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Taxi Players And The Really Big Issue


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Dont get me wrong i Taxi ppl too to alert if forma potatoes or sometimes cosmetic stuff.


But there really need to a solution about the random taxi .


i played yesterday not fairly long only 10 rounds on Sedna Kappa wanted to lvl a formaed weapon up to 30.


But i failed 5 out of 10 times cause rank 0 to rank 2 where arround and was just cannon food could hold the waves art of time but with a non modded weapon and 2 insta ress needed.


thats isnt the point you know im mr 16 and for me its even hard only with my wf powers, if im not on a spam build even


then, hard to solo it cause there no fire powe beside that non modded weapon and have 3 other ppl who increase the


spawn but insta dead if they get touched and cant kill anything.


its ok if a buddy will help a friend BUT thats really isnt the way that other player gets then punished.


just think about ppl who dont lvl there vise just wanna paly the planet and fail and fail and fail cause flouded my low rankies.


there need pls a system and if anyone good a nice idea for it just post it.

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i know :p english isnt my native if you one correct it cant write better .


and kappa is still nice 3 runs and a weapon is 30 4 or 5 for a frame


and its not only kappa was only a got example cause i done it yesterday


its nearly every boss to and for player who are arround rank4 and gor for some bosses and got then a insta dead one with them is a horror cause they cant solo some bosses.

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Please correct me If I got this wrong:


You went to Kappa with an unranked/low rank weapon, unable to actually use it to fight the waves properly with it, hoping that people that actually had decent weapons would be there, so they could get to higher waves and if fact level the weapon for you, with shared XP, and instead you found a bunch of people that were there ALSO hoping to get put with people that could carry them, and you are not happy.


I seriously hope I understood wrong, because other wise that is INCREDIBLY stupid.

Edited by DSpite
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So to better explain it ok? 

it is a question of it in mission more un happen again, especially on fortuitous planet, the 0 or 2 come mastery rank purely and only dead meat are because they are not suitable in approach as I had again today only went from fun chase some bosses went on neptune for hyena pack arising from the I lied with mr16 mr1 and mr2 mr6 so now imagine how this poor soul now stands in front of the hyena pack with the 2 low ranks where in public match hoping for help? 


and that happens more often the mr 0 to mr3 a taxi to get a mission and then suffer other imgrunde underneath which they must if they can or not grind with

Edited by HackShield
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To clarify...


You took unranked, underpowered weapons into a Defense and when others have done likewise, you have become frustrated. Looking at their Ranks as blame, even though admitting you exhibited the same behavior at rank 16.


Maybe instead of being angry you should use the knowledge you gained along the path you chose to get to Rank 16 to help instruct the Rank 0-4 so they can better survive. Perhaps you could lead the team rather than just complain. Using simple tactics like getting the team to rally at defense location. Using focused fire to kill mobs (3 underpowered weapons have greater damage potential when united against a single foe). Knowing you can "hold your own" why not watch the right flank while having the 3 new players guard the left as a team. 


The biggest issue I see with complaints like these that hit the forums is that it's a situation in which a more experienced player has created a public game in which they are hoping they will get other experienced players joining so they themselves can get XP leeched to their gear. When other players join their game with the same objective of leeching XP and are not killing enough, the primary player is forced to rely on skills to do the bulk of the killing. If they are doing the bulk of the killing then their weapon is not getting leeched XP, but rather they are leeching XP to others. They then become frustrated and run to the forums to complain about others, even though it's just a mirror of their own actions.


Honestly, the only solid advice i can give you is:


A. Use Recruiting - Take the 2 minutes prior to joining a game to collect players with similar objective. This will prevent you from needing to spend 5 minutes on the forums later filing a complaint about something that could have been avoided. WOW! you just saved 3 minutes!


B. Teach - If you are leaving your games open to the public its because of 1 of 2 options. Either you are looking to leech XP in which case stop complaining you are just as much a part of the problem as the people you are complaining about; or the other reason is you want to play with a group. GREAT! So take the time to work on group tactics. A little instruction goes a long way.


C. Play solo - If you can handle the mobs yourself and do not want the possibility of increased mob spawns because you cannot handle this, than set your game to solo. 

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So to better explain it ok? 
it is a question of it in mission more un happen again, especially on fortuitous planet, the 0 or 2 come mastery rank purely and only dead meat are because they are not suitable in approach as I had again today only went from fun chase some bosses went on neptune for hyena pack arising from the I lied with mr16 mr1 and mr2 mr6 so now imagine how this poor soul now stands in front of the hyena pack with the 2 low ranks where in public match hoping for help? 
and that happens more often the mr 0 to mr3 a taxi to get a mission and then suffer other imgrunde underneath which they must if they can or not grind with



Three people MR 1, 2 and 6 will spawn a boss that is lower level than a group that includes a MR16. Your very presence in the mission causes the boss to spawn at a level that will most likely make the boss too hard for the lower ranks to defeat. This is a problem with public match-ups that has been discussed elsewhere on the forums. This is not necessarily about them joining a situation they can't handle, but a problem of the level scaling beyond them once already in game due to, in many instances, unchangeable circumstances.

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you dont understand what i mean.


i speak about what a bunch of mr 0 or mr2 have to do on planets like senda neptune europe ETC if they cant stand those enemies and that those happens is just likely cause of taxi .


and in my opnion there should be a set system to prefend that there is a reason that planets have different level you dont got directly access to all.


and im not angry about that i help newbies where i can but the big thing ppl need to listen and do so otherwise you speak against a wall and i dont blame it on the ranks but thats what i see a  rank and a hp and shield between 75 and 160 + mk1 weapons or may braton.


but with those arsenal set it its a terretory they shouldn `t go around.


and just to said it again its not about i need other player to leach.


i mostly play public to support lower ranks like with vauban spamming the bastille shoot enemies with that low ranked weapon beside taking rhino and spam a finisher but i cant help ppl that are 1 shot cause they didnt played through the solar system to gain enjoy capicty in frame or mods or weapons to stand those enemies

Edited by HackShield
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Yeah I know how it feels when i'm in a high level planet expecting high level players to join in but then MR1 or 2 or 3 joins in carrying what looks to be an mk-1 braton (i can tell by the rate of fire) and spends their entire 5mins getting mauled by butchers and prod men. (-_-)


But some MR 3 or lower are actually pretty skilled in fighting high level mobs, sure they might leech off you but they can carry there own weight.


I went into a Mimas Saturn and stayed there for 55mins, we had 2 Valkyrs and 1 MR3 Loki. Loki was using invisibility rather modestly and was facing the mobs head own and didn't die after the last minute which was really impressive.


Conclusion: Not all MR1-2-3 are all bad and some are exceptionally good though i don't think the issue of MR1-2-3 planet hopping can be fix in anyway so the best thing you can do is to quit or carry the extra burden and believe in them.


He who has great power has greater responsibilities

Edited by H.Katsura_999
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sure saw some really good lowbies to but i speak about really those who are even to dumb to stay near you ansd thats just frustrating.


and i only take the ranks as consider cause i can only see when im allrdy in the match there rank hp shield and which weapon they carry and frame and mostly what i see is just... uhm.. now i dont wanna come rude with it... suited for the situation in any kind of massure

Edited by HackShield
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First off, it looks as if


sure saw some really good lowbies to but i speak about really those who are even to dumb to stay near you ansd thats just frustrating.


and i only take the ranks as consider cause i can only see when im allrdy in the match there rank hp shield and which weapon they carry and frame and mostly what i see is just... uhm.. now i dont wanna come rude with it... suited for the situation in any kind of massure


First off, it looks as if you are putting another language in Google translate, and then pasting it in here. This makes it sheer hell to decipher what you are saying.


If you go to Alerts, you already know this happens. Failing or quitting an Alert does not make the Alert disappear. If you don't want to play "nice" then drop out. Complaining is not going to get you a "custom set of tools" made by DE that can "read minds" and figure out what people are trying to bring, and magically join you with correct people. MR is not a valid metric.


Random games, random results. I still don't understand why no one gets this. We already have tools to fix this, it's "Private Games".

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