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I would love to see stat totals! I understand that you want to show the guns base stats, but it is really frustrating not knowing the results of all the mods and upgrades you have put into your gun. Please think about adding this feature to the game, it would be amazing to see the work you have put in threw a summary of your stats without having to go in and count up the stats your self. Any other ideas?

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Yes I totally agree with this. Probably put it somewhere in the Warframe and Weapon customization window. It would make it a lot easier if we can see our current stats and how the mods we add, affect our stats. Especially when it comes to +% mods like Critical Chance/Damage and Armor. I have some great critical chance and damage mods that I want to use, but I don't want to blindly use them.

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Yes I totally agree with this. Probably put it somewhere in the Warframe and Weapon customization window. It would make it a lot easier if we can see our current stats and how the mods we add, affect our stats. Especially when it comes to +% mods like Critical Chance/Damage and Armor. I have some great critical chance and damage mods that I want to use, but I don't want to blindly use them.

That's exactly how I feel about it. I usually just end up manually counting out what the total should be.. When really, I shouldn't be wasting my time on some thing like that. It really takes away from the action! Most of the time your in your arsenal in between games waiting in que anyway. Soo the stats may aswell be laid out efficiently, making it easyer to jump back into the game as fast as possible.
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The bane of the UI for me at the moment.

Seeing the totals that your mods would ad and even comparing the base of the weapon's stats to your currently leveled weapon would really give more of an idea on how much leveling up your gun has changed how it functions. In the UI's current state, you'd hae to manually tally up every upgrade's addition, at even when upgrading it just tell you how much the upgrade adds but not what its ADDING to.

So say You're upgrading your Gorgon's clip size; alright, 100 > 125, kudos to you. Down the line however, selecting an additional clip size upgrade will still state 100 > 125, not 125 > 150, etc, the UI doesn't take into account how your gun's stats have chnged, and the same goes for mods and other percentiles you add to your gear.

Pretty much a UI overhaul would do wonders for quick and easy weapon and mod management as you scale through levels and choose how you want your gear to perform for you. Its not game breaking, but its still something that should be addressed.

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Mhm I'm suprised no one has brought it up before.. It is by far the most annoying aspect of the game so far. With it being such a necessary basic fuction of the game it needs to be fixed fast for everyones sanity lol. I can understand them taking a bit more time on maps etc. The necessities by far are match making and the UI/gameplay for a game thats only co-op atm.

Edited by IHustleBones
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Personally, I reckon that they shouldn't display the Base -> New value on skills, instead just showing you the flat bonus, and then in a neat little window to the side of the skill tree have your total stats, possibly in the form "Base (+Bonus)". That way, you avoid the awkwardness of multiple power max skills, for example, showing 100 -> 125. Instead, it would just say "Power Max +25", and at the side, with the rest of your stats, it'd show 100 (+50), or whatever.

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I would have to say the most frustrating thing I have encounted in the game so far, is that I have no idea what my cumulative stats are.

Right in the Skill Tree UI it would be nice to have stats for each page, one for Warframe, Main Hand, Secondary, and Melee, that way we could tell how our mods are effecting out stats in real-time. I have spent more time hovering over mods and adding stats in my head, then comparing them with other stats and trying to guess which ones produce the best outcome, then I have enjoying them.

It really would be nice to really know whats really going on with Damage, Armor, Crit Chance, etc, etc...in real time instead of spending so much time trying to figure it out.

Also side note, can we add a blinking effect to new mods in the inventory? Or like a little NEW ITEM Banner for mods that have just been received from a mission. Inventory sorting would be amazing!


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I agree! My suggestions are as follows...

Arsenal overview:

In here, each weapon should have stats of current total values of damage, refire rate and clip size displayed next to its image (this goes for any other stat that might be added later). In addition to this, hovering a mouse pointer on a certain stat should display the base stat plus bonus in a tiny window next to the mouse poitner. Example: Damage = 32.5 [25+7.5].

Also, this should be implemented for warframe as well. I want to know how much armor I actually have, and how much damage will that amount of armor absorb! It could be placed in %, or regular numbered value, but I think one should know it. As it is, I don't know if my armor absorbs 10% or 80% damage, and it is a hinder. How am I to know in the heat of gunfight with half-a-dozen enemies if my armor improvements are actually useful or not?

Weapon comparison (purchase) overview:

It is not that necessary in here as it is above. Actually, it would be counter-productive here, IMHO. Comparing the base values is more important here, I think, because you could be tricked by the total values of your current gun.

Weapon tech tree:

There should be a clearly visible legend - maybe somewhere in the corner - that displays the base value of stats, plus the bonus value! As for the bonus value, it should be clearly differentiated between the one that comes the tech tree's bonus, and the one that comes from mod's bonus. This should apply to all tech trees, both weapon and warframe. Example: Fire rate = 21.65 [18+2.5+1.15]. The corner legend could be shaped like a table that displays columns for base value, tech tree bonus value, mod bonus value, and total value.

When it comes to warframe, the range of warframe powers (slash dash, radial blind, etc) should all have that value displayed as well, prefferably in some sort of relatively usable metric system. I'm aware that no player can be exactly sure how much 15 feet or 5 meters actually is in the game's 3D environment, but some sort of value would be more than helpful! And it should all be displayed in ways as suggested above!

The "shield capacity" stat, "health" stat, and other similar stats in warframe tech tree should NOT be displayed in [100>125] way, but should just say [+25]. Nothing more. It is only confusing as it is now.

Melee weapon has its physical range as well, and it (as well as any boost) should be displayed. The experience will lead players to be masters of this. Also, melee weapon has its heavy attack charging speed. This should have an actual value in seconds displayed somewhere, not just the damage it does.

Whew... that's about what I had in mind. What do you all think of this?

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Personally, I reckon that they shouldn't display the Base -> New value on skills, instead just showing you the flat bonus, and then in a neat little window to the side of the skill tree have your total stats, possibly in the form "Base (+Bonus)". That way, you avoid the awkwardness of multiple power max skills, for example, showing 100 -> 125. Instead, it would just say "Power Max +25", and at the side, with the rest of your stats, it'd show 100 (+50), or whatever.

Not a bad idea :)

@Phoenix: agreed.

Edited by FreshJB2
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