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This Game Needs A 'vote To Kick Player' Button


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Why not some kind of mark system? If a player gets a mark, then you will be able to vote-kick them. For example an afk mark, a player gets an afk mark by doing absolutely nothing in 1-2 mins. Or maybe a disrespectful mark, a player gets that by swearing 2-4 times. Etc.

Sounds simple?


Every kick system in games i have ever seen is the same, but if you make it different maybe it will work without problems.


One day you would annoy a single other player by calling him/her names because you had a bad day, and then regretted it.


He/she would tell their clan, who would tell the Alliance, and then the entire alliance would remember your name, and mark you every time they were in game with you, after which you would have 500 marks and you would be never able to play with anyone.


Or someone in a team could just get annoyed at you for wearing a Pink energy color and just make up a story. Same result.


Yea, we really need this system.

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Recommend no 'vote to kick' - too personal, too easy to grief, too negative for team play tolerance of players that are new or inexperienced with that map/mission.


Have an inactivity auto-kick (with countdown on screen of afker) and with priority player replacement for auto-kicked player slot

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Really complicated thing.


I'd say no to kicking, as the abuse will be too high (kicking people before mission finish, if the host of the void has power there will be those that kick the team before just before the end, etc. some people are just idiots, sadly).


But a few measure to reduce the need of kicking would be nice:


-) Life support can: 1) Either exceed the 100%. So, if you play well, you just have more at the beginning, without having to worry when to activate what. Makes it abit too unthinking though. OR 2) Life support only activates at 60%, and you get an appropriate warning message, if you try sooner. Prevents nearly all losses of Personal support modules.


-) AFK players, and players staying around dead for too long can be kicked by a vote (I would say no to autokick, because sometimes you don't mind).


-) Let people remove other from the lobbies they started.



IF a way to kick someone would be implemented, I would support, that it only is possible in the first 5 minutes. So thats the most one will lose if someone abuses it.

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Wouldn't be a problem if people starts a vote to kick a player instead of a direct kick command by the host.

Sometimes those AFK players in the lobby that brought the wrong dragon key, or in a potato invasion mission always ruin all the fun (Somewhat rushing missions is fun).

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 It has come up before and it is often not necessarily shut down, but comes up with the same number of responses either way.  In general, in small games (4 players) a vote to kick option will get abused just as often as it can help someone get rid of people.  You would solve one problem but for every time you have had a ridiculously low level player join you, you will get vote kicked for a false aimbot accusation, a lagging accusation, or even idle accusations, while you are the person reviving all the other players when they go down.


 Simply put, if you deal with 5 problems with vote kick, you will likely be kicked 5 times by vote for mostly false statements by some other player.


 I don't want that to be a possibility.  I do want to see some way to improve player's experience and to reduce the number of players that get themselves and the other players into a bad situation because they are not where they should be or are just misbehaving.  At one point a reputation system was stated as a possibility by DE_Steve, but it hasn't been completed yet.  It really does need to go in, but I have a feeling the major hang up about the system is if it would ruin a players experience when his rep gets flagged for whatever reason.


 Will people use it correctly, or will it just be another conclave rating display that gets people ignored when it comes time to invite for any mission?

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Vote quit should be good but only implemented to kick people from team WHILE IN THE SHIP its frustrating having to disband the team to get rid of one player, but once you're inside mission is too late for that, because it would do for easy grieving on other players that may had already earned their reward, if you want to get rid of that annoying guy that spans life support, you first tell him and if he persist you can finish that run and change to private or just don't revive him, he will eventually run out of revives or get the hint.

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Its a team game and not everyone is going to be a team player


We shouldnt have to to be antisocial and only invite friends to any mission ever and anyone saying dont go with randoms is bluntly just being prickish


At the same time a kick feature would be easily and heavily abused


Best you can do is leave before 5 min if you get one of those people or try again later


Theres unfortunately no way to completely weed out every single idiot you come across


Just deal with them for the time and remember not to bring them again

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A straight vote kick will never work out, as has been talked about above, but it might work out with preconditions.

They would be things like
-AFK For X amount of time
-Holding a MDef datamass and not using it on a console for X amount of time when the rest of the team is at the console
-Holding a spy datamass and not moving to extraction for X amount of time when the rest of the team is there
-Staying in the same room for X amount of time while the rest of the team is in a different tile (to catch people who weight down the 'w' key or something to avoid afk kick)

Etc. etc.

Only *after* one or more of those conditions have been met could someone start a vote kick on that person.

That would still allow for kicking of trolls and AFK players, but will avoid most of the possibilities of it being abused.  Afterall, in order to even be able to start a vote kick, you would have to meet one of the conditions for it.  So no worry about random kicks or what-not.

And the benefit of a vote kick after AFK timer or whatever, allows for a group of friends who are playing together not to have to worry about someone being kicked if something comes up IRL and they agree that they person shouldn't be kicked.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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AFK guys must be kicked! I often see players joining alerts, do nothing and get rewards. Also I've been to couple of Void T survival, defense etc games where Host decides to AFK and do nothing while other do all the work!

Please make an AFK kick

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I've only been to two void missions where the host went AFK.  Both times were during a T4 Defense, first one he warned us he had to take a piss.  Second time the host had to go answer the doorbell.  That second time was me though...


From my experience, players behave pretty good in the void.  The only time I kinda got trolled was when I was hosting a T4 Defense mission and one of the 3 randoms was a loki with only a reaper prime.  I thought it was weird but I tell people use whatever they are most comfortable with and we still had frost nyx and saryn.  One minute in the loki disconnects then whispers me: "donked" whatever that means :/

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Vote Kick needed,  because facilitates the screening of inadequate players in the group and saves time, recreate the group will not have to.


Thank god you don't get to decide rules then ... "I want to be able to kick people because I don't want them".


It's not YOUR game, it's EVERYONES game. If you want to make it YOUR game, you do invite only. We are all so sorry you might waste 20 seconds remaking a team, so instead you demand a feature that has more ways to abuse it then ways to make the game better.

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Every cooperative online game should have a kick vote option, in my opinion. Just one guy can ruin the game for everyone.

Based on that I should mark your name down and then kick you whenever I see you simply on the fact I disagree with you then.


Do you know what MIGHT remotely work in Warframe? A tick box when games are started to say that the Host has set the game to be "Vote Kick enabled", so that everyone knows that the host can initiate a kick action. That way, if they think they got kicked unfairly, they can either never play with that guy again, or put him on ignore.


I guarantee that not many random people would willing join those games when they see the Vote Kick option enabled.

Edited by DSpite
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But ya know, having a kick option or blacklist is just functionality for the general masses.  There are players (and at least one of the moderators) who have figured out how to identify which player has which ip address when they host. So if they desire it, they may block that ip address thus kicking the player from the game and banning them from joining any further games by that host.


Now, if the vote kick option does get implemented, do you report people who vote kick you just to troll?

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I dont think vote to kick is a good idea, just on the basis that in other mp games people will kick you as soon as you join, just for having a low rank and i can see it happen if someone just doesnt like your frame. I do think a feedback menu at the end of a match would be good, where you could rate peoples co-operation, friendlyness, ect. That way you could have matchmaking based on these scores (put the poor scorers with each other).


Alternatively, put a min timer before voting can be done (to stop the kicking for no reason), and if you get kicked, you go into your own in game lobby (to stop people from kicking you in round 20 of a tower defence and you loosing all that progress (and possibly your key if your host)).

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Vote kick should be allowed before doing a mission by the host.  The number of leachers that try to hop on doing a key share chain is annoying, or someone comes on a T4 to level up a weapon... uh... No.


In game, this is a bit trickier to do without some trolling possibly happening.  If a character goes for a period of time doing zero damage with weapons, their character is marked to be possible to be AFK kicked for that session (though I guess some leeway would need to be made if no enemy spawns).  You can't do it based off of movement or ability use, since some will just go in a corner and spam every so often so they don't appear to be AFK. 

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they should make the /i command a kick option for those hosting keys. i am tired of mk1's in my damn t4 keys being massacred after 40s on the clock!


and then i'm the #$&(% when i close the key and reinvite the players that will survive and the mk1 starts ranting about not being reinvited.


Wait, someone brings starter weapons to a t4? I've never seen that before. :)



Oh yeah, and to those advocating afk-autokick, that's a bad idea. Voting confirmation for it, maybe. But occasionally when I've been in some squads and someone's (usually low ranked player with starter gear in a low level survival, etc. that our squad pushes to 40+ minutes) getting overwhelmed/downed a lot, we've sometimes offered to take a break (and hide) somewhere safe for a while, then they can come scoop up loots afterwards. Be sort of lame if they got auto-kicked because the squad was trying to be nice to someone.

Edited by CedarDpg
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Vote kick should be allowed before doing a mission by the host.  The number of leachers that try to hop on doing a key share chain is annoying, or someone comes on a T4 to level up a weapon... uh... No.

I... fail to see the good things behind this. Host only or pre-lobby only doesn't solve anything, why can nobody get that right?


Host: "I don't like *insert X unimportant thing there* KICKED!" Mid or pre game, it does not matter.


Also how are you supposed to tell who is a leecher from the lobby? How does that even work?

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My opinion is for it to require the rest of the team to vote /kick "player name", before it takes effect. I think typing everything should reduce the abuse, where in some games you just need to click one button to kick someone, can lead to people just clicking the nice flashing button, without second thought.

So 4 players -> 3 kick votes, 3 -> 2 votes, 2 players no kicking.

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