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Banshee Need Some Changes.


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Hi everyone, im a bit new to the game and i just recently crafted Banshee, the whole gameplay of the character looks great but there is stil (in my opinion) some deficiencies with how some of her powers works.


1- Sonar should be an aura based move similar to silence, i find quite annoying to recast sonar everytime i enter a room, yeah i can use power efficiency and range mods but i think the frame would be more enjoyable this way.


2-Silence... well i just use this as a stun while rushing, i know is utility is pretty much for stealth gameplay but a few changes would make this move better, like reduced accuracy on affected enemies, is a decent move as it is but with a little extra effect would definitely be a great skill.


3-Soundquake, useful to CC enemies, but for a "4" skill the damage is awful, it should be raised a bit or another similar case as silence, "an extra effect" or a few tweaks.


My primary complain here is how sonar and silence works to be honest and it can be easily fixed in my opinion and make banshee a better frame overall.


Sorry if i misspelled something, english isn`t my first language.


Please post any suggestion if you have it.

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1. I completely agree with you.


2. If you are playing Stealth correctly, the enemies shouldn't even be shooting at you. You are trying to make Silence a non-stealth skill.


3. Sound quake would indeed use a buff to it's damage. I also wish we would be able to move during sound quake :/

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I'm a Banshee enthusiast myself and would certainly like to see some of the changes you've mentioned. Sonar being a mobile aura like Silence would be great. Having to refresh it every time you enter a new room is irksome.


With Silence, I'm pretty sure the stun affect (enemies squat over holding their ears) only works when you're hosting. Pretty annoying as it's a great defensive measure, especially if you need to make a quick exit on a survival.


Sound Quake... I hear Banshee was invulnerable to damage whilst casting it at some point in the past. Whilst I initially thought that should be reintroduced, if you place yourself in a tactically sound location (i.e. behind cover) it's not actually much of an issue. As for the damage, Banshee isn't really an active damage-dealing frame. Sound Quake's power lies in its ability to stunlock everything in its blast radius; increasing the damage would be effective up to a point, but once you get 60+ minutes into a survival it's not going to count for much.

Edited by Dualice
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Im playing this game for 5-6 months and know how nearly every frame strong points and weakness, now tell me how my suggestions would make this particular frame OP? all i want is balance, i say hi to nova, rhino and mirage.

yup - mobile sonar is OP. 1145% damage for 15 sec in radius near 50m - and You wanna run with that? for free?


well - ok - that will not be OP -> one thing - You will have to cast all ability working time. like Nix's absorb. ok?


Nova's and Rhino's ults not run with they together. 

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I have never used Banshee, but I've heard some pretty bad things from people who have. From what I can understand, Banshee is pretty much the worst warframe in the game at the moment.


I completely agree with this post and think that Banshee should get a buff.


Again, I have only heard that she is bad, I have never actually used her. So don't hate on me Banshee lovers!     ._.

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1. Imo, sonar is fine, it makes sense to 'ping' to locate the enemies. (not to mention the crazy damage boost)


2. seems fine to me, though admittedly I don't use it much, at all in fact >.>  So maybe it could use a tweak.


3. Sound Quakes damage is not too bad, but as with all straight up damage powers, it loses a lot of effectiveness (to a point of being pure utility at some point) as you reach top and overlevelled enemies. But the way is staggerlocks everything it touches and it being a toggle power still give it a good bit of utility.

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I have never used Banshee, but I've heard some pretty bad things from people who have. From what I can understand, Banshee is pretty much the worst warframe in the game at the moment.


I completely agree with this post and think that Banshee should get a buff.


Again, I have only heard that she is bad, I have never actually used her. So don't hate on me Banshee lovers!     ._.


Look. Hands off my Banshee.


In all seriousness, if you take certain frames out for a spin, you have to know what the hell you are doing it for. If you know for a fact that 2 out of 4 of your abilities aren't going to be touched on a map, take a different frame.


I like to use SB a lot to clear mobs off people, have a build to SQ for very long durations on maps with tight areas, and use a Flux Rifle when I know I will be making heavy use of Sonar.


When you have the proper mods and can max range or min energy costs, she's fun to play. Just because some frames have abilities that scale, just means that someone probably underestimated what players would do with them.


The idea of so many frames is to hopefully find a niche for everyone. Your milage may vary.

Edited by DSpite
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To clarify, if they change sonar to be a mobile move the damage boost should be tweaked to the according value, maybe 200% max as an example.


I was tested today silence and as someone above says, it seems to do not work properly if you are not the host and i still gonna say the same, this ability for 75 power is a bit awful, when sonar have a damage boost and only cost 50, it would be better if enemies affected by silence have reduced accuracy or another kind of debuff to justify the 75 power cost.

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I have never used Banshee, but I've heard some pretty bad things from people who have. From what I can understand, Banshee is pretty much the worst warframe in the game at the moment.


I completely agree with this post and think that Banshee should get a buff.


Again, I have only heard that she is bad, I have never actually used her. So don't hate on me Banshee lovers!     ._.


Opinions vary on different frames. I really didn't get on with Saryn, but have met plenty of players that dig her. Banshee generally seems to be a big divider of opinions. The people that dislike her seem to really dislike her. DSpite worded it very well.




I was tested today silence and as someone above says, it seems to do not work properly if you are not the host and i still gonna say the same, this ability for 75 power is a bit awful, when sonar have a damage boost and only cost 50, it would be better if enemies affected by silence have reduced accuracy or another kind of debuff to justify the 75 power cost.


Then it seems my suspicions were confirmed.

Edited by Dualice
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wow some of the comments here... banshee = massive damage buff (+1,145% dmg!) and 3 crowd control skills


anyone that is saying she is one of the worst warframes in the game or is in a bad place is obviously a 'skillless boltor prime spamming newbie who only uses rhino prime' type who is used to training wheels and hand hold


ill take a good banshee on the team any day


DE has already done a pass on her recently, buffs and changes, she is in a good place at the moment 


people just dont know how to play banshee correctly, if u main her it WILL make you a better player 

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Sonar following her might be too strong unless it didnt highlight weak points with it


Silence is fine as is


Its designed for stealth and has the stun to make it useful in non stealth mode missions


Sound quake isnt really a damage skill but youre underplaying its damage potential greatly


Given that it can hit every enemy in a huge range and can be held and maintained for quite some time even with blind rage id say its fine how it is in terms of damage


Its CC is easily one of the best as a bonus to that

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Banshee needs mobility.


Is Banshee designed after a bird? If so shouldn't she be able to fly? Isnt her chorus helmet design based on a airplane? Then why cant she fly?


Sonic Scream - Bansee actually screams, instant cast speed, able to reflect projectiles, scream in cone blast , fully aimable, able to affect enemies getting up, able to affect enemies on their backs. The ability will create a long wide cone that send enemies flying back.



Sonar should grant you the ability to see through walls. We should be able to see the enemies heart beating in red. We should be able to see the enemies brains (it can fell the cavity of the skull). We should get a 10x multiplier for head shots, and a 5x multiplier for heart shots. It would put banshee in a state where she could see sound only.



Harmony - (replaces Silence) - Banshee create vibrations around her body giving her the ability to levitate, she would not fly like Zephyr but she will be able to levitate around. She will have a small field of vibrating air around. This air will vibrate from above her head to below her feet lifting her up. She would be able to fly up, down, left, right, back, and forward. This will grant Banshee the mobility needed so she can get to good sniper positions. This ability would work similar to a swimmer using the dolphin kick, but it would work inversely. Banshee will cause the air around her to angulate downward giving her lift. Banshee will not move very fast. Also banshee will be able to shoot, or levitate in one position like a hellion. *This ability continuously drain energy. Toggle able* Jump button to ascend / Use button to descend


Soundquake - Banshee strike the ground with huge force creating an earthquake that last for 15 seconds. The earthquake will cause the same damage and immobility as the normal soundquake but Banshee will be free to move.



Edited by OrphanMaker
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Watching a Banshee getting leveled at the moment, I want to add these things:

Sonic Boom:

Fine as it is.


I agree fully. Should be a toggle with range field (affected by Range, of course)


Fine as it is.

Sound Quake:

To use Sound Quake best, you are supposed to stop it, then recast when stuff gets near you. Endlessly pushing enemies out with plink-damage per second is not the way to play this.

Thus, I don't think the issue is with the power itself, but how people use it.

Thus: Fine as it is.

Now, though, her polarities are completely opposite of what she needs.

She comes with a V aura, and two V slots.

How is that useful in any way?

First of, she is a caster frame, so the - (for Siphon, pretty much) or even the D polarity aura slot would be better.

Then, what she needs is those two V slots switched to either D or - slots. Maybe two D, maybe a D and a -.

Efficiency (Streamline, Fleeting) mods are -, Range is - and D.

The only use for V is if you want to buff Sonar either by damage mods or Continuity. Those are second thoughts though, to round off a build, not the necessarities.

At most! have one V slot, but even that is not fitting her most needed slots and can be added later on.

I hope that a possible Banshee Prime will have those V polarities changed to something more useful. Preferably - Aura, a - and a D slot.

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^ Some great points there Fubukin. Those twin Vs are not suited for Banshee's role, neither is the V aura. I've already expended two forma on mine to add a D polarity and switch the aura to what it should be, for Energy Siphon/Corrosive Projection/Shield Disruption.

Edited by Dualice
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Hi everyone, im a bit new to the game and i just recently crafted Banshee, the whole gameplay of the character looks great but there is stil (in my opinion) some deficiencies with how some of her powers works.


1- Sonar should be an aura based move similar to silence, i find quite annoying to recast sonar everytime i enter a room, yeah i can use power efficiency and range mods but i think the frame would be more enjoyable this way.


2-Silence... well i just use this as a stun while rushing, i know is utility is pretty much for stealth gameplay but a few changes would make this move better, like reduced accuracy on affected enemies, is a decent move as it is but with a little extra effect would definitely be a great skill.


3-Soundquake, useful to CC enemies, but for a "4" skill the damage is awful, it should be raised a bit or another similar case as silence, "an extra effect" or a few tweaks.


My primary complain here is how sonar and silence works to be honest and it can be easily fixed in my opinion and make banshee a better frame overall.


Sorry if i misspelled something, english isn`t my first language.


Please post any suggestion if you have it.


why damage on sound quake, its just an earthquake and stagger enemies. its kewl

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1) Sonic Boom DMG at max level to 250, make it either bypass mitigation but ignore damage amplification or follow regular rules with Blast Dmg.


2) There is not much to do with silence until stealth is relevant to the gameplay, which is probably never going to happen since fast gun&nuke MAKES this game. However, turning it into a mini panic CC was a step in the right direction.


Personally, I would do as follow:


Unalerted enemies: Current silence effect.

Alerted enemies: Short stun followed by accuracy reduction or puncture's ailment for simplicity's sake.


3) Sonar is fine.


4) Sound Quake is okayish as a channel ability, I would increase its dmg to 350-400ish base dmg per tick at max level (affected by mitigation & amp.) while increasing the cost/drain accordingly, they need to improve the time spent channeling/damage ratio to make this worthwhile, make it do more damage in a shorter amount of time but increase the cost.


They seriously gutted this frame by nerfing it back in the Kappa days by listening to all the whine instead of checking what was actually going on (a bug making Sound Quake hits TWICE per tick instead of once, they chose to nerf SQ on top of fixing the bug afterward.)


why damage on sound quake, its just an earthquake and stagger enemies. its kewl


To have a reason to use it rather than spam Sonic Boom for more efficient CCing, mobility, awareness and ability to use guns. For now, Sound Quake has way to many drawbacks. It is not "kewl", it feels like riding a donkey in a competitive horse race. It is the main reason why most banshee players will only slot SB & Sonar.

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