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On 8/8/2014 at 8:37 PM, -Edrick- said:

hi i do not know if i am doing this right but here goes nothing 

1 shino1812

2 time zone pacific 

availability in the afternoon 

main warframe well i switch between trinity and chroma 

primary weapons opticore and dread 

playtyle well whatever suits the situation i am very versatile 



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Hey shino1812,

Formatting post is a bit off but you got some of the info I am looking for.  Here is the application questions from the OP (which I will ask you about when I meet you online) to finalize any other inquiries I (or you) may have.  I should be online 5 hrs from the time of this post if you are still on.  However if not, I'll eventually catch you as the weekend gets closer.   See you soon (then)!


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IGN: ArnoldAceRimmer

Age: 25

Timezone: Central Europe Time (UTC/GMT +1).
When I am online: Hard to tell when exactly, i am working on shifts right now but dont worry i can manage to find time to play :P

Q: What is your mastery rank?

A: 21

Q: What do you do?
A: Working/studying


Q: Which is Your Primary Warframe(s) and Weapons? 
A: Frames: Loki, Nova, Nyx

Weapons: Scindo prime, Synoid Symulor, Atomos

Q: What are your Goals? 
A: Well i play wf for 2 years its not the best thing that i have played but for sure not the worst. I like and enjoy th game and look forward for future updated. I look at it as the game is seriously progressing (slowly but for sure) if i compare it with other online "free to play" games. So my goals are simply spending my free time in a game i like with everything that comes with.
Q: Why do you think we would be the clan for you/vice-versa?
A: Soooo as i have already mentioned i play wf for 2 years and to be honest i didnt had luck with clans so far. Most of them just died. What i know for sure that i dont want to be in huge clans like 300+. People dont know each other in such clans and i prefer smaller clans where it actually works otherwise. Like inner circle with players that actually work together to help each other or progress etc. Thats maybe the simplest answer for me to this question and i could talk long about this but i dont want to spam in here so if u would like to get in this dilemma deeper feel free to pm me in game :)


Q: Do You PvP? If so What is Your K/D ratio/tally? 
A: Nope, pvp in wf isnt really worth it, ofc thats just my opinion and i can understand others

Q: Have you Completed or Experienced a Raid?
A: Got arround 350 Detonite Injectors so go figure xP

Q: Have you Read, Agreed, and Understood our Clan Rules and Expectations?
A: I have read and i do agree with clan policies.

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1 hour ago, ArnoldAceRimmer said:

IGN: ArnoldAceRimmer

Age: 25

Timezone: Central Europe Time (UTC/GMT +1).
When I am online: Hard to tell when exactly, i am working on shifts right now but dont worry i can manage to find time to play :P

Q: What is your mastery rank?

A: 21

Q: What do you do?
A: Working/studying


Q: Which is Your Primary Warframe(s) and Weapons? 
A: Frames: Loki, Nova, Nyx

Weapons: Scindo prime, Synoid Symulor, Atomos

Q: What are your Goals? 
A: Well i play wf for 2 years its not the best thing that i have played but for sure not the worst. I like and enjoy th game and look forward for future updated. I look at it as the game is seriously progressing (slowly but for sure) if i compare it with other online "free to play" games. So my goals are simply spending my free time in a game i like with everything that comes with.
Q: Why do you think we would be the clan for you/vice-versa?
A: Soooo as i have already mentioned i play wf for 2 years and to be honest i didnt had luck with clans so far. Most of them just died. What i know for sure that i dont want to be in huge clans like 300+. People dont know each other in such clans and i prefer smaller clans where it actually works otherwise. Like inner circle with players that actually work together to help each other or progress etc. Thats maybe the simplest answer for me to this question and i could talk long about this but i dont want to spam in here so if u would like to get in this dilemma deeper feel free to pm me in game :)


Q: Do You PvP? If so What is Your K/D ratio/tally? 
A: Nope, pvp in wf isnt really worth it, ofc thats just my opinion and i can understand others

Q: Have you Completed or Experienced a Raid?
A: Got arround 350 Detonite Injectors so go figure xP

Q: Have you Read, Agreed, and Understood our Clan Rules and Expectations?
A: I have read and i do agree with clan policies.

Greets ArnoldAceRimmer!

Seems like you'll be a perfect fit. both in timezone and overall attitude as you feel the same way we all do about being in a smaller, close-knit clan.  As tradition holds, I'd like to personally welcome & orient you online around the dojo before I send you the invite.


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-IGN: Brianthas
-AGE: 25
-Timezone: Pacific (on every day besides Fri/Sat/Sun, Wed/Thurs on all day, Mon/Tues/Wed on after 10pm pst)
-Primary Warframe/Weapons:Nova/Frost/Trinity Prime and Braton/Nikana Prime.
-Why do I want to join? Looking for an endgame-oriented active clan. I also like to make friends in the community, its the main reason why I play MMO's. No fun playing by yourself!
-Raid/Conclave? No. The last clan I joined before we dissolved did not do raids, were more focused on player-building.


Edited by Brianthas
Added on to joining.
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15 minutes ago, Brianthas said:

-IGN: Brianthas
-AGE: 25
-Timezone: Pacific (on every day besides Fri/Sat/Sun, Wed/Thurs on all day, Mon/Tues/Wed on after 10pm pst)
-Primary Warframe/Weapons:Nova/Frost/Trinity Prime and Braton/Nikana Prime.
-Why do I want to join? Looking for an endgame-oriented active clan. I also like to make friends in the community, its the main reason why I play MMO's. No fun playing by yourself!
-Raid/Conclave? No. The last clan I joined before we dissolved did not do raids, were more focused on player-building.


Sup Brianthas,

(I like that name for some reason).  Definitely agree with you about playing MMO's with ppl it is more fun. Its awesome to see pacific time players as that is the zone I would love to build up more in the clan.

I will meet you online and orient you to our clan a little more prior to an invite.  I do this to also assure that each member will have a timeframe(s) they will have access/see me online... cuz id hate to have any member online and never see me on in their time frames.  See you soon.

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Hey ArnoldAceRimmer, Brianthas and Shino1812,

As of this post I've been experiencing some connectivity issues...as I'm sure others have as well. I hope this is not another DDoS attack. However, as a contingency, I went ahead and sent you both invites to the clan.  Go ahead and build your keys and as soon as things stabilize with Warframe servers I will meet up with you both.

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We have Openings for 3 More New Recruits before we begin our preparations toward a Storm Tier!!! 

1) Are you an Elitist Clan?  In terms of MMO as-hats stereotypes, Nope.  By definition, Elitis (noun): A system that should be led by an Elite/Veteran. Yes.
2) Why does your clan require so much in general?  Because I'm looking for players that share as similar appreciation of this game as I do.
3) Is your ranking system mandatory?  No. 
4) Why are there requirements and challenges in your ranking system?  It is how our clan identifies & cultivates strong players. Clan Ranks are objectively Earned, NOT subjectively/freely given.

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IGN: Trent423

Age: 15

Time Zone: West Europe (UK)  - GMT+/--1:00. I'm usually online late on an evening around 8-10pm on weekdays, on weekends either most of the day or just a bit (sometimes all day if I have lots of grinding to do ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

Primary Frames: Saryn, Mesa & Nova. I like more damage orientated support play, so Nova and Saryn naturally come to me. Saryn being my favourite I have fallen in love with her since the rework which gave her brilliantly engaging complex combo play. Nova is my go to group play frame for things like defences & Mesa is my go-to solo frame because of how ridiculously OP Shatter shield, I also love the Gun slinger theme.

Primary Weapons: Dex Sybaris, Tigris (Looking to get Sancti soon) & Nikanas.

Why I want to join: I've been looking for a good, active clan to be in for a while. I used to be in a small clan but everyone stopped playing and I figured it was time to move on. I have a good amount of mechanical combat experience & skill, also general Game/PVE knowledge that I think would benefit other players (especially newer players).

Raid/Conclave? I have some experience in conclave but haven't undergone any raids.


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6 hours ago, Trent423 said:

IGN: Trent423

Age: 15

Time Zone: West Europe (UK)  - GMT+/--1:00. I'm usually online late on an evening around 8-10pm on weekdays, on weekends either most of the day or just a bit (sometimes all day if I have lots of grinding to do ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

Primary Frames: Saryn, Mesa & Nova. I like more damage orientated support play, so Nova and Saryn naturally come to me. Saryn being my favourite I have fallen in love with her since the rework which gave her brilliantly engaging complex combo play. Nova is my go to group play frame for things like defences & Mesa is my go-to solo frame because of how ridiculously OP Shatter shield, I also love the Gun slinger theme.

Primary Weapons: Dex Sybaris, Tigris (Looking to get Sancti soon) & Nikanas.

Why I want to join: I've been looking for a good, active clan to be in for a while. I used to be in a small clan but everyone stopped playing and I figured it was time to move on. I have a good amount of mechanical combat experience & skill, also general Game/PVE knowledge that I think would benefit other players (especially newer players).

Raid/Conclave? I have some experience in conclave but haven't undergone any raids.


Greetings Trent423,

Your time zone falls in line with a good number of our other European Player base. I like your playstyle and interest in Saryn's rework as I feel its a good direction that DE is taking with synergistic powers.  I am on HST time frame so that means im pretty much opposite of your time.  Your AM's are my PM's in general. Despite this, there will be plenty of time slots that you and I will cross paths for sure.  I will meet you online later this evening (or towards the weekend) for me (its is 12:20 pm as of this post)  to finish your orientation to our clan and any other inquiries I or you may have.  :)   see you soon!

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Age: 17 

Time: Pacific Time and is qutie active in the evenings ine Mondays through Fridays (Almost All day in the weekends)

Weps and Warframes: I tend to be the tanky type of person: Being equipped with Valker/Rhino with the Tonkor. At the moment, I'm leveling up Nova Prime and Prime Vasto, yet I'm working up for Trinity, Volt and Nyx Prime

Why I want to join: I'm looking for a more active clan since my previous one died off since inactivity. I just don't wish to be playing only with friends or randoms: I want to establish something better with new companions/future friends.

Raid/Conclave: I have not expirenced a raid, but I had gone down some conclave for couple matches during my early days in Warframe 

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10 hours ago, -Edrick- said:

Greetings Trent423,

Your time zone falls in line with a good number of our other European Player base. I like your playstyle and interest in Saryn's rework as I feel its a good direction that DE is taking with synergistic powers.  I am on HST time frame so that means im pretty much opposite of your time.  Your AM's are my PM's in general. Despite this, there will be plenty of time slots that you and I will cross paths for sure.  I will meet you online later this evening (or towards the weekend) for me (its is 12:20 pm as of this post)  to finish your orientation to our clan and any other inquiries I or you may have.  :)   see you soon!

I got online this morning (my timezone) and accidentally declined your friend request not knowing who you were, then checked the forums and I realised I screwed up. Sorry! >~<

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12 hours ago, TetrexVX said:


Age: 17 

Time: Pacific Time and is qutie active in the evenings ine Mondays through Fridays (Almost All day in the weekends)

Weps and Warframes: I tend to be the tanky type of person: Being equipped with Valker/Rhino with the Tonkor. At the moment, I'm leveling up Nova Prime and Prime Vasto, yet I'm working up for Trinity, Volt and Nyx Prime

Why I want to join: I'm looking for a more active clan since my previous one died off since inactivity. I just don't wish to be playing only with friends or randoms: I want to establish something better with new companions/future friends.

Raid/Conclave: I have not expirenced a raid, but I had gone down some conclave for couple matches during my early days in Warframe 

Greetings TetrexVX!

I will meet you online to answer/ask any other inquiries you or I may have.  I am HST so you are 3hrs ahead of me. We should be able to meet up sometime today or days after. Look forward to chatting with you.

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IGN: Ragingdeamon


Time Zone: GMT+1, usually play during saturday/ sunday afternoon and evenings, but might pop up mid week because I have nothing better to do.

Primary stuff: a lot. I'm MR 18, I could go on forever on how I use my weapons and frames. I'll just list the frames and weapons I usually use and call it a day. 

Warframes: Volt Prime, Saryn Prime, Banshee, Valkyr

Primaries: Sancti Tigris, Hek, Dread, Rakta Cernos, Amprex.

Secondaries: Rakta Ballistica, Vaykor Marelok, Staticor, Sonicor.

Melee: Scoliac, Galatine, Jat Kitty, Lacera, Serro. 

in general, I tend to build weapons because they seem fun. most builds I use currently are anti-sentients because I'm preparing to finally do the U18 moon stuff. I'm slow.

Why you: You have good presentation. I've had some clan issues in the past, and you seem all right. you also are in my time zone. hooray for that.

Raid: I have completed LoR many times, but I completed the Nightmare version only once. 

I did not complete JV. arrived to the last phase and failed, then decided that I preferred LoR and never looked back. 

Conclave: not interested in conclave. 

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IGN: Soridian


Time Zone: GMT+1

Active time: generally after 1800 weekday if i'm not doing anything after work, weekends depends what i have planned but generally morning/evening

What i do: Finance within a company

Primary Warframe/Weapons: I generally think of a theme for warframes i like and go with what weapons and look go with that so i play a variety of frames each with different weapons. Some of my favourite weapons would be the Rakta Cernos[Mag], Dread[Ivara], Quanta[Inaros], Twin Grakata's [CLEM!], Kitty Ham Jat Kittag[Atlas], Dex Dakra[Excalibur], Reaper Prime [Oberon]

In-game goals: Like any game, to enjoy playing it. i'd like more mastery rank to unlock more loadouts though.

Why do i wish to join: your thread has a good layout, seem like a freindly bunch and that dojo looks awesome.

PVP: recently gotten into it, 160 kills - 145 deaths.

raid: never tried out the raid, be interested to try it.

read and understood terms and condit- rules/exspectations: yes
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9 hours ago, ragingdeamon said:

IGN: Ragingdeamon


Time Zone: GMT+1, usually play during saturday/ sunday afternoon and evenings, but might pop up mid week because I have nothing better to do.

Primary stuff: a lot. I'm MR 18, I could go on forever on how I use my weapons and frames. I'll just list the frames and weapons I usually use and call it a day. 

Warframes: Volt Prime, Saryn Prime, Banshee, Valkyr

Primaries: Sancti Tigris, Hek, Dread, Rakta Cernos, Amprex.

Secondaries: Rakta Ballistica, Vaykor Marelok, Staticor, Sonicor.

Melee: Scoliac, Galatine, Jat Kitty, Lacera, Serro. 

in general, I tend to build weapons because they seem fun. most builds I use currently are anti-sentients because I'm preparing to finally do the U18 moon stuff. I'm slow.

Why you: You have good presentation. I've had some clan issues in the past, and you seem all right. you also are in my time zone. hooray for that.

Raid: I have completed LoR many times, but I completed the Nightmare version only once. 

I did not complete JV. arrived to the last phase and failed, then decided that I preferred LoR and never looked back. 

Conclave: not interested in conclave. 

Greetings Ragingdeamon,

Oh a Serro user. Interesting. I like how your building to be anti-sentients, its a good show of the kind of player base we look for. Also, your time zone definitely fits with a good number our player base. Although I am HST zone I do cross time with several GMT/EST players.  I will contact you via in-game and complete your orientation and inquiry you or I may have.  See you soon!


52 minutes ago, Soridian said:

IGN: Soridian


Time Zone: GMT+1

Active time: generally after 1800 weekday if i'm not doing anything after work, weekends depends what i have planned but generally morning/evening

What i do: Finance within a company

Primary Warframe/Weapons: I generally think of a theme for warframes i like and go with what weapons and look go with that so i play a variety of frames each with different weapons. Some of my favourite weapons would be the Rakta Cernos[Mag], Dread[Ivara], Quanta[Inaros], Twin Grakata's [CLEM!], Kitty Ham Jat Kittag[Atlas], Dex Dakra[Excalibur], Reaper Prime [Oberon]

In-game goals: Like any game, to enjoy playing it. i'd like more mastery rank to unlock more loadouts though.

Why do i wish to join: your thread has a good layout, seem like a freindly bunch and that dojo looks awesome.

PVP: recently gotten into it, 160 kills - 145 deaths.

raid: never tried out the raid, be interested to try it.

read and understood terms and condit- rules/exspectations: yes

Greetings Soridian,

Ah yes another GMT player :)  and a witty one too :P  Looks like you're also gonna be in-line with a good amount of our membership.  I am HST so your timezone is pretty much opposite of mine. Your AM's are my PM's :)   but I'm bound to see you online. when I do (or vice versa), ill finish your orientation of the clan.  See you soon.

After this, Our clan is now upgrading to Storm Tier!   All Interested Tenno willing to join our ranks may still apply on this thread until we get our Storm Clan Recruitment Thread up under the Storm Clan Sub-forums.

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IGN - Jephroe

Age - 25

Time Zone - Mountain. I typically play late in the evenings on weekdays and at different times throughout the day on weekends.

Profession - I'm a graduate student in mathematics.

I try to use most warframes and many different weapons since I think variety of play style is what keeps this game fresh, but there are a few I use more than the others.

Warframes: Loki, Nova, Mag, Zephyr.

Weapons: Tonkor, Soma, Braton, Quanta, Tiberon, Boar, Lex, Atomos, Gammacor, Tipedo, Redeemer, Nikana, Scindo, War, Broken War, Orthos.

Goals - I mostly just want to enjoy the game with other players.

Why I want to join - I've been in a few clans that died off, and also in a larger clan where everyone mostly seemed to ignore each other and rarely did void missions together. I prefer smaller clans and from your post I get the impression you frequently visit the void together and also do raids, which is exactly what I'm looking for.

I have some experience with conclave, but mostly just do the easier daily quests. 399 kills - 246 deaths (1.6 : 1). I have not completed a raid, but would like to.

I have read the clan expectations and rules.


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My IGN is TheTruthHurts, I am 18 years old at the time of this post. My timezone is US Central. My Main build is Chroma, Daikyu, secondary and melee changes often but I usually roll with Sonicor and Nikana Prime. My secondary build is Ash Prime, Vectis, Sonicor, and Karyst. My companions change at times from carrier, shade, and my Kubrow Mane. Mane is a Sahasa. I want to join cause I still have lots to learn. I have no experience in raids nor the conclave. My mods on my gear isn't the best as I still need to find more mods. I can download Teamspeak and I do have a mic. I am active during weekends and during the week when I can. I work nights. Any other questions I'd be more then happy to answer.

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