, and its unfair, even for new players. If a new player picks Excalibur, and thinks "Hm. I wish I chose Mag." they can get her instantly, just by killing the boss a few times, whereas with Volt, theres the big to-do with the Dojo and research. Its not equal, and its just unfair, even on new players. I think all the starter frames should just be boss drops.


Just because he was a starter frame once-upon-a-time doesn't mean its appropriate for him to be a starter frame now.

How the hell is it "hard" to get Volt from a dojo? He's one of the easiest Warframes to get in the game.

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I don't see what's so unfair about. It is DE's response to players crying over the lack of a proper tutorial. You know what's unfair? Preventing new players from having it easier due to our "get off my lawn, you darn young whippersnapper" mentality.

I wouldnt say "crying" bub, its denigrating, I got here in U8 and was VERY at loss of what to do, it was a shoot this, cut this, run with this. I knew I could sprint with SHIFT because of past experience with shooters, but wallrun, use powers, mods, foundry, resoucers.... it was all trial and error and Region Chat.


The tutorial they put b4 U14 was oka-ish, but still didnt tell new players about the most basic things worked here.

This tutorial helps, it shows you that basics, foundry, arsenal, mods, market, it leaves you with a peice of meat and instruction on how to cook it, before that it gave you the meat and didnt even give directions to the kitchen.


So no, players were NOT crying for the lack to proper tutorial, they were ASKING for a tutorial that would HOOK the new players, not the veterans. If you say we were crying, ok you can say we were crying..... for those that just picked up the game didnt have the patience to try and figure things out and just left with only an hour of two of gameplay and gave up on this awesome game because of lack of patience.

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I wouldnt say "crying" bub, its denigrating, I got here in U8 and was VERY at loss of what to do, it was a shoot this, cut this, run with this. I knew I could sprint with SHIFT because of past experience with shooters, but wallrun, use powers, mods, foundry, resoucers.... it was all trial and error and Region Chat.


The tutorial they put b4 U14 was oka-ish, but still didnt tell new players about the most basic things worked here.

This tutorial helps, it shows you that basics, foundry, arsenal, mods, market, it leaves you with a peice of meat and instruction on how to cook it, before that it gave you the meat and didnt even give directions to the kitchen.


So no, players were NOT crying for the lack to proper tutorial, they were ASKING for a tutorial that would HOOK the new players, not the veterans. If you say we were crying, ok you can say we were crying..... for those that just picked up the game didnt have the patience to try and figure things out and just left with only an hour of two of gameplay and gave up on this awesome game because of lack of patience.

Oh, is that so? I got my info on the "crying" part due to the launcher notes.


"Our players tells us that the difficulty in learning Warframe essentials is too high!"

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My point is that he FIRST AVAILABLE(The very beginning of it all) AS A STARTER FRAME WITH EXCALIBUR AND MAG. He was THEN MOVED TO OTHER PLACES. They just put him back as a starter frame again recently. Volt came full circle. Its not exactly the most super useful frame out there. Why is it so hard to grasp the concept of them wanting him to be a starter frame again?

Still don't see why you quoted my post...

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I don't see what's so unfair about. It is DE's response to players crying over the lack of a proper tutorial. You know what's unfair? Preventing new players from having it easier due to our "get off my lawn, you darn young whippersnapper" mentality.



P.S. I would like to see how your Volt would possibly outperform my Frost's snowglobe.

Couple of Shields should do the trick :)

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I completely understand making the game easier for new players but after seeing everything you are doing, i'am starting to think that new players are too spoon fed.

We all had to figure out everything by our selves but now players get everything handed to them and are told how to do everything, but everything in the game is in the wiki that any one at any time can access and that I personally have used a lot as it is extremely helpful.

New players have even got better starting weapons and now get volt, which is not fair for people that played the game before U14, volt for us has to be obtained from the dojo and takes quite a few resources and a very long time to make.

I'm not saying everything is bad as some of the new stuff is very helpful like the new tutorial and UI is very helpful but if it keeps just giving the new players everything the game will be too easy and in my honest opinion, I enjoyed the learning curve as once you got it, it became easy to do, but i too agree that it was too steep but now i feel like its not really a curve at all now as you are told everything and how to do everything.


According to your profile you made your account on June 26th, 2014.


Did you play the "tutorial" like how it was a year ago? You basically got in your Warframe and started your first mission without any knowledge of what anything does, where to get this, where to get that, ect., nothing at all.

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How about make

Yes, he was a starter frame, however then he was removed, and made a boss reward, then he got removed from boss drop tables, then he was put into a random drop table similar to Oberon, but as a mission reward, then he was put into the clan dojo, which makes him significantly harder to get if you're in a new/young clan.


Excal and Mag are boss drops, which makes them significantly easier to get than Volt. Its not on par, and its unfair, even for new players. If a new player picks Excalibur, and thinks "Hm. I wish I chose Mag." they can get her instantly, just by killing the boss a few times, whereas with Volt, theres the big to-do with the Dojo and research. Its not equal, and its just unfair, even on new players. I think all the starter frames should just be boss drops.


Just because he was a starter frame once-upon-a-time doesn't mean its appropriate for him to be a starter frame now.

How about make Volt drop from the Hyenas and make Loki a research frame?

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According to your profile you made your account on June 26th, 2014.


Did you play the "tutorial" like how it was a year ago? You basically got in your Warframe and started your first mission without any knowledge of what anything does, where to get this, where to get that, ect., nothing at all.

June 26th is when he made his forum account.

When he made his Warframe account is a whole other matter.

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Too spoon fed?

New players don't even have a clue how the mod system works exactly (which is essential) are told nothing about the void and many of the movement mechanics remain unexplained.

If anything there is not enough handholding. Giving no tutorials in a game such as this is bad and will alienate new players and make them leave.

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